This package contains Microsoft Azure Serialization API for Azure Cosmos DB
Cassandra Api Spark Connector Helper for Microsoft Azure CosmosDB
A cloud pool capable of managing a pool of VMs in Microsoft Azure. This build module produces an all-in-one "server and application" executable jar file. When executed, it starts an embedded web server that publishes the cloud pool REST API endpoint.
Implementation of the Dasein Cloud API for Microsoft Windows Azure Pack.
Implementation of the Microsoft Azure API through jclouds for Dasein Cloud.
This package contains all Java interfaces and annotations to interact with Microsoft Azure functions runtime for Cosmos DB Cassandra API Service.
Java Async SDK (with Reactive Extension RX support) for Azure Cosmos DB SQL API
Spring Data for Azure Cosmos DB DocumentDB API
A provider extension for Spring Social to enable connectivity with Microsoft and an API binding for Microsoft's Azure Management REST API.
Implementation of the Dasein Cloud API for Microsoft Azure.