Hibernate OGM CouchDB modules creation to use in WildFly
Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on https://oss.sonatype.org/
The Eclipse JNoSQL communication layer, Diana, to Couchdb
Camel Kafka Connector for couchdb
Penn State's Open Source JavaEE implmentation of the SCIM version 2.0 specification (RFC7642, RFC7643 and RFC7644)
Abdera Adapters
Maven plugins configuration
FF4J, stands for Feature Flipping for Java, helps you implementing the 'feature toggle' agile development practice. Features (services/behaviour/treatments/screen parts) can be enabled and disabled at runtime but also limited to an authorized sub-set of users (e.g : beta-testers for beta feature). Once the feature is enabled and granted you can implement your own strategy to flip through custom FlippingStrategy.
Apache Log4J Implementation.
Parent for CouchDB integration
Spring Data repositories for CouchDB
Parent for CouchDB integration
Test-Utils for CouchDB
Connector and Spring Data implementation for CouchDB
The couchdb core module - without any unnecessary dependencies
LEVR is a web service framework that allows you to write and publish complex web services quickly and in a variety of domain-specific languages.
A couchdb driver for Scala, but not an object mapper.
Buession Framework Audit Support Couchdb For CAS
Buession Framework Support Couchdb For CAS
Buession Framework Service Registry Support Couchdb For CAS
Buession Framework Throttle Couchdb For CAS
Buession Framework Ticket Couchdb For CAS
CouchDB Mocking
JAAS Hybrid realm module (LDAP, JDBC, CouchDB) for tomcat
Couchdb client library
JAAS Hybrid realm module (LDAP, JDBC, CouchDB) for Jetty
Couchdb client library
Entity Component System storing entities in a couchdb instance
Couchdb testing library
Couchdb testing library
A simple Scala client for CouchDB
JAAS Hybrid realm module (LDAP, JDBC, CouchDB) for Glassfish
JAAS Hybrid realm module (LDAP, JDBC, CouchDB) for server applications like Glassfish, Jetty and Tomcat
Entity Component System storing entities in a couchdb instance
Couchdb testing library
CouchDB Mocking
A simple date formatting/parsing library that (by default) normalizes all formatted dates to UTC, and assumes all date strings are indicated in UTC. Its intended use is to offer a simple API useful for representing/consuming dates within lexicographically-sensitive database systems (e.g. couchdb, AWS SimpleDB, etc).
Hydra is a simple, highly redundant pull-based messaging system. It uses CouchDb as its message store, and replication to deliver messages. It can be used by any language capable of making HTTP calls, and C# and Java client implementations are included.