EruptProcess mongodb impl
External API modules packaged with Dirigible
OenCGA projects implements a big data platform for genomic data analysis
starter for mongodb
Spring Cloud Stream Mongodb Source Kafka 10 Binder Application
This project is aggregator for all the supported connectors.
RESTHeart MongoDB - MongoDB plugin
Transactional Catalog for Data Lakes
Adds Teiid MongoDB translator
Component for working with documents stored in MongoDB database.
nutz wtih mongodb
The Gravitee.IO Parent POM provides common settings for all Gravitee components.
Common support packages for the generated classes that exceeds capabilities of the basic immutable implementaions. Includes JSON marshaling, MongoDB repository utilities and JAX-RS microservices support.
The official MongoDB Apache Spark Connect Connector.
Provides a GORM Object Mapping implementations for the MongodB Document Database
Morphia is an Object-Document Mapper, written in Java for MongoDB. Application developer authoring code in Java and using the mongo-java-driver can use Morphia to map POJO classes into MongoDB documents and vice-versa. Morphia provides a Datastore, Query, and DAO-style interfaces including CRUD services in a type-safe manner.
Java Object Document Mapper for MongoDB
Maps Mongo BSON objects to Jackson annotated POJOs
The official MongoDB driver for Node.js.
MongoDB Stitch Android/Java SDK - Android Core
mongowp is a Java layer that enables the development of server-side MongoDB wire protocol implementations. Any application designed to act as a mongo server could rely on this layer to implement the wire protocol. Examples of such applications may be mongo proxies, connection poolers or in-memory implementations, to name a few.
The Gravitee.IO Parent POM provides common settings for all Gravitee components.
MongoDB Stitch Android/Java SDK - Core SDK
Provides a GORM Object Mapping implementations for the MongodB Document Database
Java Collections backed by mongodb (
NutzBoot, micoservice base on Nutz
Fake implementation of MongoDB in Java that speaks the wire protocol
Camel Debezium MongoDB support
The official MongoDB driver for Node.js.
MongoDB Stitch Android/Java SDK - Server Core
This resource adapter reads data from MongoDB
Foursquare's Scala DSL for constructing and executing find and modify commands against MongoDB
MongoDB object-document mapper in Java based on
MongoDB tool for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes