FilteredPush dwc:Event data quality library. Tools for working with dates in forms found in biodiversity data.
A way to show data in tabular form
A way to show data in tabular form
Java implementation of some common api of image manipulation in the form of data frame
scala-tptp-parser is a library for parsing the input languages of the TPTP infrastructure for knowledge representation and reasoning. The package contains a data structure for the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the parsed input as well as the parser for the different language of the TPTP, see for details. In particular, parser are available for: - THF (TH0/TH1): Monomorphic and polymorphic higher-order logic, - TFF (TF0/TF1): Monomorphic and polymorphic typed first-order logic, including extended TFF (TFX), - FOF: Untyped first-order logic, - TCF: Typed clause-normal form, - CNF: (Untyped) clause-normal form, and - TPI: TPTP Process Instruction language. The parser was initially based on v7.4.0.3 of the TPTP syntax BNF (, but is continuously updated to keep track of TPTP language updates.
Persistent data structures in the form of immutable copy-on-write lists, maps and sets for Java. Based on balanced trees.
Android helper library to populate form fields with predefined data set
Aird Format SDK, Aird is a high performance data form used for Mass Spectrum Data Reading, Computing and Storage AirdPro Version or higher New Scene for Column Compression: Aird-Slice
The Bard Framework Parent POM provides common settings for all Bards components.
Scala library for reading and writing CSV data with an optional high level API. Supports structured access to tabular data and a form of CSV format detection.
Scala library for reading and writing CSV data with an optional high level API. Supports structured access to tabular data and a form of CSV format detection.
Scala library for reading and writing CSV data with an optional high level API. Supports structured access to tabular data and a form of CSV format detection.
Allows working with difference between two states of an object in form of a patch object.
Spring taglibs for basic data query forms.
Drivers for basic data query forms.
Credit Card Number is a library that can provide details of a bank issued credit card number. All classes are immutable and thread-safe. The standard `toString()` function formats data in a readable form.
The Data Process Open Metadata Access Service (OMAS) provides APIs and events for a data movement/processing engine to record the changes it is making the the data landscape. This information forms a key part of the lineage for the data assets that are affected.
This plugin should be used to get DDL from mysql in general SQL form, to extract data into insert.sql files, and do something more.
Tools for converting complex HTML form data into object graphs and collections.
Java client library for the Degree API, giving quick access to heating and cooling degree days (HDD and CDD) for locations worldwide. Degree days are a specialist kind of weather data (specifically a form of historical temperature data) used for analysis of HVAC energy consumption in buildings, typically as part of an energy management program.
JSL Solucoes LTDA parent pom definition
Kie Workbench - Forms - Data Modeller Integration
Use this tool to quickly create http client. Currently support get,post,put and patch request. Request body support url-encoded, form-data, json, Response body support json, text, stream.
Use this tool to quickly create http client. Currently support get,post,put and patch request. Request body support url-encoded, form-data, json, Response body support json, text, stream.
Use this tool to quickly create http client. Currently support get,post,put and patch request. Request body support url-encoded, form-data, json, Response body support json, text, stream.
Apache Spatial Information System (SIS) is a free software, Java language library for developing geospatial applications. SIS provides data structures for geographic features and associated metadata along with methods to manipulate those data structures. The library is an implementation of GeoAPI 3.0.2 interfaces and can be used for desktop or server applications. The SIS metadata module forms the base of the library and enables the creation of metadata objects which comply with the ISO 19115 international standard. The SIS referencing module enable the construction of geodetic data structures for geospatial referencing as defined by ISO 19111 standard, along with the associated operations which enable the transformation of coordinates between different reference systems. The SIS storage modules provide a common approach to the reading and writing of metadata, features and coverages applicable to simple imagery as to many dimensional data structures.
Apache Accumulo is a sorted, distributed key/value store based on Google's BigTable design. It is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift. It features a few novel improvements on the BigTable design in the form of cell-level access labels and a server-side programming mechanism that can modify key/value pairs at various points in the data management process.
Apache Accumulo is a sorted, distributed key/value store based on Google's BigTable design. It is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift. It features a few novel improvements on the BigTable design in the form of cell-level access labels and a server-side programming mechanism that can modify key/value pairs at various points in the data management process.
This is a demo program that illustrates some of the capabilities of Madura working with Vaadin. Specifically it shows the use of the JPAontainer. The JPAContainer shown here is extended from the one you can find in Vaadin Addons to support Spring's @Transactional notation. It is also using Madura Objects, but that is an interesting incidental because you could use Madura Objects with both. So the objective here is to show a complete working demo of how to configure everything to show a table of data fetched from a database using JPA, including popup edit forms.
The NFB Software Java-XML was created to help developers deal with common problems when dealing with String data in the forms of raw strings and XML files.
eFaps-Kernel-Install contains all definitions for the kernel in form of various XML Files, pictures etc. The whole Data will be imported into the eFaps-DataBase on the first installation of eFaps.
FilteredPush dwc:Georeference data quality library. Tools for working with georeference data in forms found in biodiversity data.
This library is a set of frequently used components and includes (in the future it is planned to split into separate libraries): - Facilitating synchronization of processes, including those in different threads (com.alcosi.lib.synchronisation) - Logging of incoming and outgoing requests Http,RabbitMQ (com.alcosi.lib.rabbit,com.alcosi.lib.logging.http,com.alcosi.lib.filters) - Logging of execution time and errors with annotations (using AspectJ) (com.alcosi.lib.logging.annotations) - Logging SQL queries/responses and notice/exception (for JDBCTemplate) (com.alcosi.lib.db) - CORS Filter - Response caching for incoming Http requests. (com.alcosi.lib.filters) - Error handling for incoming and outgoing requests Http,RabbitMQ (com.alcosi.lib.rabbit,com.alcosi.lib.logging.http) - RabbitMQ configuration (com.alcosi.lib.rabbit) - Facilitating the connection of external JARs to the application. (com.alcosi.lib.utils.ExternalJarLoad) - Set of serializers for Jackson (com.alcosi.lib.serializers) - Custom thread pools, including with blocking queue (com.alcosi.lib.executors) - Swagger and OpenAPI distribution (com.alcosi.lib.doc) - Load balancer when working with Etherium nodes (com.alcosi.lib.crypto) - Contract caching for WEB3J (com.alcosi.lib.crypto) - Automatic registration of frequently used components in Spring (only if available in classpath) - Interface and wrappers for encryption/decryption (com.alcosi.lib.secured.encrypt) - Encryption key provider interface and implementations - in env. variable and through http - Thread context form headers/to headers (com.alcosi.lib.filters,com.alcosi.lib.logging.http) - Simple authentication (com.alcosi.lib.filters) - Secured data containers with JSON serialization and log masking (com.alcosi.lib.secured.container,com.alcosi.lib.secured.logging.files,com.alcosi.lib.serializers) With dependencies
This library is a set of frequently used components and includes (in the future it is planned to split into separate libraries): - Facilitating synchronization of processes, including those in different threads (com.alcosi.lib.synchronisation) - Logging of incoming and outgoing requests Http,RabbitMQ (com.alcosi.lib.rabbit,com.alcosi.lib.logging.http,com.alcosi.lib.filters) - Logging of execution time and errors with annotations (using AspectJ) (com.alcosi.lib.logging.annotations) - Logging SQL queries/responses and notice/exception (for JDBCTemplate) (com.alcosi.lib.db) - CORS Filter - Response caching for incoming Http requests. (com.alcosi.lib.filters) - Error handling for incoming and outgoing requests Http,RabbitMQ (com.alcosi.lib.rabbit,com.alcosi.lib.logging.http) - RabbitMQ configuration (com.alcosi.lib.rabbit) - Facilitating the connection of external JARs to the application. (com.alcosi.lib.utils.ExternalJarLoad) - Set of serializers for Jackson (com.alcosi.lib.serializers) - Custom thread pools, including with blocking queue (com.alcosi.lib.executors) - Swagger and OpenAPI distribution (com.alcosi.lib.doc) - Load balancer when working with Etherium nodes (com.alcosi.lib.crypto) - Contract caching for WEB3J (com.alcosi.lib.crypto) - Automatic registration of frequently used components in Spring (only if available in classpath) - Interface and wrappers for encryption/decryption (com.alcosi.lib.secured.encrypt) - Encryption key provider interface and implementations - in env. variable and through http - Thread context form headers/to headers (com.alcosi.lib.filters,com.alcosi.lib.logging.http) - Simple authentication (com.alcosi.lib.filters) - Secured data containers with JSON serialization and log masking (com.alcosi.lib.secured.container,com.alcosi.lib.secured.logging.files,com.alcosi.lib.serializers) Without dependencies
VGS Checkout Android SDK is a library that allows you to securely collect payment and billing data from your users without having to pass that data through your systems. Get all the benefits with pre-build form while having flexibility with customizable UI components on mobile devices with Android OS.