Kotlin bindings/extensions for the CameraKit SDK.
Universal 3D camera functions (Core)
common utility classes for android demos. includes camera management, image processing classes optimized for android usage, and utilities for saving and loading moment and matcher data.
Camera control (regardless of the specific engine)
WebJar for turntable-camera-controller
LibYuv for Android
Widget classes for audio, video, radio and camera functionality.
UI library is a set of UI Views, Custom Component and Collection of Helper Classes which help Developer for making quality Product. Such as Camera, Gallery, Number of Pickers, Calendar, Date Pickers, Dialogs and many more Heler UI and Backend Component.
Provides an implementation of the CameraKit MediaProcessor Source which uses Android Intents to pick media from local storage.
Supplementary Kotlin (inline) functions to use when developing custom CameraKit extensions.
A Camera library for object scanning/detection in Android
project description
The Mobile SDK enables you to automate your DJI devices such as DJI aircrafts or DJI handheld devices. You can control the camera and gimbal. Using the Mobile SDK, create a customized android app to unlock the full potential of your DJI products.
The Mobile SDK enables you to automate your DJI handheld devices. You can control the camera and gimbal. Using the Mobile SDK, create a customized android app to unlock the full potential of your DJI handheld platform.
The Mobile SDK enables you to automate your DJI devices such as DJI aircrafts or DJI handheld devices. You can control the camera and gimbal. Using the Mobile SDK, create a customized android app to unlock the full potential of your DJI products.
The Mobile SDK enables you to automate your DJI handheld devices. You can control the camera and gimbal. Using the Mobile SDK, create a customized android app to unlock the full potential of your DJI handheld platform.
The Mobile SDK enables you to automate your DJI aircrafts. You can control flight, and many subsystems of the product including the camera and gimbal. Using the Mobile SDK, create a customized android app to unlock the full potential of your DJI aerial platform.
WebJar for orbit-camera-controller
Push lenses from Lens Studio to your CameraKit application
Provides an extension which is required to use Connected Lenses feature with the CameraKit SDK.
The Mobile SDK enables you to automate your DJI aircrafts. You can control flight, and many subsystems of the product including the camera and gimbal. Using the Mobile SDK, create a customized android app to unlock the full potential of your DJI aerial platform.
A User-Friendly Method to Calibrate Cameras and Projector-Camera Systems
DevBricks eXetrems Camera Library
Provides Google's GMS backed implementation of a LocationProcessor Source for the CameraKit SDK.
Provides Google's ArCore backed implementation of an ImageProcessor Source for the CameraKit SDK.
Reference implementation of Snap's camera lenses carousel.
Provides all-in-one solution Android View that renders a camera preview through the CameraKit SDK, configured with defaults but open to customization.
Fancy Android Camera SelfieSegmentation
Fancy Android Camera PoseDetection
Fancy Android Camera ImageLabeling
Fancy Android Camera FaceDetection
Fancy Android Camera.
Fancy Android Camera ObjectDetection
Fancy Android Camera BarcodeScanning
Fancy Android Camera TextRecognition
A facade for making it easy to use the camera in android
Unofficial Java API library for the Raspberry Pi camera.
Markerless Interactive Augmented Reality with a Projector and a Color Camera
Java API for the PCO cameras.
This is Android lib to help all projects can easy integrate Camera with face detection feature.
Library and sample to access UVC camera on non-rooted Android device
Universal 3D camera functions (JOGL example)
The easiest way to gather images from camera, gallery, etc.