Java 8 Swing Date Picker. Easy to use, good looking, nice features, and localized. Uses the JSR-310 standard.
WebJar for vaadin-date-picker
A material Date and Time Range Picker for Android
WebJar for vaadin-date-picker
Vaadin Date Picker
WSO2 Analytics Solution Common Widgets
WebJar for tui-date-picker
Vaadin Date Time Picker
WebJar for jquery-date-range-picker
PrimeDatePicker is a wonderful date picker tool.
WebJar for @duetds/date-picker
WSO2 APIM Analytics - Widgets
WebJar for react-bootstrap-date-picker
WebJar for tiny-date-picker
WebJar for paper-date-picker
WebJar for paper-date-picker
Library Simplified (Date picker UI component)
WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.
📅 Custom responsive date picker widget for Android, written in Kotlin.
The framework version of the material date / time pickers of Android ported back to API 14. This library uses the AppCompat library to provide the necessary functions for new features, such as vector drawables and material design.
WebJar for md-date-time-picker
LivePerson DatePicker
Android Library to help you with your date & time pickers while retaining the instance of the pickers on orientation change.
WebJar for vaadin-date-picker
WebJar for multiple-date-picker
UI library is a set of UI Views, Custom Component and Collection of Helper Classes which help Developer for making quality Product. Such as Camera, Gallery, Number of Pickers, Calendar, Date Pickers, Dialogs and many more Heler UI and Backend Component.
Calendar is a collection of Beautiful Activities which help others to make there Fully Custom Calendar View with Single and Multi Date Picker Functionality.
WebJar for angular-date-range-picker
WebJar for md-date-range-picker
WebJar for tui-date-picker
WebJar for tui-date-picker
Vaadin Date Picker Testbench API
PagerDatePicker is a library for Android which allows to setup horizontal (for now;)) date list picker.
Vaadin Date Time Picker Testbench API
WebJar for paper-date-picker
WebJar for vaadin-date-time-picker
Collection of Kotlin Flow based libraries
Collection of Kotlin Flow based libraries
Collection of Kotlin Flow based libraries
Collection of Kotlin Flow based libraries
Collection of Kotlin Flow based libraries
Collection of Kotlin Flow based libraries
Collection of Kotlin Flow based libraries
Collection of Kotlin Flow based libraries
Collection of Kotlin Flow based libraries
Collection of Kotlin Flow based libraries
This is an Android project to offer an alternative to the native Android Date Picker.
Year, month, date, time pickers for Andriod
Year, month, date, time pickers for Andriod
The JWebSwing implementation for Bootstrap Date Time Picker Tempus Dominus