Autocomplete TextField adds word completion to the Vaadin TextField.
WebJar for @material/textfield
A JavaFX component: TextField with autocompletion-features
The Datatable autocomplete project provides a Trie datastructure that allows AJAX searches on large datasets fast. It is not memory efficient but it is fast especially to know how many results a given prefix matches. Provides a Datatable component when tied to a textfield will show the matched objects in a table format.
JFX AutoCompleteTextfield is a simple JavaFX text field control offering autocomplete feature.
Compose Multiplatform Kotlin/JS wrappers for @material/textfield
Compose Multiplatform Kotlin/JS wrappers for @material/textfield
The Datatable autocomplete project provides a Trie datastructure that allows AJAX searches on large datasets fast. It is not memory efficient but it is fast especially to know how many results a given prefix matches. Provides a Datatable component when tied to a textfield will show the matched objects in a table format.
A JavaFX component: a TextField with autocompletion featiures and a transient lucene index
Simple Swing component with placeholder called JTextFieldPlaceholder
Editable chip layout in Jetpack Compose.
CodeTextField for Jetpack Compose
This is the OpenKeyWord Selenium GUI-Adapter-module. Se defines default GUI-Adapter ( Pushbutton, Link, Textfield...) Add this module in to your maven Project to automate Web-GUI. See Dependency Information. You can also use -Se- as a base-class in your own Project or Product specific GUI-Adapter.