Java annotation processing toolkit. Focus is on immutability, type safety, fluent interfaces, high-performance.
Meta modelling framework to write cutting-edge annotation processors
Immutable Collections
Immutable Clojure collections and a Transformation abstraction for Java 8+, immutably, type-safely, and with good performance.
This library focuses purely on providing deserialization support for deserializing immutable objects
WebJar for redux-immutable
Maven 4 API - Immutable Model for Maven POM (Project Object Model).
Maven 4 API - Immutable Toolchain model.
Maven 4 API - Immutable Settings model.
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
Experimental and incomplete stuff goes here.
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
Persistent (immutable) collection library
(experimental) Annotations and runtime interfaces for generated datatype metadata encodings for Vavr (Encodings)
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
Mongo Adapter for Criteria
Project Reactor implementation for Repository (readers / writers)
Equivalence logic generator for immutable objects
Fork of Guava ( Reduced to a selection of classes (especially immutable collections). No dependencies, Java 9 module.
Persistent (immutable) collection library for Java
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
A new immutable API for Maven 4 to better manage what plugins and extensions can influence.
Transforms CDC streams in Kotlin
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
Easy way to construct immutable java maps using a Builder Pattern.
Checkers toolkit built on top of hamcrest matchers. Expected to be used only in test scope
Single-jar packaging of generate tool to be used in builds and IDE
Transforms CDC streams in Kotlin
Library for immutable human-friendly units
Compile time annotations and compile time annotation processor to generate consistent value object using either abstract class, interface or annotation as a base.
Compile time annotations
Simple, but superior to others, META-INF/service file generator
Annotation mirror generator
Immutable, structure sharing collections, including hash array mapped tries, finger tries, B-trees, and S-trees (sequence trees)
Immutable map, list, etc implementations
Immutable JSON representation in Java
Core set of dependencies, required for generated classes
WebJar for immutable
This BeanUtils library is a Java Bean to Java Bean transformer that recursively copies data from one object to another, it is generic, flexible, reusable, configurable and incredibly fast. It's the only library able to transform Mutable, Immutable and Mixed bean without any custom configuration.
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library