A kotlin multiplatform experiment for representing app navigation with tree like data structures
Knowledge Flow visualization component for displaying tree and graph structures from those schemes that can output them. This component is an alternative to the Knowledge Flow's built-in GraphViewer and uses the PrefuseTree and PrefuseGraph packages which, in turn, use the prefuse visualization library.
TreeEditor is a tree structure data editor.
A kotlin multiplatform experiment for representing app navigation with tree like data structures
Binary Search Tree Data Structure Implementation
A data structure mapping ranges to values based on a TreeMap
A Maven plugin that creates launchers for Windows (using Janel), Mac OS X (creating a .app structure, or tree with shell script) or Linux (using a shell script). (Apache License v2) 2008-2013 Matt Gumbley, DevZendo.org
This module provides two packages, 'trees' and 'forests', which provide algorithms to compute edit distances on trees and forests (that is, unordered or ordered lists of trees) respectively. The edit distance is computed according to the tree edit distance algorithm of Zhang and Shasha (1989). The basic tree data structure is defined by the Tree interface in the trees module. Please refer to the javadoc for more detailed information.
A Maven plugin that creates launchers for Windows (using Janel), Mac OS X (creating a .app structure, or tree with shell script) or Linux (using a shell script). (Apache License v2) 2008-2024 Matt Gumbley, DevZendo.org Note that the Universal Application Stub and Janel have separate licenses as described in their included license files.
Tree Data Structure Java Library
HotSpot learns a set of rules (displayed in a tree-like structure) that maximize/minimize a target variable/value of interest. With a nominal target, one might want to look for segments of the data where there is a high probability of a minority value occuring (given the constraint of a minimum support). For a numeric target, one might be interested in finding segments where this is higher on average than in the whole data set. For example, in a health insurance scenario, find which health insurance groups are at the highest risk (have the highest claim ratio), or, which groups have the highest average insurance payout.
A kotlin multiplatform experiment for representing app navigation with tree like data structures
Developer-friendly serialisation of RDF into a structurally-stable JSON-LD representation.
A testing DSL to specify the structure of a tree in a concise and readable way.
`jdbc-json-extension` is to fetch data from RDBMS in JSON format. The data is structured the in the same relation structure of the Tables relationships in the database. The fetch is pre-planned using a `FetchPlan` configuration. The execution is multithreaded tree pattern where it starts from the `root` table with supplied filter parameters. The subsequent nodes (tables) are fetched as the `One-to-*` relationship defined from the root tables.
Java library for iteration over tree structures
Simple implementation to store object in tree structure.
`jdbc-json-extension` is to fetch data from RDBMS in JSON format. The data is structured the in the same relation structure of the Tables relationships in the database. The fetch is pre-planned using a `FetchPlan` configuration. The execution is multithreaded tree pattern where it starts from the `root` table with supplied filter parameters. The subsequent nodes (tables) are fetched as the `One-to-*` relationship defined from the root tables.
Library providing observables arranged in tree structure with propagating events
`jdbc-json-extension` is to fetch data from RDBMS in JSON format. The data is structured the in the same relation structure of the Tables relationships in the database. The fetch is pre-planned using a `FetchPlan` configuration. The execution is multithreaded tree pattern where it starts from the `root` table with supplied filter parameters. The subsequent nodes (tables) are fetched as the `One-to-*` relationship defined from the root tables.