Aggregator project for wildfly galleon feature packs
WebJar for Moment.js Timezone
Tests for the default Spincast TimeZone Resolver plugin
A timezone related jar for deployment to the Central Repository via OSSRH
Parent for the default Spincast TimeZone Resolver plugin
This project deploys modules to the local quickstart wildfly
This project deploys modules to the local quickstart wildfly
This project deploys modules to the local quickstart wildfly
This project deploys modules to the local quickstart wildfly
This project deploys modules to the local quickstart wildfly
Alternate timezone definitions for greater compatbility with Outlook
Base JRE 11 docker image with a jboss user (ID 1000) and timezone updated and set to Europe/Copenhagen. It is as minimal as debian and open-jre can provide.
A fork of the JCalendar project, with TimeZone support
This library translates latitude and longitude coordinates into timezones.
A utility to convert from one timezone to another. Convinience methods for converting from UTC.