Cobertura checks and reports on test coverage in your code.
Cobertura checks and reports on test coverage in your code.
Cobertura checks and reports on test coverage in your code.
Cobertura checks and reports on test coverage in your code.
Cobertura checks and reports on test coverage in your code.
Cobertura checks and reports on test coverage in your code.
Plugin that executes unit tests and computes code coverage.
The dummy module to measure test coverage of Pcap4J.
Clover's runtime library - required by code instrumented by Clover. Clover is an award-winning code coverage and testing tool for Java and Groovy. It integrates easily with Maven, Ant, Grails, Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA as well as with continuous integration servers such as Bamboo, Jenkins or Hudson.
FluentLenium makes the writing of acceptance testing more easy and in a fluent way using the power of css selectors. Build upon Selenium WebDriver. goTo(""); $("#sb_form_q").fill().with("FluentLenium"); $("#sb_form_go").submit(); assertThat(title()).contains("FluentLenium");
Helper library to visualize and assert which parts of a BPMN process have been covered by a test.
Drools and jBPM integration with seam, spring, camel, ...
JMockit is a Java toolkit for automated developer testing. It contains APIs for the creation of the objects to be tested, for mocking dependencies, and for faking external APIs; JUnit (4 and 5) and TestNG test runners are supported. It also contains an advanced code coverage tool.
Consume reports generated by tslint for code quality. Also consume reports for code duplication (either simian or cpd). Consumes the unit/integration tests reports (generated by Jasmin) coverage report (lcov generated by Istanbul). The information generated by reports are added in Sonar
Consume reports generated by jshint for code quality. Also consume reports for code duplication (either simian or cpd). Consumes the unit/integration tests reports (generated by Jasmin) coverage report (lcov generated by Istanbul). The information generated by reports are added in Sonar
Utility classes for TCK Test Coverage Report.
This project aims at employing the excellent JSCover library to provide JavaScript coverage measurement for projects which do not use JavaScript tests but Selenium-based end-to-end tests.
Emma plugin for OSGi test to enable code coverage.
A set of maven poms that allow us to use an agile development methodology when we build our apps. Checkstyle, unit test, coverage, etc. are all built into the build.
The purpose of this module is solely for building aggregated clover test coverage reports. It is for internal Stormpath use and requires a license. It is only ever used with the clover-it profile and should not impact the public's ability to build the stormpath-sdk-java project
Compute aggregated test code coverage
Utility classes for TCK Test Coverage Report.
A module gathering the code coverage info from the test runs of all the RHQ modules
WebTau - web test automation. REST/GraphQL/DB/CLI/UI testing framework.
API used in sapl-test and the sapl-maven-plugin to collect coverage information.
Helper library to visualize and assert which parts of a BPMN process have been covered by a test.
Helper library to visualize and assert which parts of a BPMN process have been covered by a test.
Helper library to visualize and assert which parts of a BPMN process have been covered by a test.
Consumes reports from various sources for code quality (jshint, csslint, htmlhint, scsslint, angular-hint, eslint-angular), reports for code duplication (Simian, CPD), reports for unit/integration tests (Jasmin), reports for code coverage (Istanbul). Aggregate all these reports and save information into Sonar
Stormpath Shiro integration allows Shiro-based applications to use Stormpath as the backend for all of their security needs.
EMMA plugin for Maven 2. Measures test code coverage using EMMA.
Lightweight coverage during a testing session
Coverage reports Siddhi IO HTTP module
Gradle plugin which allows to generate Jacoco coverage report for both integration & unit tests
Process application that uses a shared Camunda Platform engine in a Servlet Container, e.g. Apache Tomcat. Contains: Servlet Process Application, BPMN Process, Java Delegate, HTML5-based start and task forms, JUnit Test with in-memory engine and visual process test coverage, Maven Plugins
Demo application with lots of pre-built parts that uses a shared Camunda Platform engine in a Servlet Container, e.g. Apache Tomcat. Contains: Servlet Process Application, BPMN Process, Java Delegate, HTML5-based start and task forms, JUnit Test with in-memory engine, Maven Plugins, and visual process test coverage
Process application that uses a shared Camunda Platform engine in a Java EE Container, e.g. JBoss Wildfly. Contains: Camunda EJB Client, Camunda CDI Integration, BPMN Process, Java Delegate as CDI bean, HTML5-based start and task forms, configuration for JPA (Hibernate), JUnit Test with in-memory engine and visual process test coverage, Maven Plugins
Demo application with lots of pre-built parts that uses the Spring Boot Starter Contains: BPMN Process, Java Delegate, HTML5- start and task forms, JUnit Test with in-memory engine and visual process test coverage
Process application that uses the Spring Boot Starter Contains: BPMN Process, Java Delegate, HTML5- start and task forms, JUnit Test with in-memory engine and visual process test coverage
This project provides a meaningful way to increase code coverage of your jUnit and TestNG tests. Unit testing Java Beans can be a tedious task. The goal of this project is to provide an automated way to unit test the getters and setters of a class.
Scope is a APM for tests to give engineering teams unprecedented visibility into their CI process to quickly identify, troubleshoot and fix failed builds. This artifact contains Coverage Tests implementation for Scope.
AIPARK offers detailed parking information for more than 1.8 Mio parking areas in Germany with nationwide coverage. Additionally, accurate occupancy predictions are derived using data from a network of more than 5 million smartphones. Use the AIPARK API Explorer application to try out and test the interface. Please send a request via email if you are a developer and require an API key. We'll be in touch with you shortly. This application is provided via a demo backend environment. Please note that API load tests do not reflect the performance of the productive system. Mail:
Cobertura is a free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests. It can be used to identify which parts of your Java program are lacking test coverage. It is based on jcoverage.
Compute aggregated test code coverage
WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.
VDMJ provides basic tool support for the VDM-SL, VDM++ and VDM-RT specification languages, written in Java. It includes a parser, a type checker, an interpreter (with arbitrary precision arithmetic), a debugger, a proof obligation generator and a combinatorial test generator with coverage recording, as well as JUnit support for automatic testing and user definable annotations.
VDMJ provides basic tool support for the VDM-SL, VDM++ and VDM-RT specification languages, written in Java. It includes a parser, a type checker, an interpreter (with arbitrary precision arithmetic), a debugger, a proof obligation generator and a combinatorial test generator with coverage recording, as well as JUnit support for automatic testing and user definable annotations.
VDMJ provides basic tool support for the VDM-SL, VDM++ and VDM-RT specification languages, written in Java. It includes a parser, a type checker, an interpreter (with arbitrary precision arithmetic), a debugger, a proof obligation generator and a combinatorial test generator with coverage recording, as well as JUnit support for automatic testing and user definable annotations.