[WIP] OpenWebRTC Android SDK
SDK for adding OpenWebRTC to your Android app
Add compile 'io.openwebrtc:openwebrtc-android-sdk:0.1.0'
to your gradle dependencies.
To build the SDK as a part of another project, clone openwebrtc-android-sdk
to your project's root folder, and add it to your settings.gradle:
include ':app', ':openwebrtc-android-sdk'
project(':openwebrtc-android-sdk').projectDir = new File('openwebrtc-android-sdk/sdk')
Then simply add compile project(':openwebrtc-android-sdk')
to your module's dependencies.
Another approach is to clone the SDK to a different directory than your app, and then point directly to that directory.
This is done in the NativeCall example in openwebrtc-examples link