A simple factory using google places API to fetch predictions for places and get place details.
A React autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API.
angular 4 compatable google autocomplete with server side api support and AOT enabled
A React autosuggest / lookup component that can utilize the Google Maps Places API, Open Street Maps Nominatim service, or a custom Geocoding service.
MIT Licensed library to add support for Google's Places API and Inmanlabs Location entity.
A React-native component who provides Google Places API autocomplete
A React autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API.
A React autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API.
A lightweight Node.js module to get the latitude and longitude for any fuzzy place name using the Google Places API
node.js client for google places API
A React autosuggest input for the Google Maps Places API.
Modern library for Google Places https://developers.google.com/places/?hl=ru
@happy-gastro/gplaces-finder is a Node.js library that simplifies the process of fetching information about restaurants and bars using the Google Places API
iOS/Android Google Places Widgets (Autocomplete, Place Picker) and API Services for React Native Apps
React Typeahead Component for Google Maps Places API
angular 6+ compatible google autocomplete with server side api support and AOT enabled
A simple directive for adding google places for [Drivin Smart Deliveries](www.driv.in) using only the [basic SKU](https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/usage-and-billing) of google places API.
Forked react autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API. Different suggest item HTML interface
This Angular 2 component helps the user to fill in street address. It uses Googles Places API to get suggestions, and shows postalcode or housenumber fields if that info was missing from the returned autocomplete suggestion.
An update of react-native-google-places library, brings compatibility with newer React Native version (0.71.x). It addresses dependency and compatibility issues, ensuring seamless integration with Google Places API for React Native projects.
Antd based geo suggestion for Google maps places API
iOS/Android Google Places Widgets (Autocomplete Modals) and API Services for React Native Apps
A customizable autocomplete component made for React Native that interacts with the Google Places API, which has several ways to visualize the places.
React hook that consumes Google Places API returning both autocomplete and geocoding callback method
Consuming google's APIs services
get up and runnning google map autocomplete API quickly
A React autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API.
Angular2 Directive for Google Autocomplete. Needs the Places API JavaScript library to be present.
Fetches reviews from Google Places API by phone number. To test you can run command:
Google Places API Services for React Native Apps with iOS/Android
iOS/Android Google Places Widgets (Autocomplete Modals) and API Services for React Native Apps