Paquete de Vue para trabajar de la mano con el paquete innoboxrr/laravel-blog
Setup meta for your Prember/Ember blog to support opengraph, microdata, Facebook, Twitter, Slack etc.
TypeScript library for the Ghost Content API with Input and Output type-safety.
Post authoring backend for Ultimate Jekyll
A simple and beautiful vuepress Blog & Doc theme.
Global solution for responsive images, transforming simple image HTML syntax into better responsive images syntax.
TypeScript library for the Ghost Admin API with Input and Output type-safety.
A partial content handler implementation for any readable stream with Express. Based on this blog post:
Get the Excerpt from a markdown file (like in jekyll or *smith)
like-button-celebration designed to add animated buttons for liking, unliking, upvoting, and custom interactions to your blogs, articles, and web content. With this library, you can easily integrate interactive buttons that celebrate user clicks, adding d
The blog schema for Stackshift in Sanity Studio V3
Manage blog schemas in Sanity Studio V3
简约风的 Vitepress 博客主题,sugarat vitepress blog theme
Slugs for Mongoose with history and i18n support (uses speakingurl by default, but you can use any slug library such as limax, slugify, mollusc, or slugme)
Automated conversion of simple-blog/
A markdown blog plugin
Make more sales with AI blogs. Generate and publish high quality content to your NextJS app in minutes.
Typography driven, feature-rich blogging theme with minimal aesthetics. Includes tags/categories support and extensive features for code blocks such as live preview, line numbers, and line highlighting.
A hexo plugin that generates a list of links to related posts and popular posts. Also , this plugin can get Visitor Counts (PageView) on posts.
Feed is a RSS, Atom and JSON feed generator for Node.js, forked from feed.
This module displays a list of live blog posts using `x-live-blog-post` component. It also connects to an event stream which provides updates for the list. Based on these update events this component will add, remove and update `x-live-blog-post` componen
This library was generated with [Nx]( Find additional information on the usage of this package in [this blog post](
We.js is a node.js framework for build real time applications, sites or blogs!
Node module that pulls data from Contentful and turns it into markdown files for Hugo. Can be used with other Static Site Generators, but has some Hugo specific features.
Blogging for the Apostrophe content management system
This module displays a live blog post with title, body, timestamp and share buttons.
Global solution for responsive images in Eleventy, allowing authors to use Markdown syntax for image and yet get responsive images in generated HTML.
Append a hidden anti-AI-scraping prompt injection to protect your content.
Default blog theme for VuePress
The core theme for gatsby-theme-blog
A JavaScript client for wisp - a delightfully simple blogging CMS.