A component that applies top and bottom shadows when content overflows on scroll.
A NFC module for react native.
This project has the goal of making it easy (or easier) to scan NFC tags and read the NDEF records they contain
Integrates @confconf/confconf with @sinclair/typebox
Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid, image source and full styling.
A React Component for rendering dynamically positioned Tooltips
Konmai Card NFC ID Encoder/Decoder
Library for accepting NFC payments directly from android applications.
small JavaScript interface to control RFID reader MFRC522 with Raspberry-pi
Angular library which provides device information / type / name and also it provides much more device independent features & informations.
👉 https://hyper.fun/c/tabler-nfc/1.3.0
A NFC module for react native.
NativeScript plugin to read contactless cards.
Ionic Native wrapper for NFC ISO-DEP cordova plugin
Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
Explore NFC Wrapper
Read nfc tags with WebNFC (currently behind a flag in Chrome for Android).
Cordova ACS acr122u nfc card reader
Monaca NFC Reader Plugin
NFC plugin for your NativeScript app
A package which pretends to make NFC and HCE operations accessible to everyone on react native. Based on react-native-nfc-manager and react-native-hce
Near Field Communication (NFC) Plugin. Read and write NDEF messages to NFC tags and share NDEF messages with peers.
Near Field Communication (NFC) Plugin. Read and write NDEF messages to NFC tags and share NDEF messages with peers. Write RAW data to ISO-DEP enabled tags.
Near Field Communication (NFC) Plugin. Read and write NDEF messages to NFC tags and share NDEF messages with peers.
Lets you receive notifications from PCSC RFID readers over a websocket. Only tested on ACR122U, Mifare Classic cards and supports NDEF with a URI type
Near Field Communication (NFC) Plugin. Read and write NDEF messages to NFC tags and share NDEF messages with peers.
A NFC module for react native.
JavaScript library for X-Nucleo-NFC02A1 on Mbed OS
The nfc card-emulation on android
👉 https://hyper.fun/c/material-icon-nfc-twotone/1.3.0
Use iOS 11+ CoreNFC with React Native
👉 https://hyper.fun/c/material-icon-nfc-sharp/1.3.0
👉 https://hyper.fun/c/material-icon-nfc-round/1.3.0
native nfc reader
👉 https://hyper.fun/c/material-icon-nfc-outlined/1.3.0
👉 https://hyper.fun/c/material-icon-nfc-filled/1.3.0
Web-NFC api in form of a React hook
Near Field Communication (NFC) Plugin. Read and write NDEF messages to NFC tags and share NDEF messages with peers. Forked from chariotsolutions/phonegap-nfc 1.2.1 and modified as needed to keep up with the latest android and ios SDKs.
Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
NFC plugin for your NativeScript app
Ionic Native Mocks- Native plugins for ionic apps
scan passport images, read MRZ, extract cryptographic data from NFC