Grunt plugin that determines whether CSS files contain more selectors than IE's limit of 4095
Taller Working Files + ability to scroll past them to get to Project selector and Project Files.
Metalsmith plugin to inspect HTML files, inline used selectors from specified CSS, and load the rest asynchronously.
#### Using npm: >$ npm i file-picker-tiny --save
A React Native List that supports the selection of beautiful Lottie Animations sourced by Lottie Files.
Warn if CSS file has more than equal 4096 selectors.
Warns or errors when using multiple top-level selectors within a component file.
You can use Ctrl+Shift+T to select block of HTML. Ctrl+Click and Ctrl+Shift+Click is available via brackets.json preference file.
File selector interface for inquirer
create file .env from .env.example create file domain.json from domain.json.example
reduce-to-sizes --------------- This command line utility will reduce a SCSS file to selectors that have size definitions listed on it. The use-case that inspired this was taking a desktop SCSS file and producing a file that can produce a structure to ea
List all invalid selectors in your project's LESS, SASS and CSS files
selector `<lib-ith-ng-carousel-lib></lib-ith-ng-carousel-lib>` to use in HTML. In your module.ts file , add import : `IthNgCarouselLibModule` from `ith-ng-carousel-lib`.
A library for Angular v15+ that provides developers with a convenient way to create an image viewer component. It offers various functions for UI operations such as zoom in, zoom out, download, and printing. The library's selector is lib-file-viewer and i
Write properties to style file using selector
A Capacitor Plugin to select Files
``` npm i ngx-file-selector ```
Cordova Plugin that supplies a File Selector.
Parse selective configuration files into JSON
Extract all variable selectors in less files
It is the same at simple react dropzone, but we have a file selector as props
A library to read a YML file with Xpath or CSS Selectors and extract data from HTML pages using them
Refactoring of css, to media selector into files and extended classes, to minimize css as well.
React Native: Native File Selector
React Native: Native File Selector
Select the route based on routes file and request.url with access to urlParams
Tool for finding CSS classes which are referenced by selectors in a set of CSS files but not used.
A simple tool to parse your CSS file and get selector and declaration counts.
React Native: Native File Selector