Send emails by connecting to smtp server+attachments, using android javamail and ios mailcore2
Watch live SMTP traffic in a web interface
Module to send email using SMTP configuration.
This projects provides a CDK construct to create ses smtp credentials for a given user. It takes a username, creates an AccessKey and generates the smtp password.
This is the **aarch64-apple-darwin** binary for `smtp-sender`
Test server for SMTP clients. Does not store messages, returns md5 hash instead.
A development `smtp` server used to log incoming `smtp` messages.
cli script for the `smtp-tester` library
Official Node.js for the CloudMailin Email API -
This SMTP client library for Node.JS helps you send email safely and easily.
TestCafe SMTP reporter plugin.
Checks existence of E-Mail DNS MX records.
SMTP Email plugin for the Reaction API
AWS CDK Construct Library for generating SMTP credentials for SES and storing them in Secrets Manager
Node-RED node to send SMTP emails.
Used for sending email notifications with built-in SMTP transport.
This is the **x86_64-pc-windows-msvc** binary for `smtp-sender`
### nodejs smtp client that bind the 25 port in localhost no smtp server needed.
Configurable SMTP stack and server with async middleware
webcomponents library
An package to interrogate SMTP servers to see if an email exists
zero-dependency SMTP server that emits event for each received email message
simple smtp client and server for node.js , fixes uncatchable mime header error for smtp2
Smtp Plugin