Webpack devserver middleware mock server
Mocks api requests for webpack-dev-server with hot-replacement
A lightweight simple helper utility to mock web-servers
A json-server inspired jsonapi mock server for your development needs.
A half-baked, stateful Stripe mock server
GraphQL Codegen plugin for generating a fake server client
A golang based mock data server CLI, for use with Teradata Covalent Quickstart
Mock server for GoodData UI applications (Analytical Designer and Dashboards).
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GraphQL fake server for testing
a simple grpc mock server based on grpc-mock inspired from https://www.npmjs.com/package/grpc-mock
Utility for mocking remote APIs servers for testing purposes
Simple express mock server with a flexible API inspired by fetch-mock
Creates jasmine spy objects backed by a http server.
Node.js package for an in-memory NATS server
Get your REST API up-and-running FAST with Swagger and Express
AWS Application Load Balancer and API Gateway - Lambda dev tool for Serverless. Allows Express synthax in handlers. Supports packaging, local invoking and offline ALB, APG, S3, SNS, SQS, DynamoDB Stream server mocking.
This is an express middleware that can be used with webpack and vite. Its main function is to visualize the configuration, manage proxies, and mock data.
Mock Firebase without a connection to a server
Provide a file-based mock API for Vite in dev mode
> A [vite](https://vitejs.dev/) plugin to integrate the express server into vite dev server.
Karma plugin to create a websocket server for unit tests
A client-side server to develop, test and prototype your app.
A server and a middleware for API mocking.
Module to mock API via json stubs
Add highly configurable API mocks to your express server
Tiny library for backendless testing using Puppeteer
mock server plugin for webpack
Provides the ability to run Postman collections as a local mock server.
A project to facilitate the use of Mountebank
This project is a TypeScript library which provides a mock server for testing.
agreed is a mock server and test client, agreed will be helper for Consumer Driven Contract
A barebones mock selenium server (but easily extensible!)
A mock server based on json-server
agreed is a mock server and test client, agreed will be helper for Consumer Driven Contract