platform agnostic ui models
Require module from string
The Linux 64-bit binary for esbuild, a JavaScript bundler.
shim for require.main.filename() that works in as many environments as possible
easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfaces
Helper function to build binary assignment operator visitors
Requires a module only if available and hides the require call from bundlers.
Polyfill for Node.js module.createRequire (<= v12.2.0)
TypeScript definitions for uuid
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A static list of the Node.js builtin modules from the latest Node.js version
Build tool and bindings loader for node-gyp that supports prebuilds
What is the type of this builtin JS value?
Floating UI for the web
Positioning library for floating elements: tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, and more
List of node.js builtin modules
Utilities for Floating UI
The map of HTTP status codes from the builtin http module
Check if a string matches the name of a Node.js builtin module
Simple “Least Recently Used” (LRU) cache
XML builder for the AWS SDK
The closest you can get to require something with bypassing the require cache
Javascript/Typescript bindings for QuickJS, a modern Javascript interpreter, compiled to WebAssembly.
The Windows 64-bit binary for esbuild, a JavaScript bundler.
The Linux ARM 64-bit binary for esbuild, a JavaScript bundler.
Solves a problem with util.format
Node's default require extensions as a separate module