Utilities for working with currency amounts
A Vue component that formats currency.
Convert amount from one currency to another
A super simple currency formatting library by OSREC Technologies https://osrec.co.uk
A lightweight library for countries' flags (country flag, unicode, location), capitals, their dail codes, currencies as well as location related calculations
jquery.counterup is a lightweight jQuery plugin that counts up to a targeted number when the number becomes visible.
realtime dynamic "Real-time Currency Converter" is an intuitive npm package designed to simplify the formatting and conversion of currency values in real-time for both inputs and static outputs. Whether you're building financial applications, e-commerce p
Simplified Currency Conversion in Node js Without API Calls
nodejs wrapper for currencylayer restful api
Zero dependency tiny JavaScript library (1kB bytes) by CurrencyRate.today, providing simple way and advanced number, money and currency formatting and removes all formatting/cruft and returns the raw float value.
A tool for easy conversion of currencies.
Coinbase Pro API for Node.js, written in TypeScript and covered by tests.
This is a continuation / enhancement to [Ben Dewey's plugin with the same name](https://code.google.com/p/jquery-formatcurrency/). Most of the work is his', I've just added a few features and options, and fixed some small issues, so at least most credits
World currency data
This library allows you to create input fields for currencies. Version 2 is completely overhauled, written in TypeScript and includes test cases.
JavaScript implementation of the Money value object.
Simply a list of ISO-4217 currencies with name, code, symbol, & decimal rounding
Utilities for handling different currency types on the Helium blockchain
Official Ipregistry Javascript Library.
# currency_demo
convert the currency using freecurrencyapi key
A Javascript currency exchange API key providing
A minimal package for getting symbol of a currency using the country code.
Typescript collection of validators and regexp patterns
Format numbers, currency values, dates, and times for any locale with the ECMAScript Internationalization API
Mapping of countries and their primary currency.
A Money class for high precision calculations using the ESnext bigint type.
jQuery plugin to mask data entry in the input text in the form of money (currency)
Simple money mask developed with pure JavaScript. To run on Client Side and Server Side
Converts cents to currency. Helpful for formatting Stripe and other payment platforms.
React native library country picker
> React Hook
Map from currency codes to currency names and symbols
Validates whether a given input is a valid currency code, according to ISO 4217
Set of tools that manage operations with tf2 currency.
GB/T 12406-2008 货币名称
Package to help you format numbers as currency and visa versa
Completely free NPM library to get realtime Currency Exchange Rate
A module that can add currency symbol in front of string or returns currency symbol corresponding to currency code.
Get the smallest currency unit even it is a Zero Decimal Currency