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Known malware



Short Description

This package is malware. We have asked the package registry to remove it.


View packages with this alert.


It is strongly recommended that malware is removed from your codebase.


This package has been identified as malware. Malware can perform malicious activities such as stealing data, installing backdoors, or compromising system integrity.

Consider that consuming this package poses a significant security risk. Immediate action is recommended to remove or replace the package with a secure alternative.

Known malware refers to software that has been specifically designed to cause harm to systems, steal sensitive information, or carry out other malicious activities. Malware can take various forms, including viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware, spyware, adware, and more.

Risks of Known Malware:

  • Data Theft: Malware can steal sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, and personal data.
  • System Compromise: Malware can install backdoors, allowing unauthorized access to systems.
  • Service Disruption: Malware can cause system crashes, data corruption, and other disruptions to services.
  • Propagation: Malware can spread to other systems, escalating the impact of the attack.

Because of the severe threats posed by known malware, Socket’s AI-powered threat detection flags these packages as critical severity risks:

  • Immediate Threat: Known malware poses an immediate threat to system security and data integrity.
  • Public Disclosure: Known malware is often publicly disclosed and documented in various security databases, making it easier for attackers to exploit if not addressed.
  • Compliance and Trust: Removing known malware is crucial for maintaining compliance with security standards and preserving user trust.

Recommended actions

Investigate the Dependency:

  1. Verify the Claims: Check the official repository, issue trackers, and recent changes to confirm the presence of malware.
  2. Evaluate the Impact: Assess the potential impact of the malware on your project and determine the urgency of removal.
  3. Conduct a Security Review: Perform a thorough security review to ensure no further malicious activities are present.

Replace the Dependency:

  1. Find an Alternative Library: Search for other libraries that provide similar functionality but are free of malware.
  2. Fork and Maintain: If no suitable alternatives exist, consider forking the original repository and maintaining your own version without the malicious code. This ensures that you retain control over the dependency.

Immediate Removal:

  1. Remove the Malware: Immediately remove the known malware from your codebase to prevent any further risk.
  2. Notify Stakeholders: Inform your team and stakeholders about the removal and the reasons behind it.


  • Example 1: Event-Source-Polyfill:
    • File: event-source-polyfill
    • Description: The event-source-polyfill package was identified as containing malicious code designed to steal data and compromise system security.

Detection Method

Socket employs a combination of advanced code analysis techniques and AI-powered risk detection to identify known malware.

The "Known Malware" alert is generated for packages that:

  • Threats Reviewed by Security Researchers: Packages that have threats reviewed by one of our security researchers and deemed to be malware. These threats are generated by our AI scanner but can also be manually reported.
  • Previously Confirmed Malware: Packages containing files that were previously confirmed as malware. For these, we reuse the prior AI scans and threat classifications without additional human review.

Additional resources

Managing known malware in your projects is critical for maintaining security and trust. By leveraging Socket’s alert system, you can identify and address potential threats posed by malware, ensuring a secure development environment. For more detailed guidance, visit the Socket Documentation.

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