This is an Alpha and will be unpublished
A Beta is comming soon!
ActorJs is a tool for end-to-end testing that you run in a browser.
Trigger, mock, and intercept anything.
ActorJs simulates all processes and services surrounding a System Under Test, allowing you to isolate a System Under Test in a very efficient way, no matter how many surrounding systems or protocols the System Under Test needs to use. You create Actors (very small simulators) that use stacks for communication.
Install ActorJs
npm install @abstraktor/actorjs
Update ActorJs
npm update
Build ActorJs Server
aj debug
If you make changes to files, but ActorJs has not been not started, or if you pull updates from your local repos, you must build the server again using aj debug. Otherwise, just use aj to start ActorJs.
Start ActorJs Client
Open a browser with the url http://localhost:9005
Beta Testers
We are looking for beta testers!
To apply, send an e-mail to:
Further reading in the ActorJs tool
The ActorJs documentation can be found in the tool. To access it, click the following links when the tool is running.
Example code
HTTP - server
*run() {
this.httpConnection.send(new HttpMsgGetRequest(this.requistUri));
const response = this.httpConnection.receive();
VERIFY_VALUE(HttpApi.StatusCode.OK, response.statusCode, ' HTTP response line status code:');
VERIFY_CONTENT_OPTIONAL('content-name', response.getHeaderNumber(HttpApi.Header.CONTENT_LENGTH), response.getBody());
Websocket - client
*run() {
this.httpConnection.send(new HttpGetUpgradeRequest(this.requistUri, this.wsProtocol));
const response = this.httpConnection.receive();
this.websocketConnection = this.switchProtocol('websocket', this.httpConnection);
this.websocketConnection.send(new WebsocketStackApi.TextFrame(this.wsText, this.wsMask));
this.websocketConnection.send(new WebsocketStackApi.CloseFrame());
Puppeteer - client
*run() {
const page =;
Socket - server
*run() {
const request = this.socketConnection.receiveLine();
VERIFY_VALUE('Hello World!', request)