This widget was generated using AB Tasty Widget CLI, you can find documentation and help at https://.
Preview your widget
Launch your widget in a new window and watch for changes.
npm start
Main files
Main source code of your widgetform.html
Configuration form for your widgeticon.png
Icon for your widget (recommended size: 200x200px)
You can specify each file location in the package.json
like this:
"main": "dist/main.js",
"form": "form.html",
"icon": "icon.png",
- Rollup.js module bundler (like Webpack but smaller and faster).
- ES6/2015 support using Bublé preprocessor (like Babel but much faster).
- JavaScript Linting with ESLint and Google config.
- JavaScript minified with UglifyJS.
- .editorconfig for consistent coding styles within text editors.
We heard your widget have an UI, so we allowed ourselves to include some extra:
- Pug (aka Jade) to transforms html files into JS template.
- PostCSS to automatically append your CSS to head just using
import 'yourstyle.css'
and also use CSS modules including:
Add your widget to AB Tasty
- First, you'll need to have your widget on NPM:
- Create a minified bundle with
npm run build
- Bump the version of your widget (using semver) with
npm version [patch|minor|major]
- Publish it to NPM:
npm publish
- Once your widget is on NPM, you can now add it on AB Tasty at