Ev'rythings shiny, cap'n, not to fret!
Shiny components for your React application. Check out the storybook!
In Aller Media, we use shiny as part of a four-layered frontend system:
- shiny (dumb frontend components): Makes stuff look good
- wolverine-frontend (smart web app): Translates from what something is to what it should look like; handles state; renders pages
- wolverine-api (smart API layer): Decides what we should display to the user; composes pages
- wolverine-fetcher (dumb API layer): Fetches data from backend systems
Primary way (np)
- Make sure your changes are in master
- Run
yarn release
- Follow the interactive release guide
Alternate way (vanilla)
(After you have merged you changes into master)
- Get the latest version, and checkout a release branch for npm work. The release branch is necessary because the master branch is protected.
git checkout master && git pull && yarn && git checkout -b release/x.x.x
- Publish it! Yarn will prompt you to for a new version number. Until we have reached 1.0.0, breaking changes or new features should trigger a minor version bump, while bug fixes should trigger a patch version bump. In other words: Don't inadvertently release 1.0.0!
yarn publish
- yarn publish will have created a commit with your new version number, and tagged your release in git for you. Push both the commit and the tagged release to GitHub.
git push --tags -u origin release/x.x.x
Create and merge a pull request for the branch
Add release notes by opening the visiting Shiny's releases overview page on GitHub, clicking your newly pushed release and then clicking the "Edit tag" button.
Relation to Firefly (the TV series)
The name is very inspired!