Config files for the @appartmint suite of npm libraries
Getting Started
Install this project as a dev dependency and configure
npm i -D @appartmint/config \
&& ./node_modules/.bin/mint-config
npm i -D @appartmint/config; `
Updating (minor/patch updates)
npm run update
Upgrading (major updates)
npm run upgrade
Full Setup
Install dependencies
macOS X+
brew install git gh node \
&& brew install --cask visual-studio-code
Windows 10+
winget install git.git; `
winget install github.cli; `
winget install openjs.nodejs.lts; `
winget install microsoft.visualstudiocode
sudo pacman -Sy git github-cli nodejs-lts-gallium code
Set your git identity
git config --global user.email '[email]' \
&& git config --global user.name '[name]'
Log in to GitHub CLI and follow the prompts
gh auth login
Log in to npm and follow the prompts
npm adduser
Create and enter a project directory
cd [path/to/code] && mkdir [project] && cd [project]
Create a GitHub repo (still need to make template and test this)
gh repo create [project] -c -d '[description]' -p Sunder-Apps/template --public && npm i
Use the provided npm scripts to manage your project.
Check your updated package.json for more scripts you can run.
To automatically recompile your dev source files when one is changed and host it on the configured port (default is 42069), run:
npm run serve
To automatically recompile your dev source files when one is changed, run:
npm run watch
To run tests on your source files, run:
npm run test
To remove all build files, run:
npm run clean
To build all of your source files, run:
npm run prepare
This will run automatically after dependencies are installed (npm i
) and before the package is distributed (npm version [args]
To update the version of the package, commit changes to git, and publish the changes to npm with one command, run:
npm version [major|minor|patch] --force -m "%s - [commit message]"
Configuration (edit your package.json to change these)
"config": {
"prefix": "mint",
"library": "mint",
"port": "42069",
"index": "index",
"webpack": "...",
"dirs": {
"doc": "docs",
"test": "test",
"src": "src",
"config": "config",
"imports": "imports",
"scss": "scss",
"ts": "ts",
"dist": "dist",
"css": "css",
"js": "js"
"exts": {
"html": ".html",
"scss": ".scss",
"ts": ".ts",
"css": ".css",
"js": ".js",
"dts": ".d.ts",
"map": ".map",
"chunk": ".chunk"