Advanced tools
ec93e49 patch - All user-configurable options are now printed in the diagnose report.
Check the list of available options.
parameter, which resulted in apps not being linked to the parent organization based on the known Push API key.33188
and now it transmits 100644
, which is a bit more human readable.Changelog
and is set to false
by default. If set to true
, the AppSignal agent will start a StatsD server on port 8125 on the host.Changelog
9c8319e minor - Remove interface usage from @appsignal/types
All Node.js-specific interfaces from the types package are now defined inside the nodejs core package. There's still a dependency from types package for common types as Func, HashMap, and HasMapValue.
With this change, we keep taking advantage of interfaces, but now they're defined in a place where they're used.
module to Extension
to fit better with our naming standards.Changelog
723b98d minor - Add rootSpan and setError helpers.
Errors added to child spans are ignored by the agent. Now the rootSpan is always accessible from the tracer object as well as setError. The setError function allows to track errors on demand and they will be always attached to the main current span, so they don't get ignored by the agent.
f0256d3 patch - Bug fix in custom timestamp calculation
1f182a4 patch - Deprecate the addError function on the Span interface. Instead use the Tracer's setError
function to set the error on the root span.
96df8a4 patch - Add sendError helper to Tracer object.
This new helper allows you to track an error separately from any other span inside the current context. Or use it to set up in your own error handling to report errors in a catch-statement if no performance monitoring is needed.
try {
// Do complex stuff
} catch (error) {
appsignal.tracer().sendError(error, span => {
span.setName("daily.task"); // Set a recognizable action name
span.set("user_id", user_id); // Set custom tags
patch - Update @appsignal/nodejs-ext dependency to 2.0.1.