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@appsignal/nodejs - npm Package Versions



published 2.3.3 •





  • 8f745e6 patch - Log messages are now sent through a new centralized logger that writes to /tmp/appsignal.log by default. A warning is printed to STDERR when the default or provided logPath is not accessible, and the Logger automatically falls back to STDOUT. Use config option log: stdout to log AppSignal messages to STDOUT instead.


  • 9a7fafe patch - Bump agent to v-bbc830a

    • Support batched statsd messages
    • Set start times for spans with traceparents
    • Check duration in transactions for negative and too high values
  • df63d2d patch - Bump agent to v-f57e6cb

    • Enable process metrics on Heroku and Dokku


  • 4a498be patch - Allow nested values in Span.setSampleData. This change also allows values other than strings, integers and booleans to be passed as values within the sample data objects. Note that not all sample data keys allow nested values to be passed.
  • 4ab4814 patch - Follow redirects when downloading the AppSignal agent. This fixes an issue where the redirect page would be downloaded instead of the agent, causing the agent installation to fail.
  • 17c0deb patch - Fix an issue where the AppSignal extension would throw an error when an object containing a non-integer number is sent to it. This would be triggered when calling setSampleData with an object containing a non-integer number, or when the values for a metric's tags are non-integer numbers.
published 2.3.2 •





  • 7a7e5c5 patch - Update the expected Span type in ScopeManager to Span from the @appsignal/nodejs package, rather than the NodeSpan from the @appsignal/types package. The type definition is the same, but now all Span types used by the Node.js integration are defined in the @appsigna/nodejs package.
  • 7fc5e40 patch - Improve memory usage when extension is not initialized. It will no longer initialize a new empty Tracer object when the extension is not loaded or AppSignal is not active.
  • 47a851b patch - Update @appsignal/types dependency to 3.0.0.


  • 32d8054 patch - Remove the private function Span.toJSON. This wasn't previously marked as private, but it was.
  • 178b49a patch - Do not ship the extension install script test files in the published package. Reduces the package size a tiny bit.
  • 0af54b7 patch - Remove the unused experimental module.


  • 083a39a patch - Show errors in loading the extension when the @appsignal/nodejs module is required.
  • afe221e patch - The minutely probes are now stopped when Appsignal.stop() is called. This fixes an issue where Jest tests would warn about asynchronous operations that remain pending after the tests.
published 2.3.1 •





  • 531e5bf patch - The supported Redis version is now locked to 3.x.x. This will prevent app startup failures for users with Redis 4.x.x.
published 2.3.0 •





  • 6d1cfec patch - Implement unregister method for probes. You can now call the probes.unregister(name) method to unregister a probe by name.


  • 4c453cc minor - The extension package (@appsignal/nodejs-ext) is no longer a separated dependency. The extension is part of the @appsignal/nodejs package now.
  • 675fa15 patch - Update install report path location. The "nodejs" package now stores the install report in its own package path, with the rest of the extension files. This makes it easier to access by the diagnose report.
  • 56fb794 patch - Improve the reporting of extension loading state in the diagnose report. Previously it would only report it as loaded when it was also running.
  • 56fb794 patch - Change the way the extension is started. Previously it was started on initialization of the extension class (if the config was active), but now it's started by the client class.
  • 733ee15 patch - Remove the os and cpu fields from the package.json. This will prevent installations from failing on unlisted CPU architectures and Operating Systems. Our extension installer script will do this check instead. The package should not fail to install when it encounters an unsupported CPU architecture or Operating System.
  • ddc7e19 patch - Update package metadata to specify the package repository.


  • fa955af patch - Add a hostname tag to V8 probe metrics. This fixes an issue where metrics' values would be overriden between different hosts.

  • 72c54a4 patch - Setting enableMinutelyProbes to false now disables the minutely probes system. Custom probes will not be called when the minutely probes are disabled. In addition, the APPSIGNAL_ENABLE_MINUTELY_PROBES environment variable can now be used to enable or disable the minutely probes.

    Before this change, setting enableMinutelyProbes to false would not register the default Node.js heap statistics minutely probe, but custom probes would still be called. To opt in for the previous behaviour, disabling only the Node.js heap statistics minutely probe without disabling custom probes, you can use the probes.unregister() method to unregister the default probe:

    const probes = appsignal.metrics().probes();
  • bb62525 patch - Use the APPSIGNAL_ACTIVE environment variable to determine whether AppSignal is active.

  • f52a824 patch - Fix the extension function fallbacks on installation failure. When the extension fails to install and calls are made to the not loaded functions, it will no longer throw an error.

published 2.2.10 •





  • patch - Update @appsignal/nodejs-ext dependency to 2.0.7.
published 2.2.9 •





  • d2defeb patch - The sendSessionData config option is now available. When set to false, it prevents the integration from sending session data to AppSignal.
published 2.2.8 •





  • e96af09 patch - The caFilePath config option now works for diagnose script external requests.
  • 0eb2eed patch - Add helper to access the globally stored AppSignal client.
  • 118ae05 patch - The sendParams config option is now available. When set to false, it prevents the integration from sending request params to AppSignal.
  • e5f4a97 patch - Handle request errors in the internal HTTP transmitter used by diagnose tool and Push API key validator.


  • 7882541 patch - The extension is now responsible of determining if the process is running in a container. This check was previously made by the Node.js integration code.
  • patch - Update @appsignal/nodejs-ext dependency to 2.0.6.
published 2.2.7 •





  • d175bc1 patch - Fix debug and transaction_debug_mode log options. If set, previously the log_level would remain "info", since version 2.2.6.
published 2.2.6 •





  • a2ee3d5 patch - Add send_environment_metadata config option to configure the environment metadata collection. For more information, see our environment metadata docs.

  • 158a134 patch - Add "logLevel" config option. This new option allows you to select the type of messages AppSignal's logger will log and up. The "debug" option will log all "debug", "info", "warning" and "error" log messages. The default value is: "info"

    The allowed values are:

    • error
    • warning
    • info
    • debug


  • patch - Update @appsignal/nodejs-ext dependency to 2.0.5.


  • 158a134 patch - Deprecate "debug" and "transactionDebugMode" config options in favor of the new "logLevel" config option.
published 2.2.5 •




  • c750216 patch - Send the diagnose report with correct query parameters to help link the report to the app and organization on
  • 2ceda25 patch - The AppSignal config is not considered valid anymore when the apiKey config option is not set.
  • 4711784 patch - Print the extension installation dependencies and flags in the diagnose report output.
  • 5ab6e0a patch - Add information about the sources of each configuration value in the output of the diagnose report.
  • 3a3dca3 patch - Include the sources of each configuration value in the diagnose report that is sent to
  • 4308789 patch - Standardize diagnose validation failure message. Explain the diagnose request failed and why.
  • dc6cc13 patch - Diagnose report config opts are now printed in camel case format, matching how the configuration options are provided to the Appsignal object
  • c1dae16 patch - Print deprecation message when passing a filename to logPath config option. This was already deprecated. Now it also prints a warning message on app start.
  • d72d600 patch - The AppSignal client is stored on the global object as to make access easier for AppSignal developers.
  • bf69146 patch - Fix TypeScript compatibility for global object augmentation.
  • df4163f patch - Add filterParameters and filterSessionData options to filter out specific parameter keys or session data keys. Previously only the (undocumented) filterDataKeys config option was available to filter out all kinds of sample data.
  • 13068b7 patch - Rename the apiKey option to pushApiKey to match other AppSignal integrations. If apiKey is set it will automatically set pushApiKey. The apiKey option will be removed in the next major version of this package.
  • 2c008ae patch - Default log output to app STDOUT on Heroku dyno's. This makes the AppSignal logs available in the Heroku app's logs.
  • 4c11f36 patch - The requestHeaders config option is now available. An allow list that gives the ability to define which request headers you want to be shown in sample detail views. The default is a list of common headers that do not include personal identifiable information. Read more about request headers on our documentation website.
  • 2358c9f patch - Fix the diagnose's log_dir_path path check. It now always checks the actual log file's parent directory, rather than the configured path. These two values may differ as the package does a permission check to see if the logPath is writable or not.
  • 3d6d23b patch - Fix writable check for paths in the diagnose report. Previously it only checked if a path was readable, not writable.
  • a64b36f patch - Check if the fallback log directory can be written to and print a warning if no log can be written there.
  • 593d568 patch - The logPath config option only allows writable paths. If the provided path is not writable, it'll automatically change to the Operating System's temporary directory (/tmp).
  • patch - Update @appsignal/nodejs-ext dependency to 2.0.4.