OpenTelemetry mongodb Instrumentation for Node.js

This is a fork of the instrumentation, to add features required by aspecto until they are merged into the main repo and published.
This module provides automatic instrumentation for mongodb
For automatic instrumentation see the
@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node package.
npm install --save @opentelemetry/instrumentation-mongodb
Supported Versions
OpenTelemetry Mongodb Instrumentation allows the user to automatically collect trace data and export them to their backend of choice, to give observability to distributed systems.
To load a specific instrumentation (mongodb in this case), specify it in the Node Tracer's configuration.
const { NodeTracerProvider } = require('@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node');
const { MongoDBInstrumentation } = require('@opentelemetry/instrumentation-mongodb');
const provider = new NodeTracerProvider();
provider.addSpanProcessor(new SimpleSpanProcessor(new ConsoleSpanExporter()));
const mongodbInstrumentation = new MongoDBInstrumentation({
Mongo instrumentation Options
Mongodb instrumentation has few options available to choose from. You can set the following:
Options | Type | Description |
dbStatementSerializer | DbStatementSerializer | Mongodb instrumentation will serialize db.statement using the specified function. |
responseHook | MongoDbResponseCustomAttributesFunction | Hook called before response is returned, which allows to add custom attributes to span. |
moduleVersionAttributeName | string | If passed, a span attribute will be added to all spans with key of the provided moduleVersionAttributeName and value of the patched module version. |
requireParentSpan | boolean | Require parent to create mongodb span, default when unset is true |
ignoreIsMasterCommand | boolean | If true, a span for periodical isMaster command will not be generated, default when unset is false. The mongodb client library periodically re-run the isMaster command to detect the replica set configuration changes. |
aggregateGetMoreOperations | boolean | If true, a span for a getMore command will not be generated, default when unset is false. |
aggregateGetMoreResponseHook | MongoDbGetMoreResponseAggregateFunction | Hook for aggregate a response payload of a GetMore operation, allows to add custom attributes to span. |
Useful links
Apache 2.0 - See LICENSE for more information.