Progress Bar
This component is used to display a single bar in a background color,
and another bar on top of that filled, in a different color,
with a % of the size of the background.
Once this component is mounted, it will always progress forward, never backward: if value
property is first 20 and later 15, the bar will still reflect the last maximum value, 20.
How to use:
import ProgressBar from 'components/progress-bar';
render() {
return <ProgressBar
value={ amount }
total={ total }
color={ color }
title={ title }
: a number representing the amount over the total to be represented in the bar (required).total
: a number representing the value corresponding to the 100% of the bar (optional, default == 100).color
: a string of a css color (optional).title
: a string for the title attribute (optional).compact
: If true, displays as a compact progress bar (optional).className
: You can add classes to either (optional).isPulsing
: If true, will add a barber pole animation to the value part of the bar (optional).