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@aws-cdk/aws-dax - npm Package Versions



published 1.23.0 β€’



1.23.0 (2020-02-07)


  • appsync: add support for mapping DynamoDB queries (#5940) (2240e97), closes #5861
  • aws-codebuild: allow github sourceversion branch (#5890) (155b80e), closes #5777
  • cloudformation: update Resource Specification to v10.4.0 (#5982) (178ca5e)
  • ecs: add support for enabling container insights (#5601) (6236634)
  • ecs: ContainerImage.fromDockerImageAsset (b94577a), closes #5791 #5983
  • ecs: ContainerImage.fromDockerImageAsset (#6093) (38e9865), closes #5791 #5983
  • ecs: Firelens log driver support (#5457) (4acf0f7)
  • lambda: avail function log group in the CDK (#5878) (fd54a17), closes #3838
  • lambda: higher level construct for Node.js (#5532) (02d0e2a)

Bug Fixes

  • assets: add exclude glob patterns to calculating fingerprint for staging (#6085) (d9a043b), closes #5238
  • aws-s3-deployment: fix server side encryption parameters (#6006) (c7197c0), closes #6002
  • cli: colored text is unreadable when using light themes (#5250) (b4573ef)
  • cli: parse equals sign in context values (#5773) (667443c), closes #5738
  • codepipeline: manual approval action doesn't have configuration without a topic (#6106) (a63cbf8), closes #6100
  • cognito: standard attr timezone unexpectedly creates custom attr (#5973) (acf3ffc)
  • ec2: add MachineImage factory, document instance replacement (#6065) (435d810), closes #5675 #6025
  • ec2: private DNS for custom endpoints has incorrect default (d681d96)
  • ecr-assets: docker images are not built if .dockerignore includes an entry that ignores the dockerfile. (#6007) (e7ef5e5)
  • ecs: fix splunk-sourcetype (#6128) (6456a7c)
  • ecs-patterns: queue service grant permission automatically (#6110) (0d0794e)
  • ecs-patterns: remove duplicated schedule property for scheduled task pattern (#6101) (15b6aa7)
  • eks: missing VPC permissions for fargate profiles (#6074) (0a586fc)
  • glue: Make Glue Database locationUri optional. (#5784) (a065169), closes #5268 #5268 #5268 #5268
  • iam: policies added to immutably imported role (#6090) (f1f5319), closes #5569 #5943
  • init-templates: JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python init templates are broken in 1.21.0 (#5989) (505c91e), closes #5986
  • route53: CaaAmazonRecord ignores recordName (#6027) (16f9721), closes #5764
  • route53: correct import example in (#5946) (ed71931)
  • s3-deployment: passing any system metadata causes lambda to fail on "Unknown options:" when invoking aws cli. (#6086) (b30add8)
published 1.22.0 β€’



1.22.0 (2020-01-23)


  • eks: (experimental module) the Mapping struct was renamed to AwsAuthMapping.
  • core: Arn.parseArn now returns empty string for nullable Arn components. Users who were depending on an undefined value will now receive the falsy empty string.
  • ecr-assets: all docker image assets are now pushed to a single ECR repository named aws-cdk/assets with an image tag based on the hash of the docker build source directory (the directory where your Dockerfile resides). See PR #5733 for details and discussion.
  • autoscaling: AutoScaling by using scaleOnMetric will no longer force the alarm period to 1 minute, but use the period from the Metric object instead (5 minutes by default). Use metric.with({ period: Duration.minute(1) }) to create a high-frequency scaling policy.


  • apigatewayv2: fork APIGatewayV2 into its own package (#5816) (d58667e)
  • cloudformation: upgrade the CloudFormation resource specification to v10.3.0 (#5882) (e5e4725)
  • ecr-assets: simplify docker asset publishing (#5733) (b52b43d), closes #3463 #5807
  • eks: fargate profiles (#5589) (450a127), closes #5303
  • lambda: allow inline code for nodejs12.x runtime (#5710) (a1cd743)
  • lambda-destinations: option to auto-extract the payload when using LambdaDestination (#5503) (321372f)
  • route53-targets: Add aws-route53-targets/InterfaceVpcEndpointTarget (#4868) (6969562)
  • bump JSII to version 0.21.2 (#5919) (dd18456)

Bug Fixes

  • apigateway: LambdaRestApi fails when a user defined Stage is attached (#5838) (05719d7), closes #5744
  • autoscaling: can't use MathExpression in scaleOnMetric (d4c1b0e), closes #5776
  • SecretsManagerRDSPostgreSQLRotationMultiUser not working (49032ee)
  • autoscaling: can't use block devices (fee1324), closes #5868
  • core: allow empty string components in parseArn (#5875) (5ed5eb4), closes #5808
  • lambda: setting log retention to INFINITE causes failure (#5876) (19ed739)
  • route53: incorrect domain name produced when using HTTPS in ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService (#5802) (5ba5a5e)
published 1.21.1 β€’



1.21.1 (2020-01-16)

Bug Fixes

  • ecr-assets: cannot build docker images outside the source tree (i.e. against a cdk.out directory) (#5836) (6bc8ecc), fixes (#5807)
  • cli: cdk init fails if run under a directory where cdk.json exists, reverts (#5772) due to an issue which will be fixed in a subsequent version (#5836) (da9c626) , fixes (#5826)
published 1.21.0 β€’



1.21.0 (2020-01-15)


Bug Fixes

  • acm: DnsValidatedCertificate in non-aws partitions (#5771) (e3305d8)
  • apigateway: authorizer name is not optional (#5731) (21c425e), closes #5678
  • apigateway: unable to associate RestApi as a route53 target for late bound domains (#5555) (c02741e)
  • cli: Fix various init templates & their tests (#5693) (a85da79)
  • cli: proxy support is broken (#5803) (3a63f57), closes #5743 #5791
  • cloudformation: nested stack example in readme is broken (#5729) (c53356a), closes #5686
  • cloudwatch: cross-account metrics in env-agnostic stack (#5775) (5292bd5), closes aws/aws-cdk#5628
  • codepipeline: Action.onStateChange() has wrong detail type (#5721) (8686dd5), closes #3614
  • custom-resources: missing physical resource id for delete calls (#5805) (9b7236a), closes #5796
  • ecr-assets: unable to use one Dockerfile to build multiple images (#5705) (ff3f27f), closes #5683
  • ecs: cannot separate Cluster and Ec2Service behind ALB (#5813) (eb3c517)
  • glue: empty string in Table.s3prefix is not undefined (#5783) (18e15de), closes #5763
  • iam: can't use OrganizationPrincipal for assuming Role (#5746) (6c3d4c4), closes #5732
  • rds: pass the ARN of master instead of its ID in DatabaseInstanceReadReplica (#5702) (d323c0c), closes #5530
published 1.20.0 β€’



1.20.0 (2020-01-07)


  • autoscaling: AutoScalingGroups without desiredCapacity are now initially scaled to their minimum capacity (instead of their maximum capaciety).
  • rds: addRotationSingleUser(id: string, options: SecretRotationOptions) is now addRotationSingleUser(automaticallyAfter?: Duration)
  • glue: InputFormat. TEXT_INPUT_FORMAT has been renamed to TEXT. OutputFormat. HIVE_IGNORE_KEY_TEXT_OUTPUT_FORMAT has been renamed to HIVE_IGNORE_KEY_TEXT


Bug Fixes

published 1.19.0 β€’



1.19.0 (2019-12-17)


  • route53: the value of hostedZoneId will no longer include /hostedzone/ prefix and only includes the hostedZoneId when using HostedZone.fromLookup or fromHostedZoneAttributes
  • cloudfront: (experimental module) S3OriginConfig.originAccessIdentityId or type string has been removed in favor of S3OriginConfig.originAccessIdentity of type IOriginAccessIdentity.
  • cli: cdk diff now exits with 0 even when there's a diff, use --fail to exit with 1. To enable this feature for old projects, add the context key "aws-cdk:diffNoFail": "true" in your cdk.json file.


Bug Fixes

  • apigateway: unable to enable cors with a root proxy and LambdaRestApi (#5249) (f3d5fc9), closes #5232
  • cdk-dasm: prevent duplicate imports (#5293) (d4562b7)
  • cli: fix the behaviour for the --generate-only flag (#5253) (ecbe0b6)
  • cli: this.node.addError does not cause cdk diff to fail #4700 (#5284) (1b12dba)
  • cloudfront: associated lambda role requires (#5191) (173d886), closes #5180
  • codebuild: add deprecation warning for UBUNTU_14_04 (#5234) (c1b575f)
  • codepipeline: CloudFormation deployment role always gets pipeline bucket and key permissions (#5190) (d5c0f3e), closes #5183
  • core: dependencies across stack boundaries of all kinds (#5211) (d1f0dd5), closes #4460 #4474
  • dockerfile: docker build is missing dotnet (#5091) (18fa3aa)
  • docs: update removed subscribeLambda method example (#5060) (d2a86a5)
  • dynamodb: add missing permission for read stream data (#5074) (22688ce)
  • dynamodb: stacks created by GlobalTable correctly inherit their account. (#5202) (5ad5407), closes #4882
  • ec2: can't add non-default routes to subnets (#5332) (e4309ab)
  • ec2: CIDR for "any" IPv6 too long (#5179) (3695d8c)
  • ec2: Fix CODEBUILD_FIPS interface endpoint (#5315) (465c848)
  • ecr: remove deprecated requirement on docs and comments (#5428) (40ec78e), closes #2857 #2857 #3273
  • init-templates: use pytest for Python sample-app init template (#5325) (6c25da7), closes #5313
  • route53: return plain hosted zone id without /hostedzone/ prefix (#5230) (5e08753)
  • sfn: Task parameters property does nothing (#5408) (01df7c6), closes #5267
  • test: fix .nycrc symlinking (#5245) (d2496e0)
published 1.18.0 β€’



1.18.0 (2019-11-25)

General Availability of AWS CDK for .NET and Java!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸΎ

We are excited to announce the general availability of support for the .NET family of languages (C#, F#, ...) as well as Java!

We want to express our gratitude to all of our early customers as well as the amazing contributors for all the help and support in making this release possible. Thank you for all the feedback provided during the Developer Preview of .NET and Java support, without which the product would not be what it is today.

Special thanks go out to a handful of amazing people who have provided instrumental support in bringing .NET and Java support to this point:

Of course, we continue to be amazed and thrilled by the community contributions we received besides language support. The passion demonstrated by the CDK community is heartwarming and largely contributes to making maintaining the CDK an enjoyable, enriching experience!


  • lambda: node12.x, python3.8 and java11 runtimes (#5107) (e62f9fb)
  • lambda: unlock the lambda environment variables restriction in China regions (#5122) (cc13009)

Bug Fixes

  • init/chsarp: correct README for sample-app C# template (#5144) (b2031f6)
  • init/sample-app: numerous fixes and additions to the sample-app init templates (#5119) (02c3b05), closes #5130 #5130
  • init/java: add -e to mvn command so errors aren't hidden (#5129) (5427106), closes #5128
  • init/csharp: .NET semantic fixes for init templates (#5154) (04a1b32)

Known Issues

The following known issues were identified that specifically affect .NET and Java support in the CDK, and which will be promptly addressed in upcoming CDK releases (in no particular order). See the GitHub issues for more information and workarounds where applicable.

  • .NET and Java: [aws/jsii#1011] - abstract members are not marked as such on their .NET and Java representations
  • .NET: [aws/jsii#1029] - user-defined classes implementing CDK interfaces must extend Amazon.Jsii.Runtime.Deputy.DeputyBase
  • .NET: [aws/jsii#1042] - Parameters typed object accept only primitive types, instances of CDK types, Dictionary<string,?>
  • .NET: [aws/jsii#1044] - Unable to pass interface instance through in a Dictionary<string,object>
  • Java: [aws/jsii#1034] - Implementing or overriding overloaded methods in Java does not work consistently
  • Java: [aws/jsii#1035] - Returning Lazy.anyValue from an method whose return type is java.lang.Object may result in Resolution Errors
  • Java: [aws/jsii#1005] - property getter implementations (e.g: from an interface) may be ignored
published 1.17.1 β€’



1.17.1 (2019-11-19)

Bug Fixes

  • align all jsii deps to 0.20.7 (15770f4)
published 1.17.0 β€’



1.17.0 (2019-11-19)


Bug Fixes

  • cli: cdk bootstrap is broken due to --no-execute (#5092) (7acc588)
  • cli: cdk version prints to STDERR instead of STDOUT like --version (#5095) (ae5170c), closes #4720
  • core: unable to find stack by name using the cli in legacy mode (#4998) (26bba19), closes #4895 #4997
  • custom-resources: flatten objects with null values in AwsCustomResource (#5073) (f4ea264), closes #5061
  • ecs-patterns: Fix issue related to protocol being passed to target group (#4988) (a257d4d)
  • init-templates: update init templates for csharp and java (#5059) (2d92ab3)
  • logs: cannot use same Lambda for multiple SubscriptionFilters (#4975) (94f5017), closes #4951
published 1.16.3 β€’



1.16.3 (2019-11-13)

Bug Fixes

  • ecs-patterns: Fix issue related to protocol being passed to target group (#4988) (6bb29b5)
  • core: unable to find stack by name using the cli in legacy mode (#4998) (26bba19)