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@aws/language-server-runtimes - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.7 to 0.2.8



"name": "@aws/language-server-runtimes",
"version": "0.2.7",
"version": "0.2.8",
"description": "Runtimes to host Language Servers for AWS",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "files": [

@@ -34,2 +34,16 @@ /// <reference types="node" />

export declare function encryptObjectWithKey(request: Object, key: string): Promise<string>;
export declare function encryptObjectWithKey(request: Object, key: string, alg?: string, enc?: string): Promise<string>;
* Check if a message is an encrypted JWE message with the provided key management algorithm and encoding
* As per RFC-7516:
* When using the JWE Compact Serialization, the
* JWE Protected Header, the JWE Encrypted Key, the JWE
* Initialization Vector, the JWE Ciphertext, and the JWE
* Authentication Tag are represented as base64url-encoded values
* in that order, with each value being separated from the next by
* a single period ('.') character, resulting in exactly four
* delimiting period characters being used
* This function checks if the payload is separated by 4 periods and
* Decodes the protected header and verifies that it contains the given key management and content encryption algorithms
export declare function isMessageJWEEncrypted(message: string, algorithm: string, encoding: string): boolean;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.encryptObjectWithKey = exports.readEncryptionDetails = exports.validateEncryptionDetails = exports.shouldWaitForEncryptionKey = void 0;
exports.isMessageJWEEncrypted = exports.encryptObjectWithKey = exports.readEncryptionDetails = exports.validateEncryptionDetails = exports.shouldWaitForEncryptionKey = void 0;
const jose_1 = require("jose");

@@ -67,8 +67,46 @@ function shouldWaitForEncryptionKey() {

function encryptObjectWithKey(request, key) {
function encryptObjectWithKey(request, key, alg, enc) {
const payload = new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(request));
const keyBuffer = Buffer.from(key, 'base64');
return new jose_1.CompactEncrypt(payload).setProtectedHeader({ alg: 'dir', enc: 'A256GCM' }).encrypt(keyBuffer);
return new jose_1.CompactEncrypt(payload)
.setProtectedHeader({ alg: alg !== null && alg !== void 0 ? alg : 'dir', enc: enc !== null && enc !== void 0 ? enc : 'A256GCM' })
exports.encryptObjectWithKey = encryptObjectWithKey;
* Check if a message is an encrypted JWE message with the provided key management algorithm and encoding
* As per RFC-7516:
* When using the JWE Compact Serialization, the
* JWE Protected Header, the JWE Encrypted Key, the JWE
* Initialization Vector, the JWE Ciphertext, and the JWE
* Authentication Tag are represented as base64url-encoded values
* in that order, with each value being separated from the next by
* a single period ('.') character, resulting in exactly four
* delimiting period characters being used
* This function checks if the payload is separated by 4 periods and
* Decodes the protected header and verifies that it contains the given key management and content encryption algorithms
function isMessageJWEEncrypted(message, algorithm, encoding) {
// Check if the message has five parts separated by periods
const parts = message.split('.');
if (parts.length !== 5) {
return false;
try {
// Decode the protected header (first part of the message)
const protectedHeader = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(parts[0], 'base64url').toString('utf-8'));
// Check if the header contains the expected fields
if (protectedHeader.alg &&
protectedHeader.enc &&
protectedHeader.alg == algorithm &&
protectedHeader.enc == encoding) {
return true;
catch (e) {
return false;
return false;
exports.isMessageJWEEncrypted = isMessageJWEEncrypted;

@@ -104,2 +104,43 @@ "use strict";

describe('isMessageJWEEncrypted', () => {
it('should return false if the message does not have 5 parts separated by periods', () => {
const message = 'part1.part2.part3.part4';
const result = (0, encryption_1.isMessageJWEEncrypted)(message, 'alg', 'enc');
assert_1.default.strictEqual(result, false);
it('should return false if the protected header is not valid base64url', () => {
const message = 'invalid..part2.part3.part4.part5';
const result = (0, encryption_1.isMessageJWEEncrypted)(message, 'alg', 'enc');
assert_1.default.strictEqual(result, false);
it('should return false if the protected header is not a valid JSON', () => {
const message = 'aW52YWxpZA==.part2.part3.part4.part5'; // "invalid" in base64url
const result = (0, encryption_1.isMessageJWEEncrypted)(message, 'alg', 'enc');
assert_1.default.strictEqual(result, false);
it('should return false if the protected header does not contain the expected fields', () => {
const header = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ wrongField: 'value' })).toString('base64url');
const message = `${header}.part2.part3.part4.part5`;
const result = (0, encryption_1.isMessageJWEEncrypted)(message, 'alg', 'enc');
assert_1.default.strictEqual(result, false);
it('should return false if the protected header contains wrong algorithm', () => {
const header = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ alg: 'wrongAlg', enc: 'enc' })).toString('base64url');
const message = `${header}.part2.part3.part4.part5`;
const result = (0, encryption_1.isMessageJWEEncrypted)(message, 'alg', 'enc');
assert_1.default.strictEqual(result, false);
it('should return false if the protected header contains wrong encoding', () => {
const header = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ alg: 'alg', enc: 'wrongEnc' })).toString('base64url');
const message = `${header}.part2.part3.part4.part5`;
const result = (0, encryption_1.isMessageJWEEncrypted)(message, 'alg', 'enc');
assert_1.default.strictEqual(result, false);
it('should return true if the protected header contains the expected algorithm and encoding', () => {
const header = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ alg: 'alg', enc: 'enc' })).toString('base64url');
const message = `${header}.part2.part3.part4.part5`;
const result = (0, encryption_1.isMessageJWEEncrypted)(message, 'alg', 'enc');
assert_1.default.strictEqual(result, true);
import { Connection } from 'vscode-languageserver';
import { ChatParams, ChatResult, EndChatParams, FeedbackParams, FollowUpClickParams, InfoLinkClickParams, InsertToCursorPositionParams, LinkClickParams, NotificationHandler, QuickActionParams, QuickActionResult, RequestHandler, SourceLinkClickParams, TabAddParams, TabChangeParams, TabRemoveParams } from '../../protocol';
import { Chat } from '../../server-interface';
import { CredentialsEncoding } from '../auth/standalone/encryption';
export declare class EncryptedChat implements Chat {
private readonly connection;
import { ChatParams, ChatResult, QuickActionParams, QuickActionResult, RequestHandler } from '../../protocol';
import { BaseChat } from './baseChat';
export declare class EncryptedChat extends BaseChat {
private key;
private encoding;
constructor(connection: Connection, key: string, encoding?: CredentialsEncoding);
private encoding?;
private keyBuffer;
constructor(connection: Connection, key: string, encoding?: "JWT" | undefined);
onChatPrompt(handler: RequestHandler<ChatParams, ChatResult | null | undefined, ChatResult>): void;
onQuickAction(handler: RequestHandler<QuickActionParams, QuickActionResult, void>): void;
onEndChat(handler: RequestHandler<EndChatParams, boolean, void>): import("vscode-languageserver").Disposable;
onSendFeedback(handler: NotificationHandler<FeedbackParams>): void;
onReady(handler: NotificationHandler<void>): void;
onTabAdd(handler: NotificationHandler<TabAddParams>): void;
onTabChange(handler: NotificationHandler<TabChangeParams>): void;
onTabRemove(handler: NotificationHandler<TabRemoveParams>): void;
onCodeInsertToCursorPosition(handler: NotificationHandler<InsertToCursorPositionParams>): void;
onLinkClick(handler: NotificationHandler<LinkClickParams>): void;
onInfoLinkClick(handler: NotificationHandler<InfoLinkClickParams>): void;
onSourceLinkClick(handler: NotificationHandler<SourceLinkClickParams>): void;
onFollowUpClicked(handler: NotificationHandler<FollowUpClickParams>): void;
private registerEncryptedRequestHandler;
private instanceOfEncryptedParams;
private decodeRequest;
private encryptObject;

@@ -15,75 +15,58 @@ "use strict";

const protocol_1 = require("../../protocol");
class EncryptedChat {
const encryption_1 = require("../auth/standalone/encryption");
const baseChat_1 = require("./baseChat");
// Default JWE configuration
class EncryptedChat extends baseChat_1.BaseChat {
constructor(connection, key, encoding) {
this.connection = connection;
this.key = Buffer.from(key, 'base64');
this.key = key;
this.encoding = encoding;
this.keyBuffer = Buffer.from(key, 'base64');
onChatPrompt(handler) {
this.connection.onRequest(protocol_1.chatRequestType, (request, cancellationToken) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
request = request;
// decrypt the request params
let decryptedRequest = (yield this.decodeRequest(request));
// make sure we don't lose the partial result token
if (request.partialResultToken) {
decryptedRequest.partialResultToken = request.partialResultToken;
// call the handler with plaintext
const response = (yield handler(decryptedRequest, cancellationToken));
// encrypt the response
const encryptedResponse = yield this.encryptObject(response);
// send it back
return encryptedResponse;
this.registerEncryptedRequestHandler(protocol_1.chatRequestType, handler);
onQuickAction(handler) {
this.connection.onRequest(protocol_1.quickActionRequestType, (request, cancellationToken) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
request = request;
// decrypt the request params
let decryptedRequest = (yield this.decodeRequest(request));
// make sure we don't lose the partial result token
if (request.partialResultToken) {
decryptedRequest.partialResultToken = request.partialResultToken;
this.registerEncryptedRequestHandler(protocol_1.quickActionRequestType, handler);
registerEncryptedRequestHandler(requestType, handler) {
this.connection.onRequest(requestType, (request, cancellationToken) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
// Verify the request is encrypted as expected
if (this.instanceOfEncryptedParams(request)) {
// Decrypt request
let decryptedRequest;
try {
decryptedRequest = yield this.decodeRequest(request);
catch (err) {
let errorMessage = 'Request could not be decrypted';
if (err instanceof Error)
errorMessage = err.message;
return new protocol_1.ResponseError(protocol_1.LSPErrorCodes.ServerCancelled, errorMessage);
// Preserve the partial result token
if (request.partialResultToken) {
decryptedRequest.partialResultToken = request.partialResultToken;
// Call the handler with decrypted params
const response = yield handler(decryptedRequest, cancellationToken);
// If response is null or undefined, return it as is
if (!response) {
return response;
// Encrypt the response and return it
const encryptedResponse = yield (0, encryption_1.encryptObjectWithKey)(response, this.key, KEY_MANAGEMENT_ALGORITHM, CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM);
return encryptedResponse;
// call the handler with plaintext
const response = (yield handler(decryptedRequest, cancellationToken));
// encrypt the response
const encryptedResponse = yield this.encryptObject(response);
// send it back
return encryptedResponse;
return new protocol_1.ResponseError(protocol_1.LSPErrorCodes.ServerCancelled, 'The request was not encrypted correctly');
onEndChat(handler) {
return this.connection.onRequest(protocol_1.endChatRequestType, handler);
instanceOfEncryptedParams(object) {
if ('message' in object && typeof object['message'] === `string`) {
return (0, encryption_1.isMessageJWEEncrypted)(object.message, KEY_MANAGEMENT_ALGORITHM, CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM);
return false;
onSendFeedback(handler) {
this.connection.onNotification(protocol_1.feedbackNotificationType.method, handler);
onReady(handler) {
this.connection.onNotification(protocol_1.readyNotificationType.method, handler);
onTabAdd(handler) {
this.connection.onNotification(protocol_1.tabAddNotificationType.method, handler);
onTabChange(handler) {
this.connection.onNotification(protocol_1.tabChangeNotificationType.method, handler);
onTabRemove(handler) {
this.connection.onNotification(protocol_1.tabRemoveNotificationType.method, handler);
onCodeInsertToCursorPosition(handler) {
this.connection.onNotification(protocol_1.insertToCursorPositionNotificationType.method, handler);
onLinkClick(handler) {
this.connection.onNotification(protocol_1.linkClickNotificationType.method, handler);
onInfoLinkClick(handler) {
this.connection.onNotification(protocol_1.infoLinkClickNotificationType.method, handler);
onSourceLinkClick(handler) {
this.connection.onNotification(protocol_1.sourceLinkClickNotificationType.method, handler);
onFollowUpClicked(handler) {
this.connection.onNotification(protocol_1.followUpClickNotificationType.method, handler);
decodeRequest(request) {

@@ -95,6 +78,6 @@ return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {

if (this.encoding === 'JWT') {
const result = yield (0, jose_1.jwtDecrypt)(request.message, this.key, {
clockTolerance: 60, // Allow up to 60 seconds to account for clock differences
contentEncryptionAlgorithms: ['A256GCM'],
keyManagementAlgorithms: ['dir'],
const result = yield (0, jose_1.jwtDecrypt)(request.message, this.keyBuffer, {
clockTolerance: 60,
contentEncryptionAlgorithms: [CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM],
keyManagementAlgorithms: [KEY_MANAGEMENT_ALGORITHM],

@@ -109,12 +92,4 @@ if (!result.payload) {

encryptObject(object) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const encryptedJWT = yield new jose_1.EncryptJWT(object)
.setProtectedHeader({ alg: 'dir', enc: 'A256GCM' })
return encryptedJWT;
exports.EncryptedChat = EncryptedChat;

@@ -50,2 +50,3 @@ "use strict";

const lspServer_1 = require("./lsp/router/lspServer");
const baseChat_1 = require("./chat/baseChat");

@@ -213,17 +214,3 @@ * The runtime for standalone LSP-based servers.

if (!encryptionKey) {
chat = {
onChatPrompt: handler => lspConnection.onRequest(protocol_1.chatRequestType.method, handler),
onEndChat: handler => lspConnection.onRequest(protocol_1.endChatRequestType.method, handler),
onQuickAction: handler => lspConnection.onRequest(protocol_1.quickActionRequestType.method, handler),
onSendFeedback: handler => lspConnection.onNotification(protocol_1.feedbackNotificationType.method, handler),
onReady: handler => lspConnection.onNotification(protocol_1.readyNotificationType.method, handler),
onTabAdd: handler => lspConnection.onNotification(protocol_1.tabAddNotificationType.method, handler),
onTabChange: handler => lspConnection.onNotification(protocol_1.tabChangeNotificationType.method, handler),
onTabRemove: handler => lspConnection.onNotification(protocol_1.tabRemoveNotificationType.method, handler),
onCodeInsertToCursorPosition: handler => lspConnection.onNotification(protocol_1.insertToCursorPositionNotificationType.method, handler),
onLinkClick: handler => lspConnection.onNotification(protocol_1.linkClickNotificationType.method, handler),
onInfoLinkClick: handler => lspConnection.onNotification(protocol_1.infoLinkClickNotificationType.method, handler),
onSourceLinkClick: handler => lspConnection.onNotification(protocol_1.sourceLinkClickNotificationType.method, handler),
onFollowUpClicked: handler => lspConnection.onNotification(protocol_1.followUpClickNotificationType.method, handler),
chat = new baseChat_1.BaseChat(lspConnection);

@@ -230,0 +217,0 @@ return s({ chat, credentialsProvider, lsp, workspace, telemetry, logging });

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