KMU 2.0 Pod

- Make sure to configure git correctly (Windows vs. macOS)
git config --global core.autocrlf true
Main dependencies
Run the app
- Install the needed dependencies
npm install
- Run the app
- With local services
npm run start
- With ACC env
npm run start-acc
- With DEV env
npm run start-dev
- With ACC stable env
npm run start-stable
Generating fixtures
You can generate new fixtures by running command npm run generate-fixtures
, this creates new fixtures for both state (used for unit tests) and mock api.
Fixtures are generated from json schemas using
Json schemas are located in __fixtures__/schemas
and generated files are located in __fixtures__/__generated__
The API base url depends on the stage environment
You can change stage environment by passing different attribute value to data-stage="mock"
or data-stage="local"
in index.html
Stage environment is passed in as attibute automatically in deployed pod.