title: Core
tags: Readme
This package was developed for the Axelor Open Mobile application.
It contains:
- API providers
- Auth module with login and user screens
- Translations management system
- Various helper tools : clipboard, file viewer, external app management
- Management of MailMessages and attaches files on objects
- AOS linked components or using external libraries : Camera, Scanner, PlanningView, Stopwatch, ...
- Menu management
- Storage management
Install the library :
yarn add @axelor/aos-mobile-core
Compatibility with React v18.2.x and React Native v0.70.x.
This package has a few required libraries as peer dependencies, please check package.json for more informations.
Create an application
The component Application enables you to create an application really simply :
interface Application {
modules: Module[];
mainMenu?: string;
additionalsReducers?: any;
version: string;
themes?: Theme[];
defaultTheme?: Theme;
writingThemes?: Writing[];
defaultWritingTheme?: Writing;
showModulesSubtitle: boolean;
configuration?: appConfig;
Each module is based on the same interface and has the following attributes :
interface Module {
name: string;
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
icon?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
menus: {
[screenKey: string]: {
title: string;
icon: string;
screen: string;
disabled?: boolean;
parent?: string;
order?: number;
screens: {
[screenKey: string]: {
component: React.FC<any>;
title: string;
options?: ScreenOptions;
translations?: {
[languageKey: string]: any;
reducers?: any;
backgroundFunctions?: Function[];
models?: {
objectFields?: ObjectFields;
sortFields?: SortFields;
searchFields?: SearchFields;
Perform request
This package provides a tool for making HTTP requests. This tool is based on axios. To use it, simply import the provider and use the appropriate method:
import {axiosApiProvider} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-core';
axiosApiProvider.post({url: '...', data: {...}});
You can also create standard requests with the functions createStandardSearch and createStandardFetch.
createStandardSearch = ({
model: string;
criteria?: Criteria[];
domain?: string;
domainContext?: any;
fieldKey: string;
sortKey?: string;
page: number;
numberElementsByPage?: number;
}): Promise<any>;
createStandardFetch = ({
model: string;
fieldKey: string;
id: number;
relatedFields?: any;
}): Promise<any>;
Translations system
This package is also responsible for managing translations. To add translations in the database, you just have to indicate them as an JSON format in the export of the module:
const myModule : Module {
name: "my-module-key";
title: "MyModule_Name";
subtitle: "MyModule_SubName";
icon: ...;
menus: {...};
screens: {...};
translations: {
en: {
MyModule_Name: "My module name",
MyModule_SubName: "My module",
HelloWorld: "Hello world"
fr: {
MyModule_Name: "Le nom de mon module",
MyModule_SubName: "Mon module",
HelloWorld: "Bonjour"
Then, to translate an element and thus retrieve its translation, the translation function must be retrieved from the useTranslator
import {useTranslator} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-core';
import {Text} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-ui';
const I18n = useTranslator();
The auth module, present in this package, allows the user's language to be modified directly from his profile. However, the package also provides the reducer to perform this action in the case of an overload or the addition on another screen. To change the language, simply update the user on the server:
import {updateActiveUser, useDispatch, useSelector} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-core';
const {user} = useSelector(state => state.user);
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const updateLanguage = useCallback(
language => {
updateActiveUser({id: user.id, language, version: user.version}),
[dispatch, user],
Default language of the application is 'en' but this can be modified in the application configuration file under defaultLanguage props.
Helper tools
This package provides several helpers such as:
To copy something to the user's clipboard, just call the clipboardProvider.copyToClipboard with the string value of what you want to copy:
import {clipboardProvider} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-core';
import {Icon, useThemeColor} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-ui';
const Colors = useThemeColor();
{address?.fullName && (
onPress={() =>
- Open a file in an external app
This package provides a tool to open files from the server, either MetaFile or DMSFile, in the application dedicated to the latter type on the phone.
To do this, simply use the openFileInExternalApp function of the package with the necessary information:
import {openFileInExternalApp, useSelector, useTranslator} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-core';
const {baseUrl, token, jsessionId} = useSelector(state => state.auth);
const I18n = useTranslator();
const handleShowFile = async item => {
await openFileInExternalApp(
{fileName: item.fileName, id: item.id, isMetaFile: isMetaFile},
{baseUrl: baseUrl, token: token, jsessionId: jsessionId},
- Pick a file for phone data
This package provides a tool to pick an image from phone storage.
To do this, simply use the handleDocumentSelection function of the package with the necessary information:
import {handleDocumentSelection} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-core';
const handlePickFile = async () => {
await handleDocumentSelection(console.log);
- Open an external app with contact informations
To have the contact applications (call, email, maps, ...), just use the linkingProvider with the dedicated method:
- URL management:
openURL(url: string, error: {title: string; message: string})
- Browser management:
openBrowser(url: string)
- Call management:
openCallApp(tel: string)
- Message management:
openSMSApp(tel: string)
- Email management:
openMailApp(email: string, subject?: string, body?: string, to?: string, cc?: string, bcc?: string)
- Maps management:
openMapApp(address?: string, destination?: string, latitude?: number, longitude?: number, transportType: string)
An example with maps app:
import {linkingProvider} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-core';
import {Icon, useThemeColor} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-ui';
const Colors = useThemeColor();
{address?.fullName && (
onPress={() =>
Add MailMessages and attached files
- Management of MailMessages and attaches files on objects
This package provides a component to add MailMessages and file attachments functionality to the header. This component also allows to display its children if there are any as a dropdown menu.
For the first two functionalities of this component, it is necessary to provide in props the name of the object model ("com.axelor.apps.stock.db.StockCorrection" for the stock corrections for example), the id of the current object, and the navigation attribute to go on the dedicated screens:
import {HeaderOptionsMenu} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-core';
import {DropdownMenuItem} from '@axelor/aos-mobile-ui';
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
headerRight: () => (
}, [navigation, ...]);
An example of rendering:

This package also provides a number of components linked to Axelor Open Suite (AOS) or requiring external libraries such as the camera, the calendar view or the stopwatch.
This package is developed as part of the Axelor Open Mobile application. To contribute, please go to the Github project and follow the guidelines. You will also find an installation guide to help you configure your environment.