This repo is a fork of to update dependencies, functionality and add typing for the different gam services.
We have tried to keep the overall structure intact, but we moved the authorization to its own step for readability reasons.
Checkout Step #2 for the change and Step #3 for code removal.
BN Google Ad Manager Node Api
A modern wrapper around Google's Ad Manager API.
- Promise based - use Promise or async/await
- Non opinionated about auth mechanisms - obtain a token however you like
- Typed (TypeScript-isch)
npm i @BonnierNews/bn-google-ad-manager-api
Step #1
Obtain an access token in whatever way you like, for example using Google Auth Library's JSON Web Tokens mechanism:
const { auth } = require("google-auth-library");
const keys = {
type: "service_account",
project_id: "...",
private_key_id: "...",
private_key: "...",
client_email: "...",
client_id: "...",
auth_uri: "",
token_uri: "",
auth_provider_x509_cert_url: "",
client_x509_cert_url: "...",
const client = auth.fromJSON(keys);
client.scopes = [""];
await client.authorize();
Step #2:
Create a client and authorize it with the google auth credentials token from step #1:
import { DFPClient, GAMClient } from "@BonnierNews/bn-google-ad-manager-api";
const dfpClient = new DFPClient();
await dfpClient.authorize({ networkCode: "...", apiVersion: "v201805", accessToken: client.credentials.access_token });
const gamClient = new GAMClient();
await gamClient.authorize({ networkCode: "...", apiVersion: "v201805", accessToken: client.credentials.access_token });
Step #3
Use the client to create a service.
const lineItemService = await dfpClient.getService("LineItemService");
const lineItemService = await gamClient.getService("LineItemService");
Step #4
Invoke service methods:
const res = await lineItemService.getLineItemsByStatement({
filterStatement: {
query: "WHERE name LIKE 'prebid%'",
- The Ad Manager API returns an
field for each method invocation.
To make things easier for us, this package will return the content of that field.
For example, invocation of LineItemService.getLineItemsByStatement
will return a LineItemPage
object directly.
- Google auth tokens have expiration dates and they need to be updated or refreshed in some way. Because authentication management is outside the scope of this package, make sure to always pass the new tokens to the services instances using