Internationalization helper for Flagship. Automatically reads the user's current locale and uses it
to format numbers, dates, and strings.
Uses react-native-i18n/i18n-js
for strings, Number.prototype.toLocaleString
for numbers, and Date.prototype.toLocaleString
under the hood.
yarn add @brandingbrand/fsi18n
yarn add react-native-i18n
The react-native-i18n
package must be added to your project as a dependency so the native modules
will link correctly.
Example Usage
Assume the user's language preference is set to French (fr-FR).
import FSI18n from '@brandingbrand/fsi18n';
const translations = {
en: {
greeting: 'Hello',
fr: {
greeting: 'Bonjour',
es: {
greeting: 'Hola',
import FSI18n from '@brandingbrand/fsi18n';
import FSI18n from '@brandingbrand/fsi18n';
FSI18n.currency(1234.56, 'EUR');
FSI18n.currency(1234.56, undefined, {
currency: 'USD',
currencyDisplay: 'code',
import FSI18n from '@brandingbrand/fsi18n';
import FSI18n from '@brandingbrand/fsi18n';
const importantDate = new Date('Nov 1, 2018');
Currency Override
Some clients might want Australian dollars to display as "A$ 19.99" instead of the default "AUD
To get this to work you need represent each currency you want to override as a key value pair with
the key being a three character ISO-4217 currency code and the value being the desired symbol.
IOS-4217 standard: https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html
Here is an example of using the addCurrencyOverrides()
import FSI18n, { MappedCurrencySymbols } from '@brandingbrand/fsi18n';
const currencyOverrides: MappedCurrencySymbols = {
AUD: 'A$',
USD: 'US$',