PatternFly React Docs
This site uses gatsby.
For an overview of the project structure please refer to the Gatsby documentation - Building with Components...
Note: All commands below assume you are on the root directory in this repository.
Run to install all the dependencies
lerna bootstrap
To start the site locally.
yarn build && yarn start:pf4
To build the site.
yarn build:site
Live examples
Disabling globally
You can turn off the functionality to live edit the examples globally by settings GATSBY_LIVE_EXAMPLES to false, either by editing .env.development and .env.production or by setting it in the CLI prior to starting the docs:
GATSBY_LIVE_EXAMPLES=false yarn start:pf4
Other example settings
There are some special static fields you can specify in the example to change behavior:
// Sets the title for the example
static title = 'Example title';
// Sets the description for the example
static description = 'Example description';
// True by default, set to false to disable live editing for this example
static live = false;
// Pass imports into the liveScope object so it is available to the live editor.
// By default, the live editor only knows about React.*, react-core components, react-icons, and the react-styles css function
// If you have additional imports in your examples, they can be passed to the live editor scope like this:
static liveScope = { spacingStyles };
// Additional styles relevant to the example display can be added via a static field getContainerProps.
// getContainerProps is an import to a .js file that has content such as:
import { css, StyleSheet } from '@breakaway/react-styles';
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
demoLayout: {
'& > .pf-c-alert': {
marginBottom: '0.5rem'
export default () => ({ className: css(styles.demoLayout) });
static getContainerProps = getContainerProps;
In the examples *.docs.js file, you can specify these properties:
// Main title for the examples
title: 'Alert',
// Components to display in the props table
components: {
// Enums that need to be evaluated for the props table
enumValues: {
'Object.values(AlertVariant)': Object.values(AlertVariant)
// The examples
examples: [SuccessExample, DangerExample, InfoExample, WarningExample],
// True to show links instead of inline examples, also turns live editing off
fullPageOnly: false