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@busy-web/cli - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version




"name": "@busy-web/cli",
"version": "0.5.1",
"version": "0.6.0",
"description": "Command line tools to enhance web dev tasks",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "src/index.js",

@@ -78,5 +78,16 @@ # cli

-l, --local prevents tag from pushing to upstream remote
-u, --upstream <name> upstream remote name to push release tags, default: origin
-undefined, --no-commit prevent version from committing and creating a new tag
-t, --tag [name] tag the version and push to remote [name], default: origin
-p, --push [name] push changes to remote [name], default: origin
##### release:prune &lsaquo;version&rsaquo; [type]
Prune a release type by version
Alias: r:p
-undefined, --dry shows the tags that would be deleted but doesnt do anything
-a, --all delete all tags matching the version and type
-m, --mod <number> mod number to prune the tags with, default: 5
-r, --remote [name] flag to prune remote tags for [name], default: origin
-p, --prod production tags can only be deleted with --prod option applied.
##### template &lsaquo;type&rsaquo; &lsaquo;name&rsaquo;

@@ -83,0 +94,0 @@ creates a new template file. (not supported yet)

@@ -10,53 +10,199 @@ /**

const logger = loader('utils/logger');
const { isEmpty } = loader('utils/types');
const { read, write } = loader('utils/file-io');
//const { get } = loader('utils/object');
* check to see if the version fits the valid standards
function isValidTag(type) {
return /^v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[\s\S]*$/.test(type);
function buildType(release, version) {
return `npm version ${version}-${release}.1`;
* trim any extra space and lines off the version
* returned from the npm version cmd
function normailzeResponse(str) {
return str.replace(/[*\n]/g, '').trim();
const buildTypes = {
docker(version) { return buildType('dev', version); },
canary(version) { return buildType('canary', version); },
alpha(version) { return buildType('alpha', version); },
beta(version) { return buildType('beta', version); },
staging(version) { return buildType('staging', version); },
prod(version) {
if (/-/.test(version)) {
version = version.split('-')[0];
return `npm version ${version}`;
* normalize the build type string
function normalizeType(type) {
if (type === 'production') {
type === 'prod';
} else if (type === 'development' || type === 'docker') {
type === 'dev';
return type;
* save the new version to the public/version.json file
* if it exists
function savePackageInfo(version) {
version = version.slice(1);
return read('public/version.json').then(data => {
let dout = JSON.parse(data);
dout.version = version;
return write('public/version.json', JSON.stringify(dout));
}).catch(() => RSVP.resolve());
* increment the current version to get
* the next version based on the build type
function getNextVersion(build, version) {
let [ baseVer, typeVer ] = version.split('-');
if (build === 'prerelease') {
let vers = typeVer.split('.');
vers[1] = parseInt(vers[1]) + 1;
typeVer = vers.join('.');
} else {
let vers = baseVer.split('.');
if (build === 'major') {
baseVer = [ (parseInt(vers[0]) + 1), 0, 0 ].join('.');
} else if (build === 'minor') {
baseVer = [ vers[0], (parseInt(vers[1]) + 1), 0 ].join('.');
} else {
return 'npm version patch';
baseVer = [ vers[0], vers[1], (parseInt(vers[2]) + 1) ].join('.');
patch(version) {
if (/-/.test(version)) {
return 'npm version prerelease';
return [ baseVer, typeVer ].join('-');
* build a version update call npm call
* this call differs from the regular npm version call, it follows the following rules:
* - major:
* creates a new major version with prerelease dev --- 0.0.1 => 1.0.0-dev.0
* - minor:
* creates a new minor version with prerelease dev --- 0.0.1 => 0.1.0-dev.0
* - patch:
* creates a new patch version when version is not in prerelease --- 0.0.1 => 0.0.2
* or increments the prerelease version --- 0.0.1-dev.0 => 0.0.1-dev.1
* - prerelease:
* creates a new prerelease version --- 0.0.1-dev.0 => 0.0.1-dev.1
* - <types>:
* create a type specific prerelease --- 0.0.1 => 0.0.1.<type>.0
* change a type specific prerelease to another prerelease --- => 0.0.1.<type>.0
* increments a type specific prerelease --- 0.0.1.<type>.0 => 0.0.1.<type>.1
* @private
* @method getAction
* @param type {string} the version comand action
* @param version {string} the current version of the cwd project
* @return {string} npm version command to run.
function getAction(type, version) {
if (isValidTag(type)) {
return type;
} else {
const isPreTag = /-/.test(version);
if (type === 'major' || type === 'minor' || type === 'patch' || type === 'prerelease') { // block major and minor calls
if (!isPreTag && type === 'patch') {
// normal patch version call
return 'patch';
} else if (isPreTag && type === 'prerelease') {
// normal prerelease version call
return 'prerelease';
} else {
// prevent patch calls when in prerelease mode
if (type === 'patch') {
type === 'prerelease';
let ver = getNextVersion(type, version);
let [ baseVer ] = ver.split('-');
// create new version command from version
return `${baseVer}-dev.0`;
} else {
return 'npm version patch';
// split version into a base version and a type version
let [ baseVer, typeVer ] = version.split('-');
if (type === 'prod') {
// production version tags
if (isEmpty(typeVer)) {
// if there is no type version then the format is correct and its just a patch call
return 'patch';
} else {
// remove the type version info and create a tag with the base version info
return baseVer;
} else {
let typeRegex = new RegExp(type);
if (!typeRegex.test(typeVer)) {
// craete version type
return `${baseVer}-${type}.0`;
} else {
// increment prerelease version
return 'prerelease';
minor() { return 'npm version --no-git-tag-version minor'; },
major() { return 'npm version --no-git-tag-version major'; }
function getNextVersion(version) {
let mode = 'patch';
if (/-/.test(version)) {
mode = 'prerelease';
function getRemote() {
let remote = false;
if (this.program.tag) {
// get tag flag
remote = typeof this.program.tag === 'string' ? this.program.tag : 'origin';
} else if (this.program.push) {
// get push flag
remote = typeof this.program.push === 'string' ? this.program.push : 'origin';
return cmd(`npm version --no-git-tag-version ${mode}`, { hidecmd: true }).then(newver => {
newver = normailzeResponse(newver);
newver = newver.split('-')[0];
return cmd(`npm version --no-git-tag-version ${version}`, { hidecmd: true }).then(oldver => {
oldver = normailzeResponse(oldver);
return { newver, oldver };
return remote;
function tagVersion(remote, version) {
if (this.program.noCommit || !this.program.tag) {
return RSVP.resolve(`Skipping tag`);
// create and push the new tag
return cmd(`git tag -a ${version} -m "Release Version: ${version}"`, { hidecmd: true }).then(() => {
return cmd(`git push ${remote} --tags`, { hidecmd: true }).then(() => `Tagged new release ${remote}/${version}`);
function normailzeResponse(str) {
return str.replace(/[*\n]/g, '').trim();
function pushVersion(remote) {
if (this.program.noCommit || (!this.program.tag && !this.program.push)) {
return RSVP.resolve(`Skipping push`);
// get the branch name to push to
return cmd(`git branch`, { hidecmd: true }).then(branch => {
// normalize branch name
branch = normailzeResponse(branch);
// push the remote tag and branch data
return cmd(`git push ${remote} ${branch}`, { hidecmd: true }).then(() => `Pushed to ${remote}/${branch}`);
function commitVersion(version) {
if (this.program.noCommit) {
return RSVP.resolve(`Skipping commit`);
// commit new version release
return cmd(`git commit -am "Release Version: ${version}"`, { hidecmd: true }).then(() => `Created release commit`);
* command class
module.exports = createCommand({

@@ -69,36 +215,44 @@ name: 'release',

options: [
{ cmd: '--local', short: '-l', desc: 'prevents tag from pushing to upstream remote' },
{ cmd: '--upstream', short: '-u', args: ['<name>'], desc: 'upstream remote name to push release tags, default: origin' }
{ cmd: '--no-commit', desc: 'prevent version from committing and creating a new tag' },
{ cmd: '--tag', short: '-t', args: [ '[name]' ], desc: 'tag the version and push to remote [name], default: origin' },
{ cmd: '--push', short: '-p', args: [ '[name]' ], desc: 'push changes to remote [name], default: origin' }
run(type) {
if (!buildTypes[type]) {
logger.error(`build type not found [${type}] valid types are '${Object.keys(buildTypes).join('|')}'`);
const cwd = process.cwd();
const remote =;
let pkgInfo = require(path.join(cwd + '/package.json'));
let version = pkgInfo.version;
let promise = RSVP.resolve({ newver: version, oldver: version });
if (type === 'docker' || type === 'canary' || type === 'alpha' || type === 'beta') {
promise = getNextVersion(version);
} else if (type === 'prod' || type === 'production') {
type === 'prod';
//promise = RSVP.resolve({ newver: version, oldver: version });
let remote = 'origin';
if (this.program.upstream) {
remote = this.program.upstream;
// normalize type string
type = normalizeType(type);
promise.then(vers => {
cmd(buildTypes[type](vers.newver)).then(ver => {
ver = normailzeResponse(ver);
cmd(`git branch`, { hidecmd: true }).then(branch => {
branch = normailzeResponse(branch);
cmd(`git push ${remote} ${branch}`).then(() => {
cmd(`git push ${remote} --tags`).then(() => {`${ver} released to remote ${remote}.`);
// create npm version command
let vercmd = 'npm version --no-git-tag-version ';
// add version action
vercmd += getAction(type, version);
// create new npm version string
return cmd(vercmd, { hidecmd: true }).then(ver => {
// normalize version info
ver = normailzeResponse(ver);`Version created: ${ver}`);
// save new version in public/version.json if project has one
return savePackageInfo(ver).then(() => {
// commit version info.
return, ver).then(commitRes => {;
// tag promise has either pushed a tag or skipped it.
return, remote, ver).then(tagRes => {;
// push or skip pushing to remote branch
return, remote).then(pushRes => {;
return RSVP.resolve(`Release version ${ver} finished!`);

@@ -108,4 +262,9 @@ });

}).catch(err => {
if (process.__busyweb.debug) {
return RSVP.reject(`Run cmd: ${vercmd} failed to execute.`);

@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@

debug(...args) {
this.write(colors.cyan(' => Debug:'), stringify(args));
subinfo(...args) {

@@ -36,0 +36,0 @@ this.write(' =>'), colors.cyan(stringify(args)));