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@cardano-ogmios/schema - npm Package Versions



published 5.0.0 •



[5.0.0] - 2021-12-20

  • New state-query systemStart to access the blockchain start time (UTC).

  • New state-query chainTip to access the blockchain current tip (may slightly differ from the ledgerTip which may be behind catching up).

  • New state-query blockHeight to access the blockchain current highest block number (or "origin" if the chain is just starting).
  • New state-query eraSummaries to access all era bounds and slotting parameters details, required for proper slot arithmetic.
  • Log-levels can now be configured per-component. For example, one can decrease the min severity for the health component while keeping the state-query logs at another.
  • Logs can now be shutdown completely via the special keyword off.
  • Static binaries for Linux are now produced by the Nix build and uploaded as build artifacts for the corresponding Github workflow (i.e. Nix).
  • ![TypeScript][] Add support for systemStart, chainTip, blockHeight & eraSummaries in the client and repl.
🏢 Server
  • ⚠️ RelativeTime is no-longer serialised as a string (with s as suffix) but, as an integer representing the number of seconds.
  • ⚠️ Serialised Plutus scripts are now labelled either plutus:v1 or plutus:v2 (instead of plutus).

  • ⚠️ Some breaking changes in the SubmitTx errors returned by the server for the sake of consistency. All submission errors are now returned as singleton objects within an array. The key of each object indicates the type of error and the value gives additional details about the errors. This is also true for era-mismatch errors. Some errors used to be returned as plain strings, they are now wrapped as singleton object with null as a value; this is the case for:

    • invalidMetadata
    • mirNegativeTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed
    • mirProducesNegativeUpdate
    • mirTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed
    • missingAtLeastOneInputUtxo
    • missingCollateralInputs
    • triesToForgeAda
    • validationTagMismatch
    • wrongCertificateType
  • Upgraded internal dependencies to Cardano eco-system 1.31.0

  • ⚠️ ![TypeScript][] Lovelace is now a native BigInt.

  • ⚠️ ![TypeScript][] getServerHealth's connection argument is now wrapped into an object, mapped to the field connection. (see #135)

  • ⚠️ ![TypeScript][] Replaced schema definitions for Hash16 and Hash64 with more precise type definitions. For hashes, definitions now follows a convention Digest[ALGORITHM]::PRE-IMAGE where ALGORITHM and PRE-IMAGE points to the corresponding has algorithm used to hash the PRE-IMAGE. The length of the digest is given by minLength and maxLength JSON-schema constraints. Consequently, TypeScript types / interfaces generated from the JSON-schema definitions have been altered.

  • ⚠️ Log level severities critical, alert and emergency have been removed. error is now the highest severity.

  • ⚠️ The Nix setup has been highly simplified, resulting in removal of the NixOS services configuration and probably some other stuff.

published 4.2.1 •



[4.2.1] - 2021-11-16


N / A

  • Fixed configuration parsing which would wrongly use Shelley's slots per epoch instead of Byron's. This had an impact on the reported slot number in the chain-sync protocol, where slot numbers would be wrongly offset by 432000 per epoch after the first epoch.


published 4.2.0 •



[4.2.0] - 2021-11-05

  • Enabled Alonzo transaction in the submission protocol (oversight from previous releases). Doing so, explicit compiler warnings have been added to the relevant code to avoid overseeing this in the next upgrade.

  • Added query response and requests to logs trace, large responses are truncated (e.g. querying the entire UTXO or, informations about all stake pools).

  • Gracefully handled shutdown and process cleanup on SIGTERM.

  • Documented Mary last point to the points of interests for the chain-sync protocol.

  • Bumped cardano-node's integration to 1.31.0

  • ![TypeScript][] The State-Query client can now release acquired points to perform queries against the most recent tip (which was also the default when creating a client with no point).

  • ![TypeScript][] Some internal rework and cleanup; mostly chasing dangling promises by avoiding attaching even handlers when not needed.


published 4.1.0 •



[4.1.0] - 2021-09-08

  • Generate and store test vectors for various JSON requests and responses. This should ease integration for many clients who seek for good coverage of the server inputs/outputs.

  • Documented example state queries in the user-guide.

  • ![TypeScript][] The ConnectionConfig has an additional, optional, configuration parameter maxPayload to configure the maximum allowed message size in bytes. The default is chosen quite large as the utxo query can result in large payloads.

  • ![TypeScript][] New helpers isByronEpochBoundaryBlock and isByronStandardBlock.

  • ![TypeScript][] The StateQueryClient now wraps every query in a try/catch to cope with malformed queries leading to client fault results from the server.
  • ![TypeScript][] Type definitions for QueryResponse[poolIds] and QueryResponse[poolParameters] are no longer marked as "optional".
  • ![TypeScript][] Fixed bug #125 where empty results of delegationAndRewards would cause the client to throw an exception.
  • ![TypeScript][] Handled some floating promises.


published 4.0.0 •



[4.0.0] - 2021-09-06

  • Integrated with the Cardano eco-system corresponding to cardano-node@1.29.0 (Alonzo!) & latest testnet(s).
  • New alonzo block type, with various additions related to Alonzo.
  • New state-queries:

    Query | Description --- | --- poolIds | The list of all pool identifiers currently registered and active. poolParameters | Stake pool parameters submitted with registration certificates. poolsRanking | Retrieve stake pools ranking (a.k.a desirabilities). rewardsProvenance | Get details about rewards calculation for the ongoing epoch.

  • Added missing properties in Byron's protocol parameters update. Somehow, an additionalProperties: true had slipped through and caused the tests to pass with an incomplete schema.

  • Nested logs are now also structured, in particular those coming from the Handshake or TxSubmission protocols. Before, any message from these layers where actually plain strings with unintelligible gibberish. Now, the submitted transaction payload is shown encoded as hexadecimals and errors are also serialized to json using the same model / codec as the one used for websockets. The handshake is also more verbose now clearly showing what version is being requested and what the node replies / select. All in all, better logs.

  • The Dockerfile now includes a build definition for building cardano-node and ogmios into the same image, which is the default and suggested mode of operation. To build an image with only Ogmios, use the build --target ogmios. Docker Hub now hosts two image repositories: cardanosolutions/cardano-node-ogmios and cardanosolutions/ogmios.

  • Docker Hub images are now tagged with a network suffix (e.g. -mainnet). In the case of mainnet, the -mainnet suffix is optional, and points to the same build as the defaults.

  • A new repository for hosting Cardano configurations of various services was created and is now used in Ogmios. Configuration for cardano-node (and therefore Ogmios) or, network genesis can be found in input-output-hk/cardano-configurations. Configurations are updated automatically by a nightly job to be always up-to-date. They can be pulled into projects as git submodules.

  • New possible errors from the transaction submission (stemming from the Alonzo integration):

    • collateralHasNonAdaAssets
    • collateralIsScript
    • collateralTooSmall
    • collectErrors
    • datumsMismatch
    • executionUnitsTooLarge
    • extraDataMismatch
    • extraRedeemers
    • mirNegativeTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed
    • mirProducesNegativeUpdate
    • mirTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed
    • missingDatumHashesForInputs
    • missingRequiredDatums
    • missingRequiredRedeemers
    • missingRequiredSignatures
    • outsideForecast
    • poolMetadataHashTooBig
    • tooManyCollateralInputs
    • unspendableDatums
    • unspendableScriptInputs
    • validationTagMismatch
  • ![TypeScript][] Compatibility with aforementioned server additions.

  • ![TypeScript][] The ChainSyncClient now implements an in-memory queue to ensure requestNext responses are processed sequentially when there are async operations in the message handlers. This behaviour can be bypassed where sequential processsing is not required, by setting the new construction option sequential to false.

  • ![TypeScript][] The StateQueryClient can now re-acquire new points at will, useful for long-running clients for which previously acquired points may expire.

  • ![TypeScript][] The TypeScript client is now fully documented!

  • ⚠️ The utxo query can now accept a list TxIn as argument, and still supports list of Address. Note that lists can't be heterogeneous and it's not possible to mix TxIn and Address.

  • ⚠️ Asset quantities and transaction metadata's integers are now parsed as native BigInt.

  • The memory and steps JSON representations for prices are no longer coins, but ratio (represented as strings in the API).

  • The moveInstantaneousRewards certificates have a new optional field value and not only a rewards map as before. When value is present, it signifies that rewards are moved to the other pot.

  • Auxiliary data's scriptPreImages in Allegra & Mary has been replaced with a field scripts which has one field native. The value of native corresponds to what used to be the value of scriptPreImages. In Alonzo, scripts may also have another field plutus with a serialized Plutus script.

  • Transactions witnesses' address has been renamed into signatures, and the structure of the object has been changed to be a map from public keys to signatures (instead of an object with two field key & signature).

  • Transactions witnesses' script has been renamed into scripts.

  • Transaction submission errors' networkMismatch now returns an invalidEntities list of object in the form of { "type": ..., "entity": } where type is a text tag designating the type of entity for which there is a network identifier mismatch. Values can be address, rewardAccount and since Alonzo transactionBody. The entity field contains some details specific to the type of entity. Before, it used to be two distinct fields invalidAddresses and invalidRewardAccounts.

  • Empty transaction metadata are no longer materialized by an object with two null fields ({ "hash": null, "body": null }). Empty transaction metadata are now equal to null.

  • map metadatum in transactions' metadata are no longer materialized as a list of list of singleton objects: [[{ "k": ... }, { "v": ... }], ...] but instead, as a list of object with two fields k and v: [{ "k": ..., "v": ...}, ...]. This was an oversight from the encoder which was never intended to end up that way but happened to slip in because the schema for metadatum was not specified / documented (and therefore, also escaped testing). This is now documented properly.

  • The TxOut (and thus Utxo) model definitions have been unified and harmonized across all eras. That is, pre-Mary eras now also wrap Ada values in an object with a field "coins": .... This reduces the discrepancy between eras for there's now a single TxOut representation valid across all eras. Some fields are however optional and only present in some eras (e.g. datum starting from Alonzo)

  • ⚠️ ![TypeScript][] State queries (resp. the StateQueryClient) now automatically runs queries against the last known tip if no explicit point is provided. It used to acquire a point on the first query which would eventually become too old. The behavior is now equivalent to acquiring a new point on every query!

  • ⚠️ ![TypeScript][] SubmitTx no-longer returns Byron errors. Consequently, submit errors are no longer scoped under errors.byron or errors.shelley but simply errors.

  • ⚠️ ![TypeScript][] Fixed proposedProtocolParameters query. All fields are actually required AND, more importantly, it can now return either Shelley protocol parameters or, Alonzo protocol parameters.

  • ![TypeScript][] The ChainSyncClientMessageHandlers methods now must return a promise.

  • ![TypeScript][] Various reworks and renaming of the TypeScript types

    • AssetQuantity is now a native bigint
    • Metadatum's Int are now native bigint
    • Type DelegationsAndRewards renamed into DelegationsAndRewardsByAccounts
    • Type DelegationsAndRewards1 renamed into DelegationsAndRewards
    • Type NonMyopicMemberRewards1 renamed into NonMyopicMemberRewards
    • Type TxTooLarge1 renamed into TxTooLarge
    • Type FeeTooSmall1 renamed into FeeTooSmall
    • Type NetworkMismatch1 renamed into NetworkMismatch
    • Type Proposal renamed into UpdateProposalShelley
    • Types Utxo1, Utxo2, UtxoMary have been unified into a single Utxo type. Refer to server breaking changes for details.
    • Type Tip & Point renamed into TipOrOrigin and PointOrOrigin. As a consequence, Tip1 and Point1 are now simply Tip and Point.
    • Many types NullX merged into a single Null type
    • Query types have been renamed from ledgerTip1 to GetLedgerTip and so forth for all queries.
  • datumsMismatch, a previously introduced error from the transaction submission has been removed / replaced.

  • SubmitTx can no longer return SubmitTxError[Byron]. All the child error types have been removed accordingly, namely:

    • UtxoValidationError
    • TxValidationError
    • LovelaceError
  • ![TypeScript][] ChainSyncClient no longer exposes a requestNext function. Instead you must invoke the callback provided as the second argument in each of rollBackward and rollForward handlers.

  • ![TypeScript][] ChainSyncClient no longer exposes JSON-WSP reflection as there would be unexpected results given the first n messages would all share the same reflected value.

published 4.0.0-beta.9 •
published 4.0.0-beta.8 •
published 4.0.0-beta.7 •
published 4.0.0-beta.6 •
published 4.0.0-beta.5 •