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@carto/airship-components - npm Package Compare versions

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* Built with
* 2018-06-18T09:09:54
* 2018-07-13T08:18:25
!function(e,t,r,n,i,s,o,c,a,u,p,l,d,h){for((p=e.airship=e.airship||{}).components=a,(d=a.filter(function(e){return e[2]}).map(function(e){return e[0]})).length&&((l=t.createElement("style")).innerHTML=d.join()+"{visibility:hidden}.hydrated{visibility:inherit}",l.setAttribute("data-styles",""),t.head.insertBefore(l,t.head.firstChild)),function(e,t,r){(e["s-apps"]=e["s-apps"]||[]).push("airship"),r.componentOnReady||(r.componentOnReady=function(){var t=this;function r(r){if(t.nodeName.indexOf("-")>0){for(var n=e["s-apps"],i=0,s=0;s<n.length;s++)if(e[n[s]].componentOnReady){if(e[n[s]].componentOnReady(t,r))return;i++}if(i<n.length)return void(e["s-cr"]=e["s-cr"]||[]).push([t,r])}r(null)}return e.Promise?new e.Promise(r):{then:r}})}(e,0,u),i=i||p.resourcesUrl,l=(d=t.querySelectorAll("script")).length-1;l>=0&&!(h=d[l]).src&&!h.hasAttribute("data-resources-url");l--);d=h.getAttribute("data-resources-url"),!i&&d&&(i=d),!i&&h.src&&(i=(d=h.src.split("/").slice(0,-1)).join("/")+(d.length?"/":"")+"airship/"),l=t.createElement("script"),function(e,t,r,n){return!("core=esm")>0)&&(!(!("core=es5")>0||"file:"===t.protocol)&&e.customElements&&e.customElements.define&&e.fetch&&e.CSS&&e.CSS.supports&&e.CSS.supports("color","var(--c)")&&"noModule"in r)||function(e){try{return new Function('import("")'),!1}catch(e){}return!0}())}(e,e.location,l)?l.src=i+"airship.d8azwrlo.js":(l.src=i+"airship.nomggejy.js",l.setAttribute("type","module"),l.setAttribute("crossorigin",!0)),l.setAttribute("data-resources-url",i),l.setAttribute("data-namespace","airship"),t.head.appendChild(l)}(window,document,0,0,0,0,0,0,[["as-switch","vwknbesq",1]],HTMLElement.prototype);
(function(win, doc, namespace, fsNamespace, resourcesUrl, appCore, appCoreSsr, appCorePolyfilled, hydratedCssClass, components) {
function init(win, doc, namespace, fsNamespace, resourcesUrl, appCore, appCorePolyfilled, hydratedCssClass, components, HTMLElementPrototype, App, x, y, scriptElm) {
// create global namespace if it doesn't already exist
App = win[namespace] = win[namespace] || {};
App.components = components;
y = components.filter(function (c) { return c[2]; }).map(function (c) { return c[0]; });
if (y.length) {
// auto hide components until they been fully hydrated
// reusing the "x" and "i" variables from the args for funzies
x = doc.createElement('style');
x.innerHTML = y.join() + '{visibility:hidden}.' + hydratedCssClass + '{visibility:inherit}';
x.setAttribute('data-styles', '');
doc.head.insertBefore(x, doc.head.firstChild);
createComponentOnReadyPrototype(win, namespace, HTMLElementPrototype);
resourcesUrl = resourcesUrl || App.resourcesUrl;
// figure out the script element for this current script
y = doc.querySelectorAll('script');
for (x = y.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
scriptElm = y[x];
if (scriptElm.src || scriptElm.hasAttribute('data-resources-url')) {
// get the resource path attribute on this script element
y = scriptElm.getAttribute('data-resources-url');
if (!resourcesUrl && y) {
// the script element has a data-resources-url attribute, always use that
resourcesUrl = y;
if (!resourcesUrl && scriptElm.src) {
// we don't have an exact resourcesUrl, so let's
// figure it out relative to this script's src and app's filesystem namespace
y = scriptElm.src.split('/').slice(0, -1);
resourcesUrl = (y.join('/')) + (y.length ? '/' : '') + fsNamespace + '/';
// request the core this browser needs
// test for native support of custom elements and fetch
// if either of those are not supported, then use the core w/ polyfills
// also check if the page was build with ssr or not
x = doc.createElement('script');
if (usePolyfills(win, win.location, x, 'import("")')) {
// requires the es5/polyfilled core
x.src = resourcesUrl + appCorePolyfilled;
else {
// let's do this!
x.src = resourcesUrl + appCore;
x.setAttribute('type', 'module');
x.setAttribute('crossorigin', true);
x.setAttribute('data-resources-url', resourcesUrl);
x.setAttribute('data-namespace', fsNamespace);
function usePolyfills(win, location, scriptElm, dynamicImportTest) {
// fyi, dev mode has verbose if/return statements
// but it minifies to a nice 'lil one-liner ;)
if ('core=esm') > 0) {
// force esm build
return false;
if (('core=es5') > 0) ||
(location.protocol === 'file:') ||
(!(win.customElements && win.customElements.define)) ||
(!win.fetch) ||
(!(win.CSS && win.CSS.supports && win.CSS.supports('color', 'var(--c)'))) ||
(!('noModule' in scriptElm))) {
// es5 build w/ polyfills
return true;
// final test to see if this browser support dynamic imports
return doesNotSupportsDynamicImports(dynamicImportTest);
function doesNotSupportsDynamicImports(dynamicImportTest) {
try {
new Function(dynamicImportTest);
return false;
catch (e) { }
return true;
function createComponentOnReadyPrototype(win, namespace, HTMLElementPrototype) {
(win['s-apps'] = win['s-apps'] || []).push(namespace);
if (!HTMLElementPrototype.componentOnReady) {
HTMLElementPrototype.componentOnReady = function componentOnReady() {
var elm = this;
function executor(resolve) {
if (elm.nodeName.indexOf('-') > 0) {
// window hasn't loaded yet and there's a
// good chance this is a custom element
var apps = win['s-apps'];
var appsReady = 0;
// loop through all the app namespaces
for (var i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) {
// see if this app has "componentOnReady" setup
if (win[apps[i]].componentOnReady) {
// this app's core has loaded call its "componentOnReady"
if (win[apps[i]].componentOnReady(elm, resolve)) {
// this component does belong to this app and would
// have fired off the resolve fn
// let's stop here, we're good
if (appsReady < apps.length) {
// not all apps are ready yet
// add it to the queue to be figured out when they are
(win['s-cr'] = win['s-cr'] || []).push([elm, resolve]);
// not a recognized app component
// callback wasn't provided, let's return a promise
if (win.Promise) {
// use native/polyfilled promise
return new win.Promise(executor);
// promise may not have been polyfilled yet
return { then: executor };
init(win, doc, namespace, fsNamespace, resourcesUrl, appCore, appCoreSsr, appCorePolyfilled, hydratedCssClass, components);
})(window, document, "airship","airship",0,"airship.core.js","es5-build-disabled.js","hydrated",[["as-category-widget","as-category-widget",1,[["categories",1],["clearSelection",6],["defaultBarColor",1,0,"default-bar-color",2],["description",1,0,1,2],["getSelectedCategories",6],["heading",1,0,1,2],["selectedCategories",5],["showClearButton",1,0,"show-clear-button",3],["showHeader",1,0,"show-header",3],["useTotalPercentage",1,0,"use-total-percentage",3],["visibleCategories",1,0,"visible-categories",4]]],["as-switch","as-switch",1],["as-toolbar","as-toolbar"],["as-toolbar-item","as-toolbar-item",0,[["src",1,0,1,2],["text",1,0,1,2]]]],HTMLElement.prototype);
"components": [
"tag": "as-category-widget",
"dependencies": [],
"componentClass": "CategoryWidget",
"componentPath": "components/as-category-widget/as-category-widget.js",
"styles": {
"$": {
"stylePaths": [
"props": [
"name": "categories",
"attr": "categories"
"name": "defaultBarColor",
"type": "String",
"attr": "default-bar-color"
"name": "description",
"type": "String",
"attr": "description"
"name": "heading",
"type": "String",
"attr": "heading"
"name": "showClearButton",
"type": "Boolean",
"attr": "show-clear-button"
"name": "showHeader",
"type": "Boolean",
"attr": "show-header"
"name": "useTotalPercentage",
"type": "Boolean",
"attr": "use-total-percentage"
"name": "visibleCategories",
"type": "Number",
"attr": "visible-categories"
"states": [
"name": "selectedCategories"
"methods": [
"name": "clearSelection"
"name": "getSelectedCategories"
"events": [
"event": "categoriesSelected"
"tag": "as-switch",

@@ -14,3 +86,34 @@ "dependencies": [],

"events": [
"event": "onToggle"
"tag": "as-toolbar",
"dependencies": [],
"componentClass": "Toolbar",
"componentPath": "components/as-toolbar/as-toolbar.js",
"styles": {}
"tag": "as-toolbar-item",
"dependencies": [],
"componentClass": "ToolbarItem",
"componentPath": "components/as-toolbar-action/as-toolbar-item.js",
"styles": {},
"props": [
"name": "src",
"type": "String",
"attr": "src"
"name": "text",
"type": "String",
"attr": "text"

@@ -21,3 +124,3 @@ ],

"name": "@stencil/core",
"version": "0.10.7",
"version": "0.10.10",
"typescriptVersion": "2.9.2"

@@ -24,0 +127,0 @@ },

export class Switch {
render() {
return (h("label", { class: "switch" },
h("input", { type: "checkbox" }),
h("span", { class: "slider" })));
return (h("label", { class: 'switch' },
h("input", { type: 'checkbox', onChange: (event) => this.onInputChanged(event) }),
h("span", { class: 'slider' })));
onInputChanged(event) {
const currentState =;
static get is() { return "as-switch"; }
static get events() { return [{
"name": "onToggle",
"method": "onToggle",
"bubbles": true,
"cancelable": true,
"composed": true
}]; }
static get style() { return "/**style-placeholder:as-switch:**/"; }
// airship: Host Data, ES Module/ES5 Target
export var Switch = ["as-switch",function(){return(import("./vwknbesq.js")).then(function(m){return m.AsSwitch})},1];
export var CategoryWidget = ["as-category-widget",function(){return(import("./as-category-widget.js")).then(function(m){return m.AsCategoryWidget})},1,[["categories",1],["clearSelection",6],["defaultBarColor",1,0,"default-bar-color",2],["description",1,0,1,2],["getSelectedCategories",6],["heading",1,0,1,2],["selectedCategories",5],["showClearButton",1,0,"show-clear-button",3],["showHeader",1,0,"show-header",3],["useTotalPercentage",1,0,"use-total-percentage",3],["visibleCategories",1,0,"visible-categories",4]]];
export var Switch = ["as-switch",function(){return(import("./as-switch.js")).then(function(m){return m.AsSwitch})},1];
export var Toolbar = ["as-toolbar",function(){return(import("./as-toolbar.js")).then(function(m){return m.AsToolbar})}];
export var ToolbarItem = ["as-toolbar-item",function(){return(import("./as-toolbar-item.js")).then(function(m){return m.AsToolbarItem})},0,[["src",1,0,1,2],["text",1,0,1,2]]];


// airship: Custom Elements Define Library, ES Module/ES5 Target
import { defineCustomElement } from './airship.core.js';
import {
} from './airship.components.js';

@@ -9,4 +12,7 @@

defineCustomElement(window, [
], opts);

@@ -33,2 +33,109 @@ import './stencil.core';

namespace StencilComponents {
interface AsCategoryWidget {
* Array of categories to display in the widget. Each category should include a `name` and a `value`. You can also override the bar color for each category with `color`.
'categories': object[];
* Clear current selected categories
'clearSelection': () => void;
* Default color to draw the bars. Default value is `#47DB99`.
'defaultBarColor': string;
* Description text of the widget
'description': string;
* Get current selected categories
'getSelectedCategories': () => string[];
* Heading text of the widget
'heading': string;
* If truthy, it'll show a button to clear selected categories when there are any. Default value is `false`.
'showClearButton': boolean;
* If truthy, it'll render the heading and component's description. Default value is `true`.
'showHeader': boolean;
* If truthy, we'll use the sum of all categories' value to render the bar percentage. By default, we use the maximum category value to render the bar percentage.
'useTotalPercentage': boolean;
* The number of visible categories without aggregation.
'visibleCategories': number;
interface HTMLAsCategoryWidgetElement extends StencilComponents.AsCategoryWidget, HTMLStencilElement {}
var HTMLAsCategoryWidgetElement: {
prototype: HTMLAsCategoryWidgetElement;
new (): HTMLAsCategoryWidgetElement;
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'as-category-widget': HTMLAsCategoryWidgetElement;
interface ElementTagNameMap {
'as-category-widget': HTMLAsCategoryWidgetElement;
namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements {
'as-category-widget': JSXElements.AsCategoryWidgetAttributes;
namespace JSXElements {
export interface AsCategoryWidgetAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
* Array of categories to display in the widget. Each category should include a `name` and a `value`. You can also override the bar color for each category with `color`.
'categories'?: object[];
* Default color to draw the bars. Default value is `#47DB99`.
'defaultBarColor'?: string;
* Description text of the widget
'description'?: string;
* Heading text of the widget
'heading'?: string;
* Fired when selected categories changed or selected categories are cleared.
'onCategoriesSelected'?: (event: CustomEvent<string[]>) => void;
* If truthy, it'll show a button to clear selected categories when there are any. Default value is `false`.
'showClearButton'?: boolean;
* If truthy, it'll render the heading and component's description. Default value is `true`.
'showHeader'?: boolean;
* If truthy, we'll use the sum of all categories' value to render the bar percentage. By default, we use the maximum category value to render the bar percentage.
'useTotalPercentage'?: boolean;
* The number of visible categories without aggregation.
'visibleCategories'?: number;
declare global {
namespace StencilComponents {
interface AsSwitch {

@@ -58,9 +165,77 @@

export interface AsSwitchAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
'onOnToggle'?: (event: CustomEvent) => void;
declare global {
namespace StencilComponents {
interface AsToolbarItem {
'src': string;
'text': string;
interface HTMLAsToolbarItemElement extends StencilComponents.AsToolbarItem, HTMLStencilElement {}
var HTMLAsToolbarItemElement: {
prototype: HTMLAsToolbarItemElement;
new (): HTMLAsToolbarItemElement;
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'as-toolbar-item': HTMLAsToolbarItemElement;
interface ElementTagNameMap {
'as-toolbar-item': HTMLAsToolbarItemElement;
namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements {
'as-toolbar-item': JSXElements.AsToolbarItemAttributes;
namespace JSXElements {
export interface AsToolbarItemAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
'src'?: string;
'text'?: string;
declare global {
namespace StencilComponents {
interface AsToolbar {
interface HTMLAsToolbarElement extends StencilComponents.AsToolbar, HTMLStencilElement {}
var HTMLAsToolbarElement: {
prototype: HTMLAsToolbarElement;
new (): HTMLAsToolbarElement;
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'as-toolbar': HTMLAsToolbarElement;
interface ElementTagNameMap {
'as-toolbar': HTMLAsToolbarElement;
namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements {
'as-toolbar': JSXElements.AsToolbarAttributes;
namespace JSXElements {
export interface AsToolbarAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
declare global { namespace JSX { interface StencilJSX {} } }
export declare function defineCustomElements(window: any): void;
import '../../stencil.core';
import { EventEmitter } from '../../stencil.core';
export declare class Switch {
onToggle: EventEmitter;
render(): JSX.Element;
onInputChanged(event: any): void;
"name": "@carto/airship-components",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.26",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.28",
"description": "CARTO Airship components",

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "module": "dist/esm/index.js",

"dev": "stencil build --dev --watch --serve",
"lint:css-fix": "stylelint 'src/components/**/*.scss' --fix",
"lint:css:fix": "stylelint 'src/components/**/*.scss' --fix",
"lint:css": "stylelint 'src/components/**/*.scss'",
"lint:fix": "npm run lint:css-fix",
"lint:ts": "tslint -c tslint.json 'src/**/*.ts'",
"lint": "npm run lint:ts & npm run lint:css",
"lint:fix": "npm run lint:css:fix",
"lint:ts": "tslint -c tslint.json src/components/**/*.{ts,tsx}",
"lint": "npm run lint:ts && npm run lint:css",
"serve": "serve -p 5001",

@@ -26,5 +26,6 @@ "test:watch": "jest --watch",

"devDependencies": {
"@stencil/core": "^0.10.0",
"@stencil/core": "0.11.0",
"@stencil/sass": "0.0.5",
"@types/jest": "^21.1.1",
"conventional-changelog-cli": "^2.0.1",
"jest": "^21.2.1",

@@ -50,3 +51,3 @@ "lerna": "^2.11.0",

"transform": {
"^.+\\.(ts|tsx)$": "../../node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/jest.preprocessor.js"
"^.+\\.(ts|tsx|js)$": "../../node_modules/@stencil/core/testing/jest.preprocessor.js"

@@ -53,0 +54,0 @@ "testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*|\\.(test|spec))\\.(tsx?|jsx?)$",

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display