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@casual-simulation/aux-custom-portals - npm Package Versions



published 2.0.9 •




Date: 9/7/2021

:rocket: Improvements

  • Added the os.requestPermanentAuthToken() and os.destroyRecord(record) functions.
    • os.requestPermanentAuthToken() is used to get auth tokens that can publish records to a app bundle from anywhere - including from other app bundles.
    • os.destroyRecord(record) destroys the given record and makes it inaccessable via os.getRecords(). You must be logged in to destroy records and you can only destroy records that have been created by your user account and app bundle.
    • See the documentation for more info.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where retrieving records from a temporary space can fail when the query matches no records.
  • Fixed an issue where CasualOS could permanently stall while loading.
published 2.0.8 •




Date: 9/7/2021

:rocket: Improvements

  • Created
    • is a companion service for CasualOS that provides the ability to sign in with an account and save permanent records of data.
  • Added the os.requestAuthBot() function.
    • Requests that the user sign in and creates the authBot global variable to represent whether the user is signed in.
    • Only works if an App Bundle (AB) was auto loaded using the autoLoad query parameter.
    • Returns a promise that resolves when the user is signed in.
    • See the "Auth Bot Tags" section in the documentation for more info.
  • Added the os.publishRecord(recordDescription) function to be able to save arbitrary JSON data.
    • Records are arbitrary pieces of data that can saved and retrieved from special record-enabled spaces.
      • The possible spaces are:
        • tempRestricted - (Default) Records are temporary (they are deleted at the end of the day) and they are only retrievable by the user and appBundle that created them.
        • tempGlobal - Records are temporary and they are they are retrievable by everyone.
        • permanentRestricted - Records are permanent and they are only retrievable by the user and appBundle that created them.
        • permanentGlobal - Records are permanent and they are retrievable by everyone.
    • Unlike bots, records are only accessible by searching for them using the os.getRecords() function.
    • Requires that the user has signed in with os.requestAuthBot().
    • recordDescription is an object with the following properties:
      • space - The space that the record should be published to.
      • record - The data that should be included in the record.
      • address - (Optional) The address that the record should be published at. This can be omitted if a prefix is specified instead.
      • prefix - (Optional) The prefix that the record should be published at. If used instead of address, CasualOS will calculate the address by concatenating the given prefix and ID like this: "{prefix}{id}".
      • id - (Optional) The ID that the record should be published at. If used with prefix, then CasualOS will combine the given id with the given prefix to calculate the address. If omitted, then CasualOS will generate a UUID to be used with the prefix.
      • authToken - (Optional) The auth token that should be used to publish the record. This is useful for allowing other users to be able to publish records to an app bundle on your account. If omitted, then the authToken tag from the authBot will be used.
    • Returns a promise that resolves when the record has been published.
    • See the documentation for some examples.
  • Added the os.getRecords(...filters) function to be able to find and retrieve records.
    • Works similarly to getBots() except that the list of possible filters is different and more limited.
    • Possible filters are:
      • byAuthID(id) - Searches for records that were published by the given auth ID. This filter is required for all os.getRecords() queries.
      • inSpace(space) - Searches for records that were published to the given space. If omitted, only tempRestricted records will be searched.
      • byAddress(address) - Searches for the record with the given address. Useful for finding a specific record.
      • byPrefix(prefix) - Searches for records whose address starts with the given prefix. Useful for finding a list of records.
      • byID(id) - Searches for records whose address equals {prefix}{id}. Works similarly to byAddress() except that you must also use byPrefix(). Useful for finding a specific record.
    • Returns a promise that resolves with an object that contains a partial list of records.
      • Using this object, you can see the total number of records that the query matched and get the next part of the list using the getMoreRecords() function.
      • The object has the following structure:
        • records - The list of records that were retrieved. This list may contain all the records that were found or it might only contain some of the records that were found. You can retrieve all of the records by looping and calling getMoreRecords() until it returns an object with hasMoreRecords set to false.
        • totalCount - The total number of records that the query found.
        • hasMoreRecords - Whether there are more records that can be retrieved for the query.
        • getMoreRecords() - A function that can be called to get the next set of records for the query. Like os.getRecords(), this function returns a promise with an object that has the structure described above.
    • See the documentation for some examples.
  • Added the byID(id) bot filter.
    • This function can be used either as a bot filter with getBots() or as a record filter with os.getRecords().
    • As its name suggests, it can be used to find a bot with the given ID.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where using a formAnimationAddress prevented formAnimation from working correctly on first load.
  • Fixed an issue where os.focusOn() would not work on mobile devices.
published 2.0.8-alpha.1152089080 •
published 2.0.7 •




Date: 8/16/2021

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where remote whispers could cause CasualOS to think it was loaded before it actually was.
    • This would in turn cause CasualOS to think that ab-1 was not installed and led to ab-1 getting duplicated which could then cause the auxCode to be loaded again.
published 2.0.6 •




Date: 8/11/2021

:rocket: Improvements

  • Added the formAnimationAddress tag to allow specifying a separate GLTF/GLB URL that should be used for animations.
    • This allows dynamically loading animations instead of requiring that all animations be built into the formAddress GLTF mesh.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where setting the mapPortal tag on the configBot to null would not close the map portal.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera would rotate somewhat randomly when facing straight down using touch controls.
published 2.0.4 •




Date: 7/27/2021

:rocket: Improvements

  • Added the ability to download a PDF with embedded bot data by specifying a filename with a .pdf extension to os.downloadBots().
  • Added the os.parseBotsFromData(data) function.
    • This function can parse a list of bot mods from JSON or from the contents of a PDF that was created with os.downloadBots().
    • It returns a list of bot mods (i.e. mods that have the structure of bots) which can in turn be passed to create() to add them to the server.
  • Added the os.unregisterApp(appID) function to allow removing apps after they have been registered.
  • Added the ability to use JSX for Apps instead of the html string helper.
    • JSX allows you to use a HTML-like language directly inside listeners. This provides some nice benefits including proper syntax highlighting and error messages.
    • For example:
      let result = <h1>Hello, World!</h1>;
    • Due to convienience this will probably become the preferred way to write HTML for apps, however the html string helper will still be available.
published 2.0.3 •




Date: 2/4/2022

:rocket: Improvements

  • Added global search to the systemPortal.
    • Useful for finding a word or phrase in the tags of all the bots in an inst.
    • For example, you can find all the places where a shout occurrs by typing "shout" into the search box.
    • Can be accessed by using Ctrl+Shift+F while the systemPortal is open or by selecting the eyeglass icon on the left side of the screen.
  • Added the ability to use a video camera feed as the portal background.
    • You can enable this feature by setting portalBackgroundAddress to casualos://camera-feed.
    • It also supports specifying the rear or front facing cameras with casualos://camera-feed/rear and casualos://camera-feed/front.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with custom apps where HTML changes would stop propagating if an element was added to its own parent.
    • This could happen via using the HTML document API like:
      // in @onSetupApp
      const parent = that.document.createElement('div');
      const child = that.document.createElement('span');
      parent.appendChild(child); // This would cause the issue
    • Alternatively, it could happen when using os.compileApp().
      • For efficiency, os.compileApp() uses a change detection algorithm to limit the number of HTML elements it needs to create.
      • In some cases, it saw that it could reuse an HTML element by moving it and this happened to trigger the bug in the system that records these changes.
published 2.0.3-alpha.1046344108 •
published 2.0.2 •




Date: 1/10/2022

:rocket: Improvements

  • Added the ability to use videos for formAddress and portalBackgroundAddress URLs.
  • Improved CasualOS to support logging into directly from CasualOS.
    • Previously you would have to login to via a new tab.
    • The new experience is seamless and much less confusing.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where DRACO compressed GLTF models could not be loaded if the decoder program had already been cached by the web browser.
published 2.0.2-alpha.984036479 •