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@casual-simulation/causal-tree-store-browser - npm Package Versions


published 0.6.5 •




Date: 05/10/2019

  • Improvements
    • Added aux.iframe tag that allows you to embed HTML pages inside an AUX.
      • Related iframe tags:
        • aux.iframe: URL of the page to embed
        • aux.iframe.x: X local position
        • aux.iframe.y: Y local position
        • aux.iframe.z: Z local position
        • aux.iframe.size.x: Width of the iframe plane geometry
        • aux.iframe.size.y: Height of the iframe plane geometry
        • aux.iframe.rotation.x: X local rotation
        • aux.iframe.rotation.y: Y local rotation
        • aux.iframe.rotation.z: Z local rotation
        • aux.iframe.element.width: The pixel width of the iframe DOM element
        • aux.iframe.scale: The uniform scale of the iframe plane geometry
published 0.6.0 •




Date: 05/07/2019


  • Improvements

    • Added an aux.progressBar tag that generates a progressbar above the file, this tag can be set to any value form 0 to 1.
      • This new tag also has additionally: aux.progressBar.color and aux.progressBar.backgroundColor to color the progressbar's components.
      • This tag also has: aux.progressBar.anchor to set the facing direction of the progress bar relative to the file.
    • Added aux.pickupable to control whether files can be placed into the inventory in the player or not, will be true (able to be put in inventory) by default.
      • If aux.pickupable is true but aux.movable is false, the file can still be dragged into the inventory without moving the file position. It can also be dragged out of the inventory by setting the file position only until is is placed, then not allowing position changes again as aux.movable is still false.
    • Added the ability to load additional channels into an AUX Player channel.
      • Channels can be loaded from any reachable instance of AUX Server. (, a boobox, etc.)
      • To add a channel to your AUX Player, simply open the hamburger menu and click "Add Channel".
        • Enter in the ID of the channel you want to load.
        • There are several options:
          • A URL (
          • A remote context ID (
          • A local context ID (channel/context)
          • A local channel ID (channel)
      • To remove a channel, open the hamburger menu and click on the one you want to remove.
      • Channels can also be loaded by putting them in the query string of the URL.
        • This is done by adding a parameter named channels set to the ID of the channel that you want to load.
        • For example, channels=abc/test will load the abc/test channel.
        • As a result, the URL ends up looking something like this
        • Note that you can only add channels this way. You must go to the hamburger menu to remove a channel.
          • Sharing URLs will cause all the channels you have loaded to show up for someone else but it won't remove any channels they already have loaded.
      • Added several new formula functions:
        • superShout(event, arg) performs a shout that goes to every loaded channel. This is the only way for channels to communicate with each other.
        • player.loadChannel(id) loads the channel with the given ID.
        • player.unloadChannel(id) unloads the channel with the given ID.
      • Additionally, the following events are always sent to every channel:
        • onQRCodeScannerOpened()
        • onQRCodeScannerClosed()
        • onQRCodeScanned()
        • onTapCode()
      • How it works
        • Channels are loaded by creating files in the user's "simulation context".
          • You can get the user's simulation context by using player.getFile().aux._userSimulationsContext.
        • AUX Player looks for these files and checks if they have a tag.
          • For files that do, then the tag value is used as a channel ID and then AUX Player loads it for each file.
          • Files that don't are ignored.
        • Note that because we have multiple channels loaded there are multiple user files and global files.
          • This is fine because channels cannot lookup files that other channels have.
          • Because of this, a user also has multiple simulation contexts.
          • This works out though, because we merge all the simulation contexts and remove duplicate channels.
          • When player.unloadChannel(id) is called, we only remove simulation files that are in the channel that the script is running in.
          • As a result, if another channel has called player.loadChannel(id) with the same ID the channel will remain loaded because at least one channel has requested that it be loaded.
    • Added in a tween for the zoom that fires once a file has been focused on, it will tween to file position then zoom to the set zoom value.
    • Added whisper(file, event, argument) formula function that sends shouts to a single file.
    • Added a aux.version tag to the globals file which will be used to help determine when breaking changes in the AUX file format occur.
    • Added the ability to copy and paste file selections in AUX Builder.
      • Pressing Ctrl+C or Cmd+C will cause the currently selected files to be copied to the user's clipboard.
      • Pressing Ctrl+V or Cmd+V will cause the currently selected files to be pasted into the world where the user's cursor is.
      • Does not interfere with normal copy/paste operations like copying/pasting in input boxes.
      • If a worksurface is included in the user's selection the new worksurface will be duplicated from it.
        • This allows you to do things like copy the context color.
        • Any files that are being copied from the old worksurface to the new one will also maintain their positions.
    • Added the ability to copy worksurfaces AUX Builder using the new "Copy" option in the context menu.
      • Using the Ctrl+V keybinding after copying the worksurface will paste a duplicate worksurface with duplicates of all the files that were on the surface.
    • Added the ability to drag .aux files into AUX Builder.
      • This will upload them just like the upload option in the hamburger menu.
    • Added player.hasFileInInventory(file) formula function that determines if the given file or list of files are in the current player's inventory.
      • As a part of this change, it is now possible to use the other user-related functions in formulas.
    • Moved the handlePointerEnter and handlePointerExit function logic to only work in PlayerInteractionManager.
    • Added the handlePointerDown to PlayerInteractionManager so down events in general can be collected on the player.
    • Clicking on the Raise and Lower options on the workspace dropdown will now effect the entrire workspace if it has been expanded.
published 0.5.2 •




Date: 04/26/2019


  • Improvements
    • Set builder's default background color to dark gray. Player remains the light blue.
    • Changed the onDragAny/onDropAny actions to be onAnyDrag/onAnyDrop.
    • formula-lib.ts has changed isPlayerInContext export to player.isInContext.
    • formula-lib.ts has changed makeDiff export to diff.
    • Made the mini file dots much smaller.
    • Added the ability to show and hide a QR Code Scanner using the openQRCodeScanner() and closeQRCodeScanner() functions.
      • Upon scanning a QR Code the onQRCodeScanned() event is triggered with the that variable bound to the scanned QR code.
      • The onQRCodeScannerOpened() event is triggered whenever the QR Code Scanner is opened.
      • The onQRCodeScannerClosed() event is triggered whenever the QR Code Scanner is closed.
    • Moved the file sheet to the right side of the screen.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue with trying to load a WebP version of the "add tag" icon in Safari.
      • Safari doesn't support WebP - so we instead have to load it as a PNG.
    • Fixed the proxy to return the original content type of images to Safari.
      • Because Safari doesn't support WebP we can't automatically optimize the images.
published 0.5.1 •




Date: 04/25/2019


  • Improvements
    • Automatically log in the user as a guest if they attempt to got to as context without being logged in.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Stopped a new Guest's username from saying guest_### upon logging into a new guest account for the first time.
    • Fixed highlighting issues when dragging files around.
    • Totally removed the AUX Player toolbar so that it doesn't get in the way of input events. (Was previously just transparent)
    • Fixed an issue with files not responding to height changes on a hex when the config file wasn't in the same context.