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@casual-simulation/crypto - npm Package Versions



published 1.5.0 •




Date: 3/17/2021

:boom: Breaking Changes

  • Changed the #portalCameraRotationX and #portalCameraRotationY tags to use radians instead of degrees.

:rocket: Improvements

  • Added the cameraZoom and cameraZoomOffset tags.
  • Added the os.focusOn(botOrPosition, options?) function.
    • Works similarly to os.tweenTo() and os.moveTo() except that it takes an options object instead of a bunch of parameters.
    • Notable improvements includes that it can accept a position instead of a bot, it supports different easing types, and it will return a promise which completes when the camera movement is finished.
    • Additionally the rotation values are in radians instead of degrees.
  • os.focusOn() and os.tweenTo() now use quadratic easing by default.
    • Additionally os.focusOn() supports specifying the easing type just like animateTag().
  • os.tweenTo() and os.moveTo() are now deprecated and should no longer be used. They will be removed in a future release of CasualOS.
    • To encourage migration, they have been removed from the documentation and autocomplete.
  • Added the experiment.beginAudioRecording() and experiment.endAudioRecording() functions to experiment with audio recording.
    • See the documentation for more information.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where camera offsets would not be taken into account when calculating the camera focus point.
    • This fixes issues with the focus point becoming more and more wrong as offsets are applied to the camera.
    • However, any calculations which try to calculate a camera position offset from the focus point must now subtract the current offset from the focus point to get the correct result. The example auxCode (cameraMovementExample) has been updated to reflect this change (version 2 and later).
published 1.4.7-alpha.33 •
published 1.4.7-alpha.32 •
published 1.4.4 •




Date: 2/18/2021

:rocket: Improvements

  • Added additional crypto functions to support asymmetric encryption and decryption.
    • crypto.asymmetric.keypair(secret) - Creates a keypair that can be used for asymmetric encryption and decryption.
    • crypto.asymmetric.encrypt(keypair, data) - Encrypts some data using the given keypair.
    • crypto.asymmetric.decrypt(keypair, secret, data) - Decrypts some data using the given keypair and secret.
    • Check the documentation for more info.
  • Added a better error message when trying to save a bot to a tag value.
  • Added the dimension bot form as a preferred alias to portal.
published 1.2.2 •




Date: 11/5/2020

:rocket: Improvements

  • Updated the MongoDB driver to v3.6.2 and added the MONGO_USE_UNIFIED_TOPOLOGY environment variable to control whether the driver uses the new unified topology layer.
published 1.2.0 •




Date: 7/17/2020


  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Added the MONGO_USE_NEW_URL_PARSER environment variable parameter to control whether CasualOS uses the new MongoDB URL Parser. (Defaults to false)
    • Added a popup to notify the user that data might be lost if they attempt to close the tab while not connected to the server.
    • Added the following cryptographic functions:
      • crypto.sha256(data)
        • Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given data.
        • data is the data to calculate the hash of.
        • Supports strings, numbers, booleans, objects, arrays, and bots.
      • crypto.sha512(data)
        • Calculates the SHA-512 hash of the given data.
        • data is the data to calculate the hash of.
        • Supports strings, numbers, booleans, objects, arrays, and bots.
      • crypto.hmacSha256(key, data)
        • Calculates the HMAC SHA-256 hash of the given data.
        • key is the password that should be used for the message authentication code.
        • data is the data to calculate the HMAC of.
        • Supports strings, numbers, booleans, objects, arrays, and bots.
      • crypto.encrypt(password, data)
        • Encrypts the given data with the given password and returns the result as a promise.
        • password is the password to use for encrypting the data.
        • data is the data that should be encrypted.
      • crypto.decrypt(password, data)
        • Decrypts the given data with the given password and returns the result as a promise.
        • Only works if the given data is the output of crypto.encrypt().
        • password is the password that was used to encrypt the data.
        • data is the data that should be decrypted.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a race condition where concurrently updating a tag in a script and triggering a dependency update on that same tag could cause the runtime to crash.
published 1.0.24 •




Date: 4/14/2020


  • :rocket: Improvements

    • Added a button on the sheet code editor to show errors that the script has run into.
      • It is very basic at the moment. There are no line/column numbers, no timestamps, and no way to clear the errors.
      • Errors are automatically pulled from error space and queried based on the following tags:
        • auxError must be true
        • auxErrorBot must be the ID of the bot whose script is in the editor.
        • auxErrorTag must be the name of the tag that is being edited.
      • The following tags are displayed for each error:
        • auxErrorName is the name of the error that occurred.
        • auxErrorMessage is the message that the error contained.
  • :bug: Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the color encoding of sprites to use sRGB instead of linear.
    • Fixed an issue where atoms would be sorted improperly because their causes were improperly treated as different.
published 1.0.0 •




Date: 2/7/2020


:robot: Builder Improvements
  • Renamed the .summon command to ..
  • Renamed the .new builder command to .clone builder
  • The Builder menu will now close automatically in the following scenarios:
    • Any bot is clicked
    • The grid is clicked
    • A menu item is selected
    • A chat command is sent
  • The Builder's cursor is now perfectly flat and is the same color as the Builder.
  • Renamed the default Builder to ab-1
  • Dragging a bot into Builder will cause Builder to expand to contain the bot and make Builder produce additional copies of the bot when dragged.
  • Added the .list commands command to show a HTML popup with a list of available commands.
  • Added the ability to change the color of the Builder.
  • Updated how hints are displayed in the chat bar.
  • Renamed several labels.
:rocket: Other Improvements
  • Moved the "Exit Sheet" button from the bottom of the sheet the top of the sheet. (next to the "Create Bot" button)
  • Added the ability to click a bot in the sheet to hide the sheet and warp to the clicked bot.
  • Added a notification that pops up when a bot ID is copied from the sheet.
:bug: Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where destroying a bot during a shout would error if the destroyed bot also had a listener for the same shout.
published 0.11.20 •




Date: 1/13/2020


  • Breaking Changes
    • Renamed context to dimension.
      • All the auxContext* tags have been renamed to auxDimension*.
      • Listeners like @onDrop, @onModDrop, @onClick, etc. now have a dimension property in the data argument instead of context.
      • The @onPlayerEnterContext listener has been renamed to @onPlayerEnterDimension.
      • The _auxUserContext, _auxUserMenuContext, _auxUserInventoryContext, and _auxUserChannelsContext have been renamed to use dimension instead of context.
    • Renamed channel to universe.
      • All the auxChannel* tags have been renamed to auxUniverse*.
      • The _auxUserChannelsContext tag has been renamed to _auxUserUniversesDimension.
      • The _auxUserChannel tag has been renamed to _auxUserUniverse.
      • The player.setupChannel() function has been renamed to player.setupUniverse().
      • The player.loadChannel() and player.unloadChannel() functions have been renamed to player.loadUniverse() and player.unloadUniverse().
      • The player.getCurrentChannel() function has been renamed to player.getCurrentUniverse().
      • The setup_channel action type has been renamed to setup_universe.
      • The @onChannel* listen tags have been renamed to @onUniverse*.
        • Also the channel property in the data argument has been renamed to universe.
    • Renamed the auxDimensionRotation (auxContextRotation) tags to auxDimensionOrientation.
    • You no longer need to define a dimension bot (context bot) in order to view a dimension in auxPlayer.
      • You can still configure a dimension using the auxDimensionConfig tag (renamed from auxContext).
    • Channel Designer is no more!
      • It has been replaced with the "sheet dimension" (bot table).
      • You can show any dimension in the sheet by putting a * in front of the dimension name in the URL.
        • e.g.*home/example if you wanted to view the home dimension in the sheet from the example universe.
        • Going to just * will show all bots in the universe in the sheet. (which is very slow at the moment)
      • You can also jump directly into auxPlayer by using the "Open dimension in auxPlayer" button that is next to the tag filters.
    • Removed the player.isDesigner() function.
    • Renamed auxShape to auxForm.
    • Renamed auxImage to auxFormAddress.
  • Improvements
    • Added the player.showChat() and player.hideChat() functions.
      • These show/hide the chat bar in auxPlayer.
      • Typing in the chat bar will trigger a @onChatUpdated shout with the text in the chat bar.
      • Pressing Enter or clicking the send button on the chat bar will trigger a @onChatEnter shout with the text in the chat bar.
    • Added the @onChat shout listener.
      • Triggered when the user sends a message using the chat bar.
      • that is an object with the following properties:
        • message - The message that was sent.
    • Added the @onChatTyping shout listener.
      • Triggered when the user edits the text in the chat bar.
      • that is an object with the following properties:
        • message - The message that is in the chat bar after the user edited it.
    • Added the function.
      • script is the script text that should be executed.
      • Works by sending a run_script action. This allows @onUniverseAction() listener to intercept and prevent scripts.
    • Added the ability to click a tag in the bot table to teleport to that dimension.
    • Added a play button to the right side of the code editor to run scripts for quick debugging.
    • Added the player.downloadBots(bots, filename) function.
      • The first parameter is an array of bots that should be downloaded.
      • The second parameter is the name of the file that is downloaded.
    • Added the player.showUploadUniverse() function.
      • Shows a dialog that lets the user upload .aux files.
  • Other Changes
    • Changed the "AUX Player" and "Channel Designer" tab titles to "auxPlayer".
    • Removed the colored dots from tag labels in the bot table.
  • Bug Fixes
    • auxIframe now supports URLs with * characters in them.
    • Fixed an issue with the menu dimension that would cause items to remain even though a different dimension should be visible.
published 0.11.8 •




Date: 12/3/2019


  • Improvements
    • Added a new system for managing causal trees.
      • This new system has improvements for performance and reliability.
      • It also adds support for revision history. (The controls will be coming in a future update)
      • Every new channel will use the new system while old channels will continue to use the old one.
      • Everything should function exactly the same as before.
    • Changed the .aux file format.
      • The new format is based on the bots state and is easily human readable/writable.
      • This is different from the old format where a list of atoms was stored.
      • Downloading a channel will give you a .aux file with the new format.
      • Uploading a channel supports both the old format and the new format.