What is @chakra-ui/pin-input?
@chakra-ui/pin-input is a component library for creating PIN input fields in React applications. It provides a set of components that make it easy to build PIN input forms with various customization options, such as managing focus, handling input values, and styling.
What are @chakra-ui/pin-input's main functionalities?
Basic PIN Input
This code demonstrates a basic PIN input with four fields. The `PinInput` component wraps around `PinInputField` components to create a PIN input form.
import { PinInput, PinInputField } from '@chakra-ui/pin-input';
function BasicPinInput() {
return (
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
Controlled PIN Input
This code demonstrates a controlled PIN input where the value is managed by the component's state. The `value` and `onChange` props are used to control the input.
import { useState } from 'react';
import { PinInput, PinInputField } from '@chakra-ui/pin-input';
function ControlledPinInput() {
const [value, setValue] = useState('');
return (
<PinInput value={value} onChange={setValue}>
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
Custom Length PIN Input
This code demonstrates a PIN input with a custom length of six fields. The `length` prop is used to specify the number of input fields.
import { PinInput, PinInputField } from '@chakra-ui/pin-input';
function CustomLengthPinInput() {
return (
<PinInput size="lg" length={6}>
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
Masked PIN Input
This code demonstrates a masked PIN input where the input values are hidden. The `type` prop is set to `password` to mask the input.
import { PinInput, PinInputField } from '@chakra-ui/pin-input';
function MaskedPinInput() {
return (
<PinInput type="password">
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
Other packages similar to @chakra-ui/pin-input
react-pin-input is a React component for creating PIN input fields. It offers similar functionality to @chakra-ui/pin-input, including customizable length, focus management, and styling options. However, it may not integrate as seamlessly with the Chakra UI ecosystem.
react-code-input is another React component for creating code or PIN input fields. It provides a variety of customization options, such as different input types and styles. Compared to @chakra-ui/pin-input, it offers more flexibility in terms of input types but may require additional styling to match Chakra UI's design system.
react-otp-input is a React component specifically designed for OTP (One Time Password) inputs. It supports features like auto-focus, customizable length, and input masking. While it offers similar functionality to @chakra-ui/pin-input, it is more focused on OTP use cases and may not provide the same level of integration with Chakra UI.
Pin Input
The PinInput component is optimized for entering sequences of digits. The most
common application is for entering single-use security codes. It is optimized
for entering digits quickly.
yarn add @chakra-ui/pin-input
npm i @chakra-ui/pin-input
Import component
import {
} from "@chakra-ui/pin-input"
Chakra UI exports two primary components, PinInput
and PinInputField
compose a PinInput component. Chakra UI also provides hooks to can create a
custom PinInput component.
<PinInput defaultValue="234">
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
function PinInputHookExample() {
const context = usePinInput({ autoFocus: true })
const input1 = usePinInputField({ context })
const input2 = usePinInputField({ context })
const input3 = usePinInputField({ context })
const input4 = usePinInputField({ context })
return (
<input style={style} {...input1} />
<input style={style} {...input2} />
<input style={style} {...input3} />
<input style={style} {...input4} />
<PinInput size="lg" defaultValue="234">
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
function ControlledPinInput() {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState("")
const handleChange = (value: string) => {
const handleComplete = (value: string) => {
return (
<PinInput value={value} onChange={handleChange} onComplete={handleComplete}>
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />
<PinInputField />