A library to play with OpenAI API.
const calculator = new Calculator()
const model = new Model({
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
tools: [calculator],
const system =
"A question is going to be submitted to you, do your best to answer it."
const history = [
role: "user",
content: "Hello! Can you help me to calculate the following: 2 + 2 ?",
role: "assistant",
content: '{ "tool": "calculator", "input": "2 + 2" }',
role: "user",
content: '{ "tool": "calculator", "input": "2 + 2", "output": "4" }',
role: "assistant",
content: "2 + 2 = 4",
const message = "6 * 4"
const answer = await model.use({ system, history, message })