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@code-pushup/utils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.48.0 to 0.49.0



"name": "@code-pushup/utils",
"version": "0.48.0",
"version": "0.49.0",
"dependencies": {
"@code-pushup/models": "0.48.0",
"@code-pushup/models": "0.49.0",
"@isaacs/cliui": "^8.0.2",
"@poppinss/cliui": "^6.4.0",
"ansis": "^3.3.0",
"build-md": "^0.4.1",
"bundle-require": "^4.0.1",
"esbuild": "^0.19.2",
"chalk": "^5.3.0",
"@isaacs/cliui": "^8.0.2",
"simple-git": "^3.20.0",
"multi-progress-bars": "^5.0.3",
"@poppinss/cliui": "^6.4.0",
"semver": "^7.6.0"
"semver": "^7.6.0",
"simple-git": "^3.20.0"

@@ -15,0 +16,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

@@ -19,2 +19,3 @@ export { exists } from '@code-pushup/models';

export { generateMdReportsDiff } from './lib/reports/generate-md-reports-diff';
export { loadReport } from './lib/reports/load-report';
export { logStdoutSummary } from './lib/reports/log-stdout-summary';

@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ export { scoreReport } from './lib/reports/scoring';

export { ScoredCategoryConfig, ScoredGroup, ScoredReport, } from './lib/reports/types';
export { calcDuration, compareIssueSeverity, loadReport, } from './lib/reports/utils';
export { calcDuration, compareIssueSeverity } from './lib/reports/utils';
export { isSemver, normalizeSemver, sortSemvers } from './lib/semver';
export * from './lib/text-formats';
export { CliArgsObject, apostrophize, capitalize, countOccurrences, distinct, factorOf, fromJsonLines, objectFromEntries, objectToCliArgs, objectToEntries, objectToKeys, toArray, toJsonLines, toNumberPrecision, toOrdinal, toUnixNewlines, toUnixPath, } from './lib/transform';
export { CliArgsObject, capitalize, countOccurrences, distinct, factorOf, fromJsonLines, objectFromEntries, objectToCliArgs, objectToEntries, objectToKeys, toArray, toJsonLines, toNumberPrecision, toOrdinal, toUnixNewlines, toUnixPath, } from './lib/transform';
export { ExcludeNullFromPropertyTypes } from './lib/types';
export { verboseUtils } from './lib/verbose-utils';

@@ -6,31 +6,6 @@ export declare const TERMINAL_WIDTH = 80;

export declare const CATEGORIES_TITLE = "\uD83C\uDFF7 Categories";
export declare const FOOTER_PREFIX = "Made with \u2764 by";
export declare const CODE_PUSHUP_DOMAIN = "";
export declare const README_LINK = "";
export declare const reportHeadlineText = "Code PushUp Report";
export declare const reportOverviewTableHeaders: [{
readonly key: "category";
readonly label: "🏷 Category";
readonly align: "left";
}, {
readonly key: "score";
readonly label: "⭐ Score";
}, {
readonly key: "audits";
readonly label: "🛡 Audits";
export declare const reportRawOverviewTableHeaders: string[];
export declare const issuesTableHeadings: [{
readonly key: "severity";
readonly label: "Severity";
}, {
readonly key: "message";
readonly label: "Message";
}, {
readonly key: "file";
readonly label: "Source file";
}, {
readonly key: "line";
readonly label: "Line(s)";
export declare const REPORT_HEADLINE_TEXT = "Code PushUp Report";
export declare const REPORT_RAW_OVERVIEW_TABLE_HEADERS: string[];

@@ -0,6 +1,6 @@

import { HeadingLevel, InlineText, MarkdownDocument } from 'build-md';
import { AuditReport, Table } from '@code-pushup/models';
import { Hierarchy } from '../text-formats';
export declare function tableSection(tableData: Table, options?: {
level?: Hierarchy | 0;
}): string;
export declare function metaDescription({ docsUrl, description, }: Pick<AuditReport, 'docsUrl' | 'description'>): string;
level?: HeadingLevel;
}): MarkdownDocument | null;
export declare function metaDescription(audit: Pick<AuditReport, 'docsUrl' | 'description'>): InlineText;

@@ -0,6 +1,8 @@

import { InlineText, MarkdownDocument } from 'build-md';
import { AuditReport } from '@code-pushup/models';
import { ScoredGroup, ScoredReport } from './types';
export declare function categoriesOverviewSection(report: Pick<ScoredReport, 'categories' | 'plugins'>): string;
export declare function categoriesDetailsSection(report: Pick<ScoredReport, 'categories' | 'plugins'>): string;
export declare function categoryRef({ title, score, value, displayValue }: AuditReport, pluginTitle: string): string;
export declare function categoryGroupItem({ score, title }: ScoredGroup, groupAudits: AuditReport[], pluginTitle: string): string;
export declare function categoriesOverviewSection(report: Pick<ScoredReport, 'categories' | 'plugins'>): MarkdownDocument;
export declare function categoriesDetailsSection(report: Pick<ScoredReport, 'categories' | 'plugins'>): MarkdownDocument;
export declare function categoryRef({ title, score, value, displayValue }: AuditReport, pluginTitle: string): InlineText;
export declare function categoryGroupItem({ score, title }: ScoredGroup, groupAudits: AuditReport[], pluginTitle: string): InlineText;
export declare function binaryIconSuffix(score: number, isBinary: boolean | undefined): string;

@@ -1,10 +0,11 @@

import { AuditReport, Issue, Report, Table } from '@code-pushup/models';
import { InlineText, MarkdownDocument } from 'build-md';
import { AuditReport, Issue, Report } from '@code-pushup/models';
import { ScoredReport } from './types';
export declare function auditDetailsAuditValue({ score, value, displayValue, }: AuditReport): string;
export declare function auditDetailsAuditValue({ score, value, displayValue, }: AuditReport): InlineText;
export declare function generateMdReport(report: ScoredReport): string;
export declare function auditDetailsIssues(issues?: Issue[]): string;
export declare function auditDetails(audit: AuditReport): string;
export declare function auditsSection({ plugins, }: Pick<ScoredReport, 'plugins'>): string;
export declare function aboutSection(report: Omit<ScoredReport, 'packageName'>): string;
export declare function reportPluginMeta({ plugins }: Pick<Report, 'plugins'>): Table;
export declare function reportMetaData({ commit, version, duration, plugins, categories, }: Pick<ScoredReport, 'date' | 'duration' | 'version' | 'commit' | 'plugins' | 'categories'>): Table;
export declare function auditDetailsIssues(issues?: Issue[]): MarkdownDocument | null;
export declare function auditDetails(audit: AuditReport): MarkdownDocument;
export declare function auditsSection({ plugins, }: Pick<ScoredReport, 'plugins'>): MarkdownDocument;
export declare function aboutSection(report: Omit<ScoredReport, 'packageName'>): MarkdownDocument;
export declare function pluginMetaTable({ plugins, }: Pick<Report, 'plugins'>): Parameters<MarkdownDocument['table']>;
export declare function reportMetaTable({ commit, version, duration, plugins, categories, }: Pick<ScoredReport, 'date' | 'duration' | 'version' | 'commit' | 'plugins' | 'categories'>): Parameters<MarkdownDocument['table']>;
import { ReportsDiff } from '@code-pushup/models';
export declare function generateMdReportsDiff(diff: ReportsDiff): string;
export declare function generateMdReportsDiff(diff: ReportsDiff, portalUrl?: string): string;
import { ScoredReport } from './types';
export declare function logStdoutSummary(report: ScoredReport): void;
export declare function logCategories({ categories, plugins }: ScoredReport): void;
export declare function binaryIconPrefix(score: number, isBinary: boolean | undefined): string;

@@ -1,2 +0,6 @@

import { ScoredReport } from './types';
import { CategoryRef, Group } from '@code-pushup/models';
import { ScoredReport, SortableAuditReport, SortableGroup } from './types';
export declare function getSortableAuditByRef({ slug, weight, plugin }: CategoryRef, plugins: ScoredReport['plugins']): SortableAuditReport;
export declare function getSortedGroupAudits(group: Group, plugin: string, plugins: ScoredReport['plugins']): SortableAuditReport[];
export declare function getSortableGroupByRef({ plugin, slug, weight }: CategoryRef, plugins: ScoredReport['plugins']): SortableGroup;
export declare function sortReport(report: ScoredReport): ScoredReport;

@@ -1,2 +0,4 @@

import { AuditReport, CategoryRef, IssueSeverity as CliIssueSeverity, Format, Group, Issue, PersistConfig, Report } from '@code-pushup/models';
import { Ansis } from 'ansis';
import { InlineText } from 'build-md';
import { AuditDiff, AuditReport, CategoryRef, IssueSeverity as CliIssueSeverity, Issue } from '@code-pushup/models';
import { ScoredReport, SortableAuditReport, SortableGroup } from './types';

@@ -6,3 +8,3 @@ export declare function formatReportScore(score: number): string;

skipBold?: boolean;
}): string;
}): InlineText;
export type MarkerShape = 'circle' | 'square';

@@ -13,22 +15,26 @@ export type ScoreColors = 'red' | 'yellow' | 'green';

export declare function getDiffMarker(diff: number): string;
export declare function colorByScoreDiff(text: string, diff: number): string;
export declare function shieldsBadge(text: string, color: string): string;
export declare function colorByScoreDiff(text: string, diff: number): InlineText;
export declare function shieldsBadge(text: string, color: string): InlineText;
export declare function formatDiffNumber(diff: number): string;
export declare function severityMarker(severity: 'info' | 'warning' | 'error'): string;
export declare function formatScoreChange(diff: number): InlineText;
export declare function formatValueChange({ values, scores, }: Pick<AuditDiff, 'values' | 'scores'>): InlineText;
export declare function calcDuration(start: number, stop?: number): number;
export declare function countWeightedRefs(refs: CategoryRef[]): number;
export declare function countCategoryAudits(refs: CategoryRef[], plugins: ScoredReport['plugins']): number;
export declare function getSortableAuditByRef({ slug, weight, plugin }: CategoryRef, plugins: ScoredReport['plugins']): SortableAuditReport;
export declare function getSortableGroupByRef({ plugin, slug, weight }: CategoryRef, plugins: ScoredReport['plugins']): SortableGroup;
export declare function getSortedGroupAudits(group: Group, plugin: string, plugins: ScoredReport['plugins']): SortableAuditReport[];
export declare function compareCategoryAuditsAndGroups(a: SortableAuditReport | SortableGroup, b: SortableAuditReport | SortableGroup): number;
export declare function compareAudits(a: AuditReport, b: AuditReport): number;
export declare function compareIssueSeverity(severity1: CliIssueSeverity, severity2: CliIssueSeverity): number;
type LoadedReportFormat<T extends Format> = T extends 'json' ? Report : string;
export declare function loadReport<T extends Format>(options: Required<Omit<PersistConfig, 'format'>> & {
format: T;
}): Promise<LoadedReportFormat<T>>;
export declare function throwIsNotPresentError(itemName: string, presentPlace: string): never;
export declare function getPluginNameFromSlug(slug: string, plugins: ScoredReport['plugins']): string;
export declare function compareIssues(a: Issue, b: Issue): number;
export {};
export declare function applyScoreColor({ score, text }: {
score: number;
text?: string;
}, style?: Ansis): string;
export declare function targetScoreIcon(score: number, targetScore?: number, options?: {
passIcon?: string;
failIcon?: string;
prefix?: string;
postfix?: string;
}): string;
export declare const NEW_LINE = "\n";
export declare const TAB = " ";
export declare const SPACE = " ";
export declare const HIERARCHY: {
readonly level_1: 1;
readonly level_2: 2;
readonly level_3: 3;
readonly level_4: 4;
readonly level_5: 5;
readonly level_6: 6;
import { details } from './html/details';
import { bold as boldHtml, code as codeHtml, italic as italicHtml } from './html/font-style';
import { link as linkHtml } from './html/link';
import { table as tableHtml } from './html/table';
import { bold as boldMd, code as codeMd, italic as italicMd, strikeThrough as strikeThroughMd } from './md/font-style';
import { h, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, headline } from './md/headline';
import { image } from './md/image';
import { link as linkMd } from './md/link';
import { indentation, li } from './md/list';
import { paragraphs } from './md/paragraphs';
import { lines, section } from './md/section';
import { table as tableMd } from './md/table';
export { NEW_LINE, SPACE, TAB } from './constants';
export { Hierarchy } from './types';
export declare const md: {
bold: typeof boldMd;
italic: typeof italicMd;
strikeThrough: typeof strikeThroughMd;
code: typeof codeMd;
link: typeof linkMd;
image: typeof image;
headline: typeof headline;
h: typeof h;
h1: typeof h1;
h2: typeof h2;
h3: typeof h3;
h4: typeof h4;
h5: typeof h5;
h6: typeof h6;
indentation: typeof indentation;
lines: typeof lines;
li: typeof li;
section: typeof section;
paragraphs: typeof paragraphs;
table: typeof tableMd;
import { bold, code, italic } from './html/font-style';
import { link } from './html/link';
import { table } from './html/table';
export { NEW_LINE, SPACE, TAB, HIERARCHY } from './constants';
export declare const html: {
bold: typeof boldHtml;
italic: typeof italicHtml;
code: typeof codeHtml;
link: typeof linkHtml;
bold: typeof bold;
italic: typeof italic;
code: typeof code;
link: typeof link;
details: typeof details;
table: typeof tableHtml;
table: typeof table;

@@ -31,5 +31,4 @@ export declare function toArray<T>(val: T | T[]): T[];

export declare function capitalize<T extends string>(text: T): Capitalize<T>;
export declare function apostrophize(text: string, upperCase?: boolean): string;
export declare function toNumberPrecision(value: number, decimalPlaces: number): number;
export declare function toOrdinal(value: number): string;
export {};

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