gUtils is a javascript library that contains functions to make your life simpler
Just simply run in console
yarn add @codegateinc/g-utils
or npm install @codegateinc/g-utils
import { G } from 'gUtils'
G.is(String, 'test') -> this returns true
compose | (Array<Function>) | calls functions in reversed order |
cond | <T = any, S = any>(array: Array<CondItem<T, S>>) | replaces switch with array of conditions |
isDefined | (subject: any) | check if given value is defined and not nullable |
ifDefined | <T = any>(subject: any, then: (subject: T) => void) | calls the function if predicate is defined |
call | (fn: Function) | calls given fn function |
T | none | returns empty function |
always | <T>(subject: any) | always returns given value |
hasKeys | (subject: any) | checks if object has any keys |
toPairs | <T extends {}>(subject: {[key: string]: any}) | extracts object to array of key value tuple |
fromPairs | <T extends {}>(subject: Array<[string, any]>) | returns object made from Array of key value tuple |
clearObject | (subject: {[key: string]: any}) | clears object from nullable or undefined values |
values | <T extends {}>(subject: {[key: string]: any}) | returns object's values as Array |
is | (type: any, subject: any) | validates if give value has provided type |
all | (Array<boolean>) | check if all passed arguments are truthy |
hasElements | (subject: any): boolean | check if given value is array and has got any elements |
compareFunctions | (a: Function, b: Function): boolean | check if given functions are the same |
isEmpty | (subject: any): boolean | check if given value is empty |
splitEvery | <T = [] | string>(limit: number, collection: T): Array<T> | splits an array or string in given limit |