NestJS Elasticsearch Module
Welcome to Nestjs Elasticsearch module based on @nestjs/elasticsearch package.
The current version (2.x) is fully compatible with Elasticsearch 8. For projects using Elasticsearch 7, use the previous version (1.x).
This package originates from our experience with using Elasticsearch in production environments, which leaded to maintenance issues when extensively used aggregations, searches and filters (especially aggregations).
The main issues we encountered and which our package fixes are:
- Current Elasticsearch NestJS Module does not provide autocompletion for queries.
- Elasticsearch response forgets about types of aggregations.
- Since Elasticsearch indexes can be schema-less we got no proper feedback about what fields we should expect on the index.
- Writing utility methods for all filters and aggregations queries caused a lot of boilerplate code in each project.
:rocket: Quick Setup - Get up and running in minutes using our easy-to-understand API.
:nerd_face: :computer: Developer Experience - Designed with developers in mind, package prioritizes ease of use and efficiency throughout the development process.
:white_check_mark: Full TypeScript Support - Enjoy the benefits of code autocompletion and types for both request and response objects. Unlike the original Elasticsearch library, this package provides full type definitions in order to provide better development experience and minimize runtime errors.
:hammer_and_wrench: Utility Methods - Say goodbye to repetitive boilerplate code. The package offers set of utility methods for most common Elasticsearch filtering, sorting, pagination and aggregations use cases.
:bookmark_tabs: Schema definitions - Schema definitions are integrated into the package, with each schema mapping to an Elasticsearch index to provide a clear data model. These definitions are used to register indexes in the module scope and inject them into a service, similar to the approach in the TypeORM NestJS module, ensuring that only fields available for a given index are used when building request objects.
You can install package using yarn or npm:
$ yarn add @codemask-labs/nestjs-elasticsearch
$ npm i @codemask-labs/nestjs-elasticsearch
Getting started
Once the package is installed, you can start with importing the ElasticsearchModule
into the AppModule
import { ElasticsearchModule } from '@codemask-labs/nestjs-elasticsearch'
imports: [
node: 'http://localhost:9200'
class AppModule {}
The register()
method supports all the configuration properties available in ClientOptions
from the @elastic/elasticsearch package.
Registering the index
You can define index schema with @RegisterIndex()
import { RegisterIndex } from '@codemask-labs/nestjs-elasticsearch'
export class ExampleDocument {
readonly id: string
readonly exampleField: string
readonly exampleNumericField: number
Add index to a module
The ElasticsearchModule
provides the forFeature()
method to configure the module and define which indexes should be registered in the current scope.
import { ElasticsearchModule } from '@codemask-labs/nestjs-elasticsearch'
import { ExampleDocument } from './example.document'
imports: [ElasticsearchModule.forFeature([ExampleDocument])],
providers: [ExampleService]
export class ExampleModule {}
Inject index in a service
With module configuration in place, we can inject the ExampleDocument
into the ExampleService
using the @InjectIndex()
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'
import { Index } from '@codemask-labs/nestjs-elasticsearch'
import { ExampleDocument } from './example.document'
export class ExampleService {
private readonly exampleIndex: Index<ExampleDocument>
getExampleDocuments() {
Now you can start creating request to Elasticsearch.
Once you finish the Getting Started guide, you can start building Elasticsearch request objects.
You can put request object directly in the search()
import { getBoolQuery, getTermQuery, Order } from '@codemask-labs/nestjs-elasticsearch'
getExampleDocuments() {
size: 10,
query: getBoolQuery({
must: [
getTermQuery('exampleField.keyword', 'Some value'),
getRangeQuery('exampleNumericField', {
gte: 1,
lte: 10
sort: {
'exampleField.keyword': {
order: Order.ASC
or use getSearchRequest()
method if you want to move request creation to some other place, but still laverage full type support and autocompletion.
import { getBoolQuery, getTermQuery, getSearchRequest, Order } from '@codemask-labs/nestjs-elasticsearch'
import { ExampleDocument } from './example.document'
const searchRequestBody = getSearchRequest(ExampleDocument, {
size: 10,
query: getBoolQuery({
must: [
getTermQuery('exampleField.keyword', 'Some value'),
getRangeQuery('exampleNumericField', {
gte: 1,
lte: 10
sort: {
'exampleField.keyword': {
order: Order.ASC
As for now the package provides utils for the following filter queries:
As for now the package provides utils for the following aggregation queries: