Immutable List
A persistent/immutable/functional vector structure based on a modified RRB Tree

This package provides a Clojure-style persistent vector based on a modified RRB Tree implementation, with very fast concatenation, insertion and deletion of ranges of values, etc.
This documentation is under construction. The list of functions below is comprehensive, but descriptions and examples are pending.
# via NPM
npm install @collectable/list
# or Yarn
yarn add @collectable/list
If you intend to use other data structures as well, install the main collectable package instead. It takes a dependency on each of these data structures, and so they will become available implicitly, after installation.
# via NPM
npm install collectable
# or Yarn
yarn add collectable
TypeScript type definitions are built in.
Import and use the functions you need:
import { fromArray, arrayFrom } from '@collectable/list';
const list = fromArray(['X', 'Y']);
const array = arrayFrom(list);
Use a modern bundler such as Webpack 2 or Rollup in order to take advantage of tree shaking capabilities, giving you maximum flexibility to use what you need while excluding anything else from the final build.
All list-manipulation functions are available from module @collectable/list
Creating a list
empty<T>(): List<T>
fromArray<T>(values: T[]): List<T>
fromIterable<T>(values: Iterable<T>): List<T>
fromArgs<T>(...values: T[]): List<T>
Appending and prepending values
append<T>(value: T, list: List<T>): List<T>
Appends a new value to the end of a list, growing the size of the list by one.
- value: The value to append to the list
- list: The list to which the value should be appended
- returns: A list containing the appended value
import { fromArray, append } from '@collectable/list';
const two = fromArray(['X', 'Y']);
const three = append('Z', two);
import { fromArray, append } from '@collectable/list/curried';
const two = fromArray(['X', 'Y']);
const addZ = append('Z');
const three = addZ(two);
appendArray<T>(values: T[], list: List<T>): List<T>
Appends an array of values to the end of a list, growing the size of the list by the number of
elements in the array.
- value: The values to append to the list
- list: The list to which the values should be appended
- returns: A list containing the appended values
appendIterable<T>(values: Iterable<T>, list: List<T>): List<T>
Appends a set of values to the end of a list, growing the size of the list by the number of
elements iterated over.
- value: The values to append to the list
- list: The list to which the values should be appended
- returns: A list containing the appended values
prepend<T>(value: T, list: List<T>): List<T>
prependArray<T>(values: T[], list: List<T>): List<T>
prependIterable<T>(values: Iterable<T>, list: List<T>): List<T>
Updating existing values
set<T>(index: number, value: T, list: List<T>): List<T>
updateList<T>(callback: UpdateListCallback<List<T>>, list: List<T>): List<T>
type UpdateListCallback<T> = (value: T) => T|void
update<T>(index: number, callback: UpdateIndexCallback<T|undefined>, list: List<T>): List<T>
type UpdateIndexCallback<T> = (value: T) => T
Concatenating lists
concat<T>(left: List<T>, right: List<T>): List<T>
concatLeft<T>(right: List<T>, left: List<T>): List<T>
concatAll<T>(lists: List<T>[]): List<T>
Switching between mutability and immutability
freeze<T>(list: List<T>): List<T>
thaw<T>(list: List<T>): List<T>
isFrozen<T>(list: List<T>): boolean
isThawed<T>(list: List<T>): boolean
Inserting and deleting ranges of values
insert<T>(index: number, value: T, list: List<T>): List<T>
insertArray<T>(index: number, values: T[], list: List<T>): List<T>
insertIterable<T>(index: number, values: Iterable<T>, list: List<T>): List<T>
remove<T>(index: number, list: List<T>): List<T>
removeRange<T>(start: number, end: number, list: List<T>): List<T>
skip<T>(count: number, list: List<T>): List<T>
skipLast<T>(count: number, list: List<T>): List<T>
take<T>(count: number, list: List<T>): List<T>
takeLast<T>(count: number, list: List<T>): List<T>
slice<T>(start: number, end: number, list: List<T>): List<T>
Reading from the list
get<T>(index: number, list: List<T>): T|undefined
first<T>(list: List<T>): T|undefined
last<T>(list: List<T>): T|undefined
hasIndex<T>(index: number, list: List<T>): boolean
iterate<T>(list: List<T>): IterableIterator<T>
arrayFrom<T>(list: List<T>): T[]
join<T>(separator: any, list: List<T>): string
size<T>(list: List<T>): number
isEmpty<T>(list: List<T>): boolean
isEqual<T>(list: List<T>, other: List<T>): boolean