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@commercelayer/js-auth - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.0.1 to 6.1.0



@@ -85,3 +85,5 @@ interface TBaseOptions {

interface TPasswordOptions extends TBaseOptions {
/** The customer's email address. */
username: string;
/** The customer's password */
password: string;

@@ -104,4 +106,13 @@ }

interface TAuthorizationCodeOptions extends TBaseOptions {
* The authorization code that [you got]( from the redirect URI query string.
code: string;
* Your application's redirect URI.
redirectUri: string;
* Your application's client secret.
clientSecret: string;

@@ -118,2 +129,6 @@ }

interface TClientCredentialsOptions extends TBaseOptions {
* Your application's client secret
* (required for [confidential]( API credentials).
clientSecret?: string;

@@ -154,3 +169,10 @@ }

interface TRefreshTokenOptions extends TBaseOptions {
* A valid `refresh_token`.
refreshToken: string;
* Your application's client secret
* (required for confidential API credentials — i.e. in case of [authorization code flow](
clientSecret?: string;

@@ -160,7 +182,10 @@ }

* The grant type.
* The type of OAuth 2.0 grant being used for authentication.
type GrantType = 'password' | 'refresh_token' | 'client_credentials' | 'authorization_code' | 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer';
/** The options type for the `authenticate` helper. */
type AuthenticateOptions<TGrantType extends GrantType> = TGrantType extends 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer' ? TJwtBearerOptions : TGrantType extends 'password' ? TPasswordOptions : TGrantType extends 'refresh_token' ? TRefreshTokenOptions : TGrantType extends 'client_credentials' ? TClientCredentialsOptions : TGrantType extends 'authorization_code' ? TAuthorizationCodeOptions : never;
/** The return type of the `authenticate` helper. */
type AuthenticateReturn<TGrantType extends GrantType> = TGrantType extends 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer' ? TJwtBearerReturn : TGrantType extends 'password' ? TPasswordReturn : TGrantType extends 'refresh_token' ? TPasswordReturn : TGrantType extends 'client_credentials' ? TBaseReturn : TGrantType extends 'authorization_code' ? TAuthorizationCodeReturn : never;
/** The options type for the `revoke` helper. */
type RevokeOptions = Pick<TBaseOptions, 'clientId' | 'domain'> & {

@@ -172,6 +197,41 @@ /** Your application's client secret (required for confidential API credentials and non-confidential API credentials without a customer or a user in the JWT only). */

/** The return type of the `revoke` helper. */
type RevokeReturn = Pick<TError, 'errors'>;
declare function authenticate<G extends GrantType>(grantType: G, { domain, headers, ...options }: AuthenticateOptions<G>): Promise<AuthenticateReturn<G>>;
* Authenticate helper used to get the access token.
* _Please note that the authentication endpoint is subject to a [rate limit](
* of **max 30 reqs / 1 min** both in live and test mode._
* @param grantType The type of OAuth 2.0 grant being used for authentication.
* @param options Authenticate options
* @returns
* @example
* ```ts
* import { authenticate } from '@commercelayer/js-auth'
* const auth = await authenticate('client_credentials', {
* clientId: '{{ clientId }}',
* scope: 'market:id:DGzAouppwn'
* })
* console.log(auth.accessToken)
* ```
declare function authenticate<TGrantType extends GrantType>(grantType: TGrantType, { domain, headers, ...options }: AuthenticateOptions<TGrantType>): Promise<AuthenticateReturn<TGrantType>>;
* Revoke a previously generated access token (refresh tokens included) before its natural expiration date.
* @param options Revoke options
* @returns
* @example
* ```ts
* await revoke({
* clientId: '{{ integrationClientId }}',
* clientSecret: '{{ integrationClientSecret }}',
* token: authenticateResponse.accessToken
* })
* ```
declare function revoke({ domain, ...options }: RevokeOptions): Promise<RevokeReturn>;

@@ -288,6 +348,31 @@

* Checks if the provided payload represents a `user`.
* @param payload The payload to be checked.
* @returns
declare function jwtIsUser(payload: Payload): payload is JWTUser;
* Checks if the provided payload represents a `dashboard`.
* @param payload The payload to be checked.
* @returns
declare function jwtIsDashboard(payload: Payload): payload is JWTDashboard;
* Checks if the provided payload represents an `integration`.
* @param payload The payload to be checked.
* @returns
declare function jwtIsIntegration(payload: Payload): payload is JWTIntegration;
* Checks if the provided payload represents a `sales_channel`.
* @param payload The payload to be checked.
* @returns
declare function jwtIsSalesChannel(payload: Payload): payload is JWTSalesChannel;
* Checks if the provided payload represents a `webapp`.
* @param payload The payload to be checked.
* @returns
declare function jwtIsWebApp(payload: Payload): payload is JWTWebApp;

@@ -294,0 +379,0 @@



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

function p(e){return e.replace(/[A-Z]/g,function(n){return"_"+n.toLowerCase()})}function i(e,n){return Object.keys(e).reduce((t,a)=>{let r=n(a);return t[r]=e[a],t},{})}function d(e){return e.replace(/([-_][a-z])/g,n=>n.toUpperCase().replace("-","").replace("_",""))}async function u(e,{domain:n="",headers:t,...a}){let r=i({grant_type:e,...a},p),s=await(await fetch(`https://auth.${n}/oauth/token`,{method:"POST",headers:{"Content-Type":"application/json",Accept:"application/json",...t},body:JSON.stringify(r)})).json();return s.expires=new Date(*1e3),i(s,d)}async function g({domain:e="",...n}){let t=i(n,p);return await(await fetch(`https://auth.${e}/oauth/revoke`,{method:"POST",headers:{"Content-Type":"application/json",Accept:"application/json"},body:JSON.stringify(t)})).json()}function c(e){return typeof window<"u"?window.btoa(e).replaceAll("=","").replaceAll("+","-").replaceAll("/","_"):Buffer.from(e,"binary").toString("base64url")}function l(e){return typeof window<"u"?window.atob(e.replaceAll("-","+").replaceAll("_","/")):Buffer.from(e,"base64url").toString("binary")}function m(e){let[n,t]=e.split(".");return{header:JSON.parse(n!=null?l(n):"null"),payload:JSON.parse(t!=null?l(t):"null")}}function y(e){return e.application.kind==="user"}function f(e){return e.application.kind==="dashboard"}function C(e){return e.application.kind==="integration"}function T(e){return e.application.kind==="sales_channel"}function w(e){return e.application.kind==="webapp"}async function k({payload:e}){return await h(e,"cl")}async function h(e,n){let a=c(JSON.stringify({alg:"HS512",typ:"JWT"})),r=c(JSON.stringify({...e,iat:Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1e3)})),o=`${a}.${r}`,s=await S(o,n);return`${o}.${s}`}async function S(e,n){let t=new TextEncoder,a={name:"HMAC",hash:"SHA-512"},r=await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw",t.encode(n),a,!1,["sign","verify"]),o=await crypto.subtle.sign(,r,t.encode(e));return c(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(o)))}export{u as authenticate,k as createAssertion,m as jwtDecode,f as jwtIsDashboard,C as jwtIsIntegration,T as jwtIsSalesChannel,y as jwtIsUser,w as jwtIsWebApp,g as revoke};
function p(e){return e.replace(/[A-Z]/g,function(n){return"_"+n.toLowerCase()})}function i(e,n){return Object.keys(e).reduce((t,a)=>{let r=n(a);return t[r]=e[a],t},{})}function d(e){return e.replace(/([-_][a-z])/g,n=>n.toUpperCase().replace("-","").replace("_",""))}async function u(e,{domain:n="",headers:t,...a}){let r=i({grant_type:e,...a},p),s=await(await fetch(`https://auth.${n}/oauth/token`,{method:"POST",headers:{"Content-Type":"application/json",Accept:"application/json",...t},body:JSON.stringify(r)})).json();return s.expires=new Date(*1e3),i(s,d)}async function y({domain:e="",...n}){let t=i(n,p);return await(await fetch(`https://auth.${e}/oauth/revoke`,{method:"POST",headers:{"Content-Type":"application/json",Accept:"application/json"},body:JSON.stringify(t)})).json()}function c(e){return typeof window<"u"?window.btoa(e).replaceAll("=","").replaceAll("+","-").replaceAll("/","_"):Buffer.from(e,"binary").toString("base64url")}function l(e){return typeof window<"u"?window.atob(e.replaceAll("-","+").replaceAll("_","/")):Buffer.from(e,"base64url").toString("binary")}function g(e){let[n,t]=e.split(".");return{header:JSON.parse(n!=null?l(n):"null"),payload:JSON.parse(t!=null?l(t):"null")}}function m(e){return e.application.kind==="user"}function f(e){return e.application.kind==="dashboard"}function T(e){return e.application.kind==="integration"}function C(e){return e.application.kind==="sales_channel"}function w(e){return e.application.kind==="webapp"}async function k({payload:e}){return await h(e,"cl")}async function h(e,n){let a=c(JSON.stringify({alg:"HS512",typ:"JWT"})),r=c(JSON.stringify({...e,iat:Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1e3)})),o=`${a}.${r}`,s=await S(o,n);return`${o}.${s}`}async function S(e,n){let t=new TextEncoder,a={name:"HMAC",hash:"SHA-512"},r=await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw",t.encode(n),a,!1,["sign","verify"]),o=await crypto.subtle.sign(,r,t.encode(e));return c(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(o)))}export{u as authenticate,k as createAssertion,g as jwtDecode,f as jwtIsDashboard,T as jwtIsIntegration,C as jwtIsSalesChannel,m as jwtIsUser,w as jwtIsWebApp,y as revoke};
"name": "@commercelayer/js-auth",
"version": "6.0.1",
"description": "Commerce Layer Javascript Auth",
"version": "6.1.0",
"description": "A JavaScript library designed to simplify authentication when interacting with the Commerce Layer API.",
"repository": {

@@ -56,4 +56,5 @@ "url": ""

"test:watch": "vitest --silent",
"build": "tsup"
"build": "tsup",
"jsr:publish": "pnpm dlx jsr publish"
# Commerce Layer JS Auth
A JavaScript Library wrapper that helps you use the Commerce Layer API for [Authentication](
A JavaScript library designed to simplify [authentication]( when interacting with the Commerce Layer API.

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ ## What is Commerce Layer?

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