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@commitlint/load - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.1.3 to 7.0.0



@@ -49,34 +49,49 @@ 'use strict';

var w = function w(a, b) {
return Array.isArray(b) ? b : undefined;
var valid = function valid(input) {
return (0, _lodash8.default)(input, 'extends', 'rules', 'parserPreset');
const w = (a, b) => Array.isArray(b) ? b : undefined;
const valid = input => (0, _lodash8.default)(input, 'extends', 'rules', 'parserPreset');
exports.default = function () {
var $args = arguments;return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var seed, options, loaded, base, config, opts, resolvedParserPreset, extended, preset, executed;
seed = $args.length > 0 && $args[0] !== undefined ? $args[0] : {};
options = $args.length > 1 && $args[1] !== undefined ? $args[1] : { cwd: process.cwd() };
return Promise.resolve(loadConfig(options.cwd, options.file)).then(function ($await_3) {
try {
loaded = $await_3;
base = loaded.filepath ? _path2.default.dirname(loaded.filepath) : options.cwd;
exports.default = (seed = {}, options = { cwd: process.cwd() }) => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var loaded, base, config, opts, resolvedParserPreset, extended, preset, executed;
return Promise.resolve(loadConfig(options.cwd, options.file)).then(function ($await_3) {
try {
loaded = $await_3;
base = loaded.filepath ? _path2.default.dirname(loaded.filepath) : options.cwd;
config = valid((0, _lodash4.default)(loaded.config, seed));
opts = (0, _lodash4.default)({ extends: [], rules: {} }, (0, _lodash8.default)(config, 'extends'));
config = valid((0, _lodash4.default)(loaded.config, seed));
opts = (0, _lodash4.default)({ extends: [], rules: {} }, (0, _lodash8.default)(config, 'extends'));
// Resolve parserPreset key
if (typeof config.parserPreset === 'string') {
resolvedParserPreset = (0, _resolveFrom2.default)(base, config.parserPreset);
// Resolve parserPreset key
if (typeof config.parserPreset === 'string') {
resolvedParserPreset = (0, _resolveFrom2.default)(base, config.parserPreset);
return Promise.resolve(require(resolvedParserPreset)).then(function ($await_4) {
try {
return Promise.resolve(require(resolvedParserPreset)).then(function ($await_4) {
config.parserPreset = {
name: config.parserPreset,
path: resolvedParserPreset,
parserOpts: $await_4.parserOpts
return $;
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
// Resolve extends key
function $If_1() {
extended = (0, _resolveExtends2.default)(opts, {
prefix: 'commitlint-config',
cwd: base,
parserPreset: config.parserPreset
preset = valid((0, _lodash6.default)(extended, config, w));
// Await parser-preset if applicable
if (typeof preset.parserPreset === 'object' && typeof preset.parserPreset.parserOpts === 'object' && typeof preset.parserPreset.parserOpts.then === 'function') {
return Promise.resolve(preset.parserPreset.parserOpts).then(function ($await_5) {
try {
config.parserPreset = {
name: config.parserPreset,
path: resolvedParserPreset,
parserOpts: $await_4.parserOpts
return $;
preset.parserPreset.parserOpts = $await_5.parserOpts;
return $;
} catch ($boundEx) {

@@ -88,65 +103,23 @@ return $error($boundEx);

// Resolve extends key
// Execute rule config functions if needed
function $If_1() {
extended = (0, _resolveExtends2.default)(opts, {
prefix: 'commitlint-config',
cwd: base,
parserPreset: config.parserPreset
function $If_2() {
return Promise.resolve(Promise.all(['rules'].map(key => [key, preset[key]]).map(item => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var _item, key, value, executedValue;
preset = valid((0, _lodash6.default)(extended, config, w));
// Await parser-preset if applicable
if (typeof preset.parserPreset === 'object' && typeof preset.parserPreset.parserOpts === 'object' && typeof preset.parserPreset.parserOpts.then === 'function') {
return Promise.resolve(preset.parserPreset.parserOpts).then(function ($await_5) {
_item = (0, _slicedToArray3.default)(item, 2);
key = _item[0], value = _item[1];
return Promise.resolve(Promise.all((0, _lodash2.default)(value || {}).map(entry => (0, _executeRule2.default)(entry)))).then(function ($await_6) {
try {
preset.parserPreset.parserOpts = $await_5.parserOpts;
return $;
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
executedValue = $await_6;
// Execute rule config functions if needed
return $return([key, executedValue.reduce((registry, item) => {
var _item2 = (0, _slicedToArray3.default)(item, 2);
function $If_2() {
return Promise.resolve(Promise.all(['rules'].map(function (key) {
return [key, preset[key]];
}).map(function (item) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var _item, key, value, executedValue;
const key = _item2[0],
value = _item2[1];
_item = (0, _slicedToArray3.default)(item, 2), key = _item[0], value = _item[1];
return Promise.resolve(Promise.all((0, _lodash2.default)(value || {}).map(function (entry) {
return (0, _executeRule2.default)(entry);
}))).then(function ($await_6) {
try {
executedValue = $await_6;
return $return([key, executedValue.reduce(function (registry, item) {
var _item2 = (0, _slicedToArray3.default)(item, 2),
key = _item2[0],
value = _item2[1];
registry[key] = value;
return registry;
}, {})]);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
}))).then(function ($await_7) {
try {
executed = $await_7;
// Merge executed config keys into preset
return $return(executed.reduce(function (registry, item) {
var _item3 = (0, _slicedToArray3.default)(item, 2),
key = _item3[0],
value = _item3[1];
registry[key] = value;
return registry;
}, preset));
}, {})]);
} catch ($boundEx) {

@@ -156,19 +129,36 @@ return $error($boundEx);

}.bind(this), $error);
}.bind(this))))).then(function ($await_7) {
try {
executed = $await_7;
return $;
// Merge executed config keys into preset
return $return(executed.reduce((registry, item) => {
var _item3 = (0, _slicedToArray3.default)(item, 2);
const key = _item3[0],
value = _item3[1];
registry[key] = value;
return registry;
}, preset));
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
return $;
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
return $;
}.bind(this), $error);
return $;
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
function loadConfig(cwd, configPath) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var explorer, local;
explorer = (0, _cosmiconfig2.default)('commitlint', {

@@ -178,3 +168,2 @@ rcExtensions: true,

return Promise.resolve(explorer.load(cwd)).then(function ($await_8) {

@@ -184,2 +173,3 @@ try {

if (local) {

@@ -186,0 +176,0 @@ return $return(local);

@@ -15,53 +15,53 @@ 'use strict';

_ava2.default.serial('default cwd option to process.cwd()', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var $Try_1_Finally = function ($Try_1_Exit) {
return function ($Try_1_Value) {
_ava2.default.serial('default cwd option to process.cwd()', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var $Try_1_Finally = function ($Try_1_Exit) {
return function ($Try_1_Value) {
try {
return $Try_1_Exit && $, $Try_1_Value);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
var cwd, before, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.fix.bootstrap('fixtures/basic')).then(function ($await_2) {
try {
cwd = $await_2;
before = process.cwd();
var $Try_1_Post = function () {
try {
return $Try_1_Exit && $, $Try_1_Value);
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this);var $Try_1_Catch = function (err) {
try {
throw err;
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $Try_1_Finally($error)($boundEx);
}.bind(this);try {
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)()).then(function ($await_3) {
try {
actual = $await_3;
var cwd, before, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.fix.bootstrap('fixtures/basic')).then(function ($await_2) {
try {
cwd = $await_2;
before = process.cwd();
var $Try_1_Post = function () {
try {
return $return();
return $Try_1_Finally($Try_1_Post)();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
return $Try_1_Catch($boundEx);
}.bind(this);var $Try_1_Catch = function (err) {
try {
throw err;
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $Try_1_Finally($error)($boundEx);
}.bind(this);try {
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)()).then(function ($await_3) {
try {
actual = $await_3;
return $Try_1_Finally($Try_1_Post)();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $Try_1_Catch($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $Try_1_Catch);
} catch (err) {
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $Try_1_Catch);
} catch (err) {
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);

@@ -19,521 +19,499 @@ 'use strict';

(0, _ava2.default)('extends-empty should have no rules', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/extends-empty')).then(function ($await_1) {
try {
cwd = $await_1;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_2) {
try {
actual = $await_2;
t.deepEqual(actual.rules, {});
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('extends-empty should have no rules', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/extends-empty')).then(function ($await_1) {
try {
cwd = $await_1;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_2) {
try {
actual = $await_2;
(0, _ava2.default)('uses seed as configured', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/extends-empty')).then(function ($await_3) {
try {
cwd = $await_3;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({ rules: { foo: 'bar' } }, { cwd })).then(function ($await_4) {
try {
actual = $await_4;, 'bar');
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
t.deepEqual(actual.rules, {});
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('rules should be loaded from specify config file', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var file, cwd, actual;
(0, _ava2.default)('uses seed as configured', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/extends-empty')).then(function ($await_3) {
try {
cwd = $await_3;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({ rules: { foo: 'bar' } }, { cwd })).then(function ($await_4) {
try {
actual = $await_4;
file = 'config/commitlint.config.js';
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/specify-config-file')).then(function ($await_5) {
try {
cwd = $await_5;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd, file })).then(function ($await_6) {
try {
actual = $await_6;, 'bar');
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
});, 'bar');
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('uses seed with parserPreset', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, _ref, actual;
(0, _ava2.default)('rules should be loaded from specify config file', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var file, cwd, actual;
file = 'config/commitlint.config.js';
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/specify-config-file')).then(function ($await_5) {
try {
cwd = $await_5;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd, file })).then(function ($await_6) {
try {
actual = $await_6;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/parser-preset')).then(function ($await_7) {
try {
cwd = $await_7;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({
parserPreset: './conventional-changelog-custom'
}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_8) {
try {
_ref = $await_8, actual = _ref.parserPreset;, 'bar');
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
}.bind(this)));, './conventional-changelog-custom');
t.deepEqual(actual.parserOpts, {
headerPattern: /^(\w*)(?:\((.*)\))?-(.*)$/
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('uses seed with parserPreset', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, _ref, actual;
(0, _ava2.default)('invalid extend should throw', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/extends-invalid')).then(function ($await_9) {
try {
cwd = $await_9;
return Promise.resolve(t.throws((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd }))).then(function ($await_10) {
try {
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/parser-preset')).then(function ($await_7) {
try {
cwd = $await_7;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({
parserPreset: './conventional-changelog-custom'
}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_8) {
try {
_ref = $await_8;
actual = _ref.parserPreset;
(0, _ava2.default)('empty file should have no rules', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/empty-object-file')).then(function ($await_11) {
try {
cwd = $await_11;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_12) {
try {
actual = $await_12;
t.deepEqual(actual.rules, {});
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
});, './conventional-changelog-custom');
t.deepEqual(actual.parserOpts, {
headerPattern: /^(\w*)(?:\((.*)\))?-(.*)$/
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('empty file should extend nothing', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/empty-file')).then(function ($await_13) {
try {
cwd = $await_13;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_14) {
try {
actual = $await_14;
t.deepEqual(actual.extends, []);
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('invalid extend should throw', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/extends-invalid')).then(function ($await_9) {
try {
cwd = $await_9;
return Promise.resolve(t.throws((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd }))).then(function ($await_10) {
try {
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('respects cwd option', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends/first-extended')).then(function ($await_15) {
try {
cwd = $await_15;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_16) {
try {
actual = $await_16;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./second-extended'],
rules: {
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('empty file should have no rules', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/empty-object-file')).then(function ($await_11) {
try {
cwd = $await_11;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_12) {
try {
actual = $await_12;
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends')).then(function ($await_17) {
try {
cwd = $await_17;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_18) {
try {
actual = $await_18;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./first-extended'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
t.deepEqual(actual.rules, {});
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends with json file', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends-json')).then(function ($await_19) {
try {
cwd = $await_19;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_20) {
try {
actual = $await_20;
(0, _ava2.default)('empty file should extend nothing', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/empty-file')).then(function ($await_13) {
try {
cwd = $await_13;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_14) {
try {
actual = $await_14;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./first-extended'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
t.deepEqual(actual.extends, []);
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends with yaml file', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends-yaml')).then(function ($await_21) {
try {
cwd = $await_21;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_22) {
try {
actual = $await_22;
(0, _ava2.default)('respects cwd option', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends/first-extended')).then(function ($await_15) {
try {
cwd = $await_15;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_16) {
try {
actual = $await_16;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./first-extended'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./second-extended'],
rules: {
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends with js file', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends-js')).then(function ($await_23) {
try {
cwd = $await_23;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_24) {
try {
actual = $await_24;
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends')).then(function ($await_17) {
try {
cwd = $await_17;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_18) {
try {
actual = $await_18;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./first-extended'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./first-extended'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends with package.json file', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends-package')).then(function ($await_25) {
try {
cwd = $await_25;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_26) {
try {
actual = $await_26;
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends with json file', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends-json')).then(function ($await_19) {
try {
cwd = $await_19;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_20) {
try {
actual = $await_20;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./first-extended'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('parser preset overwrites completely instead of merging', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/parser-preset-override')).then(function ($await_27) {
try {
cwd = $await_27;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_28) {
try {
actual = $await_28;, './custom');
t.deepEqual(actual.parserPreset.parserOpts, {
headerPattern: /.*/
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./first-extended'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends with parserPreset', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-parser-preset')).then(function ($await_29) {
try {
cwd = $await_29;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_30) {
try {
actual = $await_30;, './conventional-changelog-custom'); actual.parserPreset.parserOpts, 'object');
t.deepEqual(actual.parserPreset.parserOpts.headerPattern, /^(\w*)(?:\((.*)\))?-(.*)$/);
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends with yaml file', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends-yaml')).then(function ($await_21) {
try {
cwd = $await_21;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_22) {
try {
actual = $await_22;
(0, _ava2.default)('ignores unknow keys', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/trash-file')).then(function ($await_31) {
try {
cwd = $await_31;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_32) {
try {
actual = $await_32;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: [],
rules: {
foo: 'bar',
baz: 'bar'
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./first-extended'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('ignores unknow keys recursively', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/trash-extend')).then(function ($await_33) {
try {
cwd = $await_33;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_34) {
try {
actual = $await_34;
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends with js file', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends-js')).then(function ($await_23) {
try {
cwd = $await_23;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_24) {
try {
actual = $await_24;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./one'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('find up from given cwd', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var outer, cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.fix.bootstrap('fixtures/outer-scope')).then(function ($await_35) {
try {
outer = $await_35;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.init(_path2.default.join(outer, 'inner-scope'))).then(function ($await_36) {
try {
cwd = _path2.default.join(outer, 'inner-scope', 'child-scope');
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./first-extended'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_37) {
try {
actual = $await_37;
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends with package.json file', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-extends-package')).then(function ($await_25) {
try {
cwd = $await_25;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_26) {
try {
actual = $await_26;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: [],
rules: {
child: true,
inner: false,
outer: false
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('find up config from outside current git repo', function (t) {
return new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var outer, cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.fix.bootstrap('fixtures/outer-scope')).then(function ($await_38) {
try {
outer = $await_38;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.init(_path2.default.join(outer, 'inner-scope'))).then(function ($await_39) {
try {
cwd = $await_39;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_40) {
try {
actual = $await_40;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./first-extended'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1,
two: 2
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: [],
rules: {
child: false,
inner: false,
outer: true
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('parser preset overwrites completely instead of merging', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/parser-preset-override')).then(function ($await_27) {
try {
cwd = $await_27;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_28) {
try {
actual = $await_28;, './custom');
t.deepEqual(actual.parserPreset.parserOpts, {
headerPattern: /.*/
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('recursive extends with parserPreset', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/recursive-parser-preset')).then(function ($await_29) {
try {
cwd = $await_29;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_30) {
try {
actual = $await_30;, './conventional-changelog-custom'); actual.parserPreset.parserOpts, 'object');
t.deepEqual(actual.parserPreset.parserOpts.headerPattern, /^(\w*)(?:\((.*)\))?-(.*)$/);
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('ignores unknow keys', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/trash-file')).then(function ($await_31) {
try {
cwd = $await_31;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_32) {
try {
actual = $await_32;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: [],
rules: {
foo: 'bar',
baz: 'bar'
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('ignores unknow keys recursively', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.bootstrap('fixtures/trash-extend')).then(function ($await_33) {
try {
cwd = $await_33;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_34) {
try {
actual = $await_34;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: ['./one'],
rules: {
zero: 0,
one: 1
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('find up from given cwd', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var outer, cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.fix.bootstrap('fixtures/outer-scope')).then(function ($await_35) {
try {
outer = $await_35;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.init(_path2.default.join(outer, 'inner-scope'))).then(function ($await_36) {
try {
cwd = _path2.default.join(outer, 'inner-scope', 'child-scope');
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_37) {
try {
actual = $await_37;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: [],
rules: {
child: true,
inner: false,
outer: false
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
(0, _ava2.default)('find up config from outside current git repo', t => new Promise(function ($return, $error) {
var outer, cwd, actual;
return Promise.resolve(_test.fix.bootstrap('fixtures/outer-scope')).then(function ($await_38) {
try {
outer = $await_38;
return Promise.resolve(_test.git.init(_path2.default.join(outer, 'inner-scope'))).then(function ($await_39) {
try {
cwd = $await_39;
return Promise.resolve((0, _2.default)({}, { cwd })).then(function ($await_40) {
try {
actual = $await_40;
t.deepEqual(actual, {
extends: [],
rules: {
child: false,
inner: false,
outer: true
return $return();
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
} catch ($boundEx) {
return $error($boundEx);
}.bind(this), $error);
"name": "@commitlint/load",
"version": "6.1.3",
"version": "7.0.0",
"description": "Load shared commitlint configuration",

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

"devDependencies": {
"@commitlint/test": "^6.1.3",
"@commitlint/utils": "^6.1.3",
"@commitlint/test": "^7.0.0",
"@commitlint/utils": "^7.0.0",
"ava": "0.22.0",
"babel-cli": "6.26.0",
"babel-preset-commitlint": "^6.1.3",
"babel-preset-commitlint": "^7.0.0",
"babel-register": "6.26.0",

@@ -77,4 +77,4 @@ "concurrently": "3.5.1",

"dependencies": {
"@commitlint/execute-rule": "^6.1.3",
"@commitlint/resolve-extends": "^6.1.3",
"@commitlint/execute-rule": "^7.0.0",
"@commitlint/resolve-extends": "^7.0.0",
"babel-runtime": "^6.23.0",

@@ -81,0 +81,0 @@ "cosmiconfig": "^4.0.0",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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